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Armour PD1 training questions [Merged]

Which course will you be staff for? The DP1 or SQ. If DP1, is it both courses, or just one of them?

Just don't make fools of yourselves here in Pet........... The eyes of the RCD will be on you.  You'll be living in the C Wing of Bldg. F-16, the Barrack block for the RCD.  Hope you enjoy your course and welcome to the RCAC.

Posted in the Armoured Soldier Questions topic, courtesy of X-mo-1979 ...
(Current as of 2007 01 06.)

Armoured NCM

This is written to ease the mass confusion that is either started from past graduates and over excited candidates telling amazing stories about their DP1 to friends.

Where Will I Do My Training?

Your course will be based out of the building J-7.Which is a large officer building type building.The Building is where you will take your classes in large lecture halls,which will look a lot similar to your average highschool classroom.It is also equipped with vehicle bay's which have small classrooms attached as well.

Field deployments (two during your course) will be in the training area.Bivouac sites change frequently.

Other classes will be taught outside where practical/necessary.

When Will I Get On My DP1?
You will be placed in Holding Troop at J-7 unless course loaded immediately.
You will begin your course as soon as there is a position for you.Courses usually overlap therefore there are always two courses in house with a course load of up to 55 candidates on day 1.
Time on holding platoon will depend on course availability and your personal health.

What Is Holding Platoon?

Holding platoon is a armoured term for PAT Platoon.Usually ran by a Wo Sgt Mcpl and Cpl.Where you live while on Holding Platoon depends on availability of barracks at that time.You will do jobs that a unqualified armoured recce crewman is qualified to do.Which will depend on the snow clearing/cleaning/parade set up and other tasks that will be quite trite by the end of your stay.You will parade every morning and and usually in the afternoon as well.Inspections are lacking,however staff will check for general tidiness when you are at work.If problems arise bed side inspections happen.However in the evenings you are usually free to do as you please.You may be tasked to be enemy force,general duty guy,for courses running at that time.PT will be done most mornings.

OK So I'm Off Holding Platoon Now What?

Most likely you  really messed up and are onward to a amazing career as a McDonald's employee living in mom's basement listening to your Mr.Big cassette and crying yourself to sleep.J/K
Now if your like the majority you are going to be doing indoc into your course.Usually the first day to two days is Indoc.

So What is Indoc?

A kick in your behind basically.You have become lazy since your arrival from basic.Being able to go to do as you please at night has brought back some civilian characteristics (attitude etc).This is where you open your eyes and realise Oh god I'm back on course.You also Get introduced to the course staff and they each address the group as to what is expected,course outline,and one guy usually comes in and tells you "your goals are obtainable,and once you graduate you will be part of the family..."Then you get marched down to get all your books required as well as paper,pencils,and other PPE that is required.You will be marched into your new rooms,and fill out all the pers info sheets again.Your personal story will be required so they can put your sad sad life story in your pers file.

OK well I'm all marched in!

Good for you.Realise at this point you cannot Occupational transfer out for another 3 years.You can release at any point.You will return back to Holding troop once you release.

OK so what are morning inspections like?

After PT in the morning you will all try to fit into the shower stalls and get ready for inspection.Usually you have about 15 minutes to do this some times less.The floors are waxed.Bigger locker layout than you are use to during basic.My boy willy will be playing during the inspection on speakers in the hallway.Cued by the course senior.

OK Morning PT And Inspection Is Done What Now?

After picking up your bed inspection kit (and depending how well you did, your locker kit/your broken heart),you will grab your kit for that day and move with a sense of urgency outside to form up.The course senior will be herding you downstairs with a paniced look on his face,or the good marching NCO will be instructing you on how late you are,ensuring everybody hears what he is saying.Red chits to follow,depending.


Marching NCO will tell the timing to Course senior.Depending on how you did forming up will determine your speed at which food will slide into the stomach.

OK I'm all filled up on Bacon and eggs,where now?

Marched to classes usually in J-7.

What Will I Learn On My DP1?

-History of the three regular force units.
-Comm's TCCCS taught by Sig's.
-AFV Level 1 and 2 (many many failures)
-section attacks,recce patrols

Next you will move into the G-wagon driving portion.This portion is taught by ex-military members of the civilian company VALCOM.During the driving portion of this part whoever is not driving will be getting instructed on weapons such as the M-72,Carl Gustav,C-6, C-9, grenade launcher,grenades and claymores.Expect class's after supper.To include night driving.In most cases the morning after night driving is a late wake up,and no PT.

Next there is a small confirmation exercise that will see if you retained the information IAW recce patrols and section attacks.It is a 2 day EX.Living in hooch's or Arctic tents depending on the season.Don't expect too much sleep.
Next you move into the Coyote phase.You start with Coyote surveillance operator.Without getting into exact detail you will learn how to set up operate and stow the Coyote Surv gear.Much classroom work and a lot of hand on during this phase.Taught by DP1 Instructors.During your testing they usually finish up what weapons that have not been taught.Testing on the surv equipment takes around 30min-1h depending on the student.

Now Coyote driver.Learn to drive the coyote over obstacles,through obstacles,and become a confident competent driver.Night driving is also on this portion,as well as highway/city driving.You will also learn how to maintain the vehicle prior to driving.Tests daily.
Here you are broken down into crews and you will drive for the instructor who has taught you the maintenance.You will receive driving reports every time you stop for the day.It will list what you need to improve on.If you cannot grasp driving expect to be recoursed.
And finally the final ex Op Liri Valley.7 day

Half of the course will be sent to the dismounted side.This side is taught by PLQ and sometimes ARCC qualified Cpl's.
For the next 3 days you will be doing dismounted Op's,recce patrols and section attacks.When you are back in base camp you will man the trenches and the gate.

