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arm patch for reservist.


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I was just thumbing through a magazine and seen a bunch of reservist from Ontario wearing the arm patch with their regiment on it replacing the flag on their shirt.I remember seeing it in Petawawa during Stalwart Guardian a few years back and finding it weird.

What is the real purpose? (yes, I know it displays their regiments) But I have only seen it used with res units.

Is this a LFCA thing?I don't recall seeing it in beautiful sunny Gagetown yet.

What do you all think of the patches? dress regulation etc?

Thought this might provoke some interesting chatter.

You sure it wasn't cadets?

I believe our corps has patch like that that has the regimental falcon.


Actually it on the cover of esprit de corp volume 13 issue 2 picture of 33 light infantry battalion on ex stalwart guardian 2004.I have seen other reserve units wearing it since we got the "relish" gear a few years back.

It's a militia thing, they wear them on summer exercises.  LIB for Light Infantry Battalion, etc.  The different units are colour coded. One of the collectors on my site has one of each, I think.
Michael Dorosh said:
It's a militia thing, they wear them on summer exercises.  LIB for Light Infantry Battalion, etc.  The different units are colour coded. One of the collectors on my site has one of each, I think.

They were issued to us on the annual Stalwart Guardians, only to be worn for that week.
When all the LFCA units come together for Central Area Concentration (CAC), they're lumped together into common arms units, by Brigade. All Inf units in 31 CBG amalgamate to become 31 LIB, all Armoured become 31 ARR (Armoured Recce Regt). While the WR and the QYR were waiting for the Armoured guys to convert, they formed 3 ARR. Same goes for 32 and 33 CBG, with some weird permutations crossing the three. The patches are CAC Unit Identifiers, and worn only for the ex. Most of them follow their Corps colours (red over yellow for Armour). Ex Control have their own, as do the Observer/ Controller group. It's not new for us, we've been doing it for awhile, just not sure how long.
see what happens when i am away from the military.....

Any of these patches have a falcon or a 48 on them?

If so let me know, would be interested in getting one...



cheers recce guy.
sorta like tac signs..only smaller. Gotcha.
anyone gotta scan of these?May be of intrest to people on the site.

Is LFAA using it or LFWA ?

Well I learned something new,time to go sleep it off.
the 48th regulator said:
see what happens when i am away from the military.....

Any of these patches have a falcon or a 48 on them?

If so let me know, would be interested in getting one...



Sorry Tess, like it says above. No pictures or such, just Corps colours and generic numbering. It's meant to form a new body, much as we would be if the balloon went up.
rcac_011 said:
cheers recce guy.
sorta like tac signs..only smaller. Gotcha.
anyone gotta scan of these?May be of intrest to people on the site.

Well I learned something new,time to go sleep it off.

so not even a 4 and an 8 any where??


gimme the Old maple leaf any day...at leaste it went red and white when you flashed it with the blue filter on an old flashlight..that was cool..


Sh0rtbUs said:
They were issued to us on the annual Stalwart Guardians, only to be worn for that week.

If you could get it to stay on past the first 24 hours. The damn things fell off if they were so much as touched. Especially a problem when removing the tac vest, walking through the bush, etc. Last year, I lost mine on the first day.

They are worn below the Canadian flag, on a piece of velcro that was attached under the flap.

I believe the 48th Highlanders would have worn "32 LIB".
But what is the main purpose of a little patch that can be removed at the drop of a hat?

Kinda useless IMO.

As for the umpire staff wearing it....what's wrong with a hunk of white mine tape ala days of old?

Franko said:
But what is the main purpose of a little patch that can be removed at the drop of a hat?

Kinda useless IMO.

As for the umpire staff wearing it....what's wrong with a hunk of white mine tape ala days of old?


Never did tell the story when myself (cpl at the time) and a reg force RCR member (capt) minetaped
ourselves to get through checkpoints, pretending to be umpire staff.  The worst part is we came upon
a nasty scene between two units where one was ambushed, flipped Iltis and they were literally in
fist fights. 

So.. I kinda like this new tab idea.
Franko said:
But what is the main purpose of a little patch that can be removed at the drop of a hat?

Kinda useless IMO.


It's meant to be a group cohesion thing.

"You all cease to be individual reserve units from various parts of Ontario, with your own petty rivalries and concerns, and become one strong , Light Infantry Battalion"  etc.

So you see the other guys, you focus on the fact that they have the same arm patch as you, even if the epaulet is different.  Not unlike the red arm patch of the 1st Div during WWII.

Franko said:
But what is the main purpose of a little patch that can be removed at the drop of a hat?

Kinda useless IMO.

As for the umpire staff wearing it....what's wrong with a hunk of white mine tape ala days of old?


I gave the purpose in my previous post.

If the Commander LFCA wants me to wear an umpire patch instead of minetape, that's what I wear.

Edit: What dredwolf said.
I fully understand the cohesion aspect of the patches. It also makes sense to try to sort out "them from us" when you throw a bunch of soldiers together where faces are not recognized.


During actual Ops all unit identifiers would come off, this seems to be a backward step. (IMO)
I also am a little surprised that the reserve units were happy with this setup. It would immediatly identify them as "reserve soldiers".
In a "one army" concept, and from my experience, this has always tried to be avoided when the militia take to the field. They try to blend in as much as possible.
Unknown C/S said:
During actual Ops all unit identifiers would come off, this seems to be a backward step. (IMO)

That's a given. We already know how to suck eggs. ;)

Unknown C/S said:
I also am a little surprised that the reserve units were happy with this setup. It would immediatly identify them as "reserve soldiers".

When upwards to 4000 of them take over the Mattawa, your point kinda becomes irrelevent. There is very little Reg force on the ground, comparatively. It becomes the Reserve utopian world.  :D

Unknown C/S said:
In a "one army" concept, and from my experience, this has always tried to be avoided when the militia take to the field. They try to blend in as much as possible.

See above.