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Army.ca member Jim Seggie among group awarded Medals of Bravery

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The following story produced by CTV Winnipeg is reproduced under the Fair Dealings provisions of the Copyright Act. Well done to all.

Nine people to receive medals of bravery for rescue efforts in fiery Headingley crash

The crash in Headingley claimed the lives of three people in October 2007.
Updated: Fri Sep. 24 2010 12:13:09


Medals of bravery are being given to nine people for their rescue efforts after a fiery vehicle crash in Headingley in October 2007.

Rescuers freed a young girl and worked to save others. Three people perished from the crash.

A vehicle rear-ended a taxi and then hit an oncoming car on the Trans-Canada Highway in the incident.

Five people nearby stopped and tried to pull a couple from the second vehicle hit in the crash, but flames and smoke made it too difficult.

One rescuer managed to break through the rear window of the car and was able to free a young girl.

Four other people ripped out parts of the dashboard of another vehicle and managed to pull out the driver, who had been trapped by debris. The vehicle swiftly burst into flames, said officials.

Three Canadian Forces members and an RCMP officer are among the nine being honoured with the medals of bravery.

The nine people include:

Joseph Henry Roland Bouliane, Winnipeg,

Major William Robertson Green, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan

Blair William Allan Hockin, M.B., Portage La Prairie

RCMP Const. Alfred Douglas Lavallee, Winnipeg

Sergeant Joseph Kenneth Penman, Winnipeg

Master Warrant Officer Hamish Seggie, Winnipeg

Warrant Officer Shaun Spence, Ottawa, Ontario

Abebe Yohannes, Brandon

Herman Zarbel, Winnipeg

All nine people will receive their medals from the Governor General at a later date.

Thanks. One correction;

WO Shaun "Crawdaddy" Spence is from Winnipeg. At least he was last time I checked.... ;D
Congratulations to Jim, and all involved!
Thank-you for posting that.
Well done, Jim. It's good that your heroism, and that of your colleagues, is finally and formally recognized.
Congrats Jim, and to the rest of the brave individuals listed!
Bravo Zulu, Jim and all the other most deserving recipients!
I saw that announcement yesterday. Congratulations Jim, and all the rest. Well done and deserved.
Very well deserved (and long overdue) recognition to all concerned. I may have too much imagination for my own good, but it must have seemed like a scene from the gates of Hades with the vehicles burning and exploding and the confusion and the casualties.
Well done to all.  And a special "BZ" to Jim "Hamish" Seggie.  Or is that Hamish "Jim" Seggie?  It matters not!  MWO Seggie, MB, CD.  It has a very nice ring to it!

Congrats to all, and a extra dollop of congrats to Jim!  :salute:

Edited to add citation from G-G's news release:
Joseph Henry Roland Bouliane, M.B., Winnipeg, Manitoba
Major William Robertson Green, M.B., C.D., Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
Blair William Allan Hockin, M.B., Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
RCMP Constable Alfred Douglas Lavallee, M.B., Winnipeg, Manitoba
Sergeant Joseph Kenneth Penman, M.B., Winnipeg, Manitoba
Master Warrant Officer Hamish Seggie, M.B., C.D., Winnipeg, Manitoba
Warrant Officer Shaun Spence, M.B., C.D., Ottawa, Ontario
Abebe Yohannes, M.B., Brandon, Manitoba
Herman Zarbel, M.B., Winnipeg, Manitoba
Medal of Bravery

On October 12, 2007, Major William Green, Warrant Officer Shaun Spence, Sergeant Joseph Penman, Roland Bouliane and Abebe Yohannes rescued two people who were trapped inside burning vehicles, in Headingly, Manitoba. The men tried frantically to put out the fire inside one vehicle, but the flames spread quickly and the dark smoke made it difficult to see inside. Major Green broke the rear window, pulled a little girl from the back seat and brought her to safety. Constable Alfred Lavallee and the other rescuers again tried desperately to reach the two other victims inside, but were driven back by the heat and flames. Meanwhile, Blair Hockin, Herman Zarbel and Master Warrant Officer Hamish Seggie ripped out parts of the dash on the second vehicle to pull out the driver who was trapped beneath the debris. They removed the victim, moments before the vehicle became engulfed.