For the mounted guys you will be part of a vehicle crew.You and two other course members will be Dvr,Surv Op,And acting gunner with a ARCC qualified Cl,or Mcpl.You will do Route area point and zone recce driving.You will switch up driving during the day.You will learn bridge drills and other tactics while on this portion.As a Surv Op expect to be dismounting quite a bit with a radio on you back.As the gunner your not assessed in this position.It is a good place to ask questions and pick up on the errors of your peers.You are still being assessed everytime you stop.
You will occupy a mounted OP.Team work is critical.You will learn how a OP runs and use your previously taught skills as a surv op.

After day 3 a maintenance morning happens.

After that the group switches from mounted to dismounted.
Don't expect a break in either.

Wow That's Quite A Bit...I'm Done Now right?

Cleaning cleaning cleaning. Kit turn in etc.Inspections are still going to happen,course still goes on.
When your marching to go pee,your going with your "crew".One needs to go outside and smoke,all the crew better be out there with him.Armoured crewman cannot be individuals by nature of their trade,teamwork is taught here.

Grad parade.

Yes!This means I'm done! Where Am I going?

Some of you will go right to the regiment to be employed as recce crewman.Others will stay around for 90 days at the armoured school to support courses as drivers.Also others that require tank driver courses will obtain this.They usually then drive on the tank commander courses until posted to their units.
Your unit will be decided on what you request during INDOC on your forms (see above for INDOC) and the needs of the Armoured Corp.

OK Great!I Understand The Course!But Where Do Most People Fail?

Medical.Usually due to PT injury.This is where Physical Phatness/Fitness will play a role in your career.

So Here in a nut shell is your DP1.As I said previously it is an improved system than the one before.It is making better Troops.
I hope this is a help for some people becoming armoured.All of the above is correct however small scheduling things may change.As I said the DP1 is a work in progress.

Now no more stupid questions. ;D ;D

does anyone know the list of course dates in gagetown for the armored dp1 courses this year?
damine3144 said:
does anyone know the list of course dates in gagetown for the armored dp1 courses this year?

0802 is starting up on March 19th. I believe another course in Petawawa is starting in April sometime? And another one in Gagetown in June.
reccecrewman said:
Just don't make fools of yourselves here in Pet........... The eyes of the RCD will be on you.  You'll be living in the C Wing of Bldg. F-16, the Barrack block for the RCD.  Hope you enjoy your course and welcome to the RCAC.


im currently living in that wing at the moment now i gotta move because of this course!!! btw have fun cleaning it.
Just received my date, im going to gagetown on the 31st, to start my dp1 course. I undertsand  that infantry went from 10 weeks, to 18, since the removel of SQ, I wanted to know if this has changed the armored dp1 aswell?

info on course.

Strathcona's are not the only tankers.

of course not, but i figured i would have a much easier time getting my hands on a leopard! I  also heard they deploy 3 times a year :threat: Better chance for deployment no?
I might be out of my safe lane (maybe I should go clear one  ;D ) but the reason why LdSH (RC) gets deployed more often is that they where the only ones to retain the tanks all other units converted to RECCE (if not please enlighten this Sapper  :) )
We do deploy alot and will for awhile. We do get atts from RCD and 12 RBC for some rotos's. The reason being is that yes all tanks were shipped out west (for their final resting place) and now there is a need for them so we got new ones. I heard (through no official channels of course) that the new ones will be put out to the 3 Regiments again, when ? So until then it looks like LdSH(RC) will still be the tip of the Sword for awhile regarding the tanks!
George..rainwright...cmon you know it snows there more than it rains!!!
I love Edmonton. I was supposed to be an RCD but got sent to Calgary instead, now Edmonton. I grew up in TO and love it out west. We get more sun out here than I did in Ontario! The only thing I miss is the lakes, they are kinda like ponds out here! Any q's pm me!!
Rowshambow said:
George..rainwright...cmon you know it snows there more than it rains!!!

Yes I know.  I remember laying in an OP out in the RMA on fine June night and getting buried under 8" of snow.  It stayed on the ground for about 36 hours.
damine3144 said:
Just received my date, im going to gagetown on the 31st, to start my dp1 course. I undertsand  that infantry went from 10 weeks, to 18, since the removel of SQ, I wanted to know if this has changed the armored dp1 aswell?

Just a quick correction DP1 Infantry is 14 weeks not 18.

Well, at least it was as of november.
damine3144 said:
Just received my date, im going to gagetown on the 31st, to start my dp1 course. I undertsand  that infantry went from 10 weeks, to 18, since the removel of SQ, I wanted to know if this has changed the armored dp1 aswell?

actually armour was the first to put SQ on their dp1 course.
Sorry if this has been answered somewhere else but i don't have a whole lot of time to search. I finish BMQ April 23 and am trying to find out how long the armoured DP1 is and if there is currently a long wait to get in. Any info would be appreciated.
Personal experience. I waited 3 months on holding troop (PAT platoon to non-armour people) before I was able to start my DP1. Since then the amount of new troops has gone up about 6-fold. Right now there are courses graduating and going to regiment without Coyote quals with only their SQ, and holding gets bigger by the week. Prepare for a long wait but keep your head up and your boots shiny. Also prepare for inspections in holding troop, every morning from what I hear with a SM inspection every Friday to see if they get their weekend. To the origional topic, it will depend on how many PCF's you're getting on your course. It was a 15 week course getting 2 PCF's but may be shortened if you are getting 1 or 0.