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Are you an officer? Get in this thread

dvh1 said:
I have a question for any officer currently in the military. Do you think the dollar amount you get paid is fair for the amount of work you do? This is a serious question, I have done lots of research on pay scales, duties and responsibilities.

Obviously im expecting a lot of people to say they don't do it for the pay but I am looking for an honest answer. How is you financial lifestyle? Are you living check to check? Are you able to save money and still live a slightly above average lifestyle?

Did life change for you when you made the pay scale jump from LT to Captain?

Thanks in advance for answers!

Speaking from a junior infantry officer perspective, mate their will be times when you are sitting at work doing diddly squat saying to yourself I can't believe they are paying me this much money to do this but their will also be times when you are absolutely working your *** off either in the field or in garrison saying to yourself, you are not paying me nearly enough to do this stuff. 

We are one of the best paid Armed Forces in the world though so we get paid more then enough if you ask me.  Plus their are some things with this job that I would happily do for free  :mg:

As for savings and money?  I am a Lt in my 3rd year at an infantry battalion, I did ROTP so paid nothing for school, I have a car which is completely paid off, I have no debt, after my expenses I put away $400 to $500 dollars in savings every month and should be getting promo'ed to Captain soon so the money is good.
RoyalDrew said:
We are one of the best paid Armed Forces in the world though so we get paid more then enough if you ask me.  Plus their are some things with this job that I would happily do for free  :mg:

I don't know if we're "paid more than enough."  We are definitely paid decently, according to our standard of living in Canada (most places.)  However, as an example, I (4th year Capt, not factoring aircrew pay) make as much as a RAAF 1st year Cpl Int Op, and my equivalent (FLT LT Air Combat Officer) would be earning close to $100,000 before aircrew and other allowances come in.  Plus, on deployment, my monthly hardship and risk allowance was equal to a week's allowance for them. 

All that being said, the CAF have some benefits that few (or no) other militaries provide.  The whole house-hunting trip process comes to mind; we actually get to check the area out instead of being given 2 weeks at the start of a posting to hopefully find something decent.

It may sound like a bit of a rant and "grass is greener"-esque, but I'm just providing some possibly relevant context.  Anyways, no one joins the military for the pay  ::)
Dimsum said:
I don't know if we're "paid more than enough."  We are definitely paid decently, according to our standard of living in Canada (most places.)  However, as an example, I (4th year Capt, not factoring aircrew pay) make as much as a RAAF 1st year Cpl Int Op, and my equivalent (FLT LT Air Combat Officer) would be earning close to $100,000 before aircrew and other allowances come in.  Plus, on deployment, my monthly hardship and risk allowance was equal to a week's allowance for them. 

All that being said, the CAF have some benefits that few (or no) other militaries provide.  The whole house-hunting trip process comes to mind; we actually get to check the area out instead of being given 2 weeks at the start of a posting to hopefully find something decent.

It may sound like a bit of a rant and "grass is greener"-esque, but I'm just providing some possibly relevant context.  Anyways, no one joins the military for the pay  ::)

Australia is another place that gets paid well; however, cost of living and taxes are very high there so not sure how it compares to us.  My brother worked in the mining industry there and he said cost of stuff there was outrageous but maybe you would be able to elaborate a little Dimsum?
RoyalDrew said:
Australia is another place that gets paid well; however, cost of living and taxes are very high there so not sure how it compares to us.  My brother worked in the mining industry there and he said cost of stuff there was outrageous but maybe you would be able to elaborate a little Dimsum?

Massive off-topic tangent follows:

The one big difference I see btwn Canadian and Aussie prices is groceries.  Keeping in mind that Australia grows almost all of its own produce, it is outrageously priced compared to Canada.  The most extreme example is bananas:  From what I remember, bananas imported into Canada hovered around 69-99c a pound.  In Queensland (the state that grows them, no less), I've never seen it under $3.99/kg.  I don't use much milk, but 1L would be about $6 or so. 

Another big difference is the cost of electronics.  Apps, songs, etc for iTunes (if I need to buy them) are regularly 2x the North American price.  Same goes with sporting equipment (ex.  Vibram Fivefingers, which I got in KAF for $55, cost at least $160.)

I thought restaurant prices were expensive too, but a lot of it is mitigated since there is no tipping in Oz and all taxes are built into the final price (a great idea, IMO.)  Gas/petrol in QLD isn't too far off from say, Vancouver prices. 

I can't comment on taxes since I pay Canadian taxes while posted in Oz, but it seems fairly similar from conversations with my co-workers.  All in all, the only thing that will really affect day-to-day life is grocery prices; the rest can be either bought online (Amazon or Wiggle) and the ADF pay easily covers the difference.
Common complaint heard from some CF officers, planning to release at their 20/25 year point:  "I will be making so much more money on the outside."

Common complaint heard from the same CF officers, once they've been out in the "real world" for a year or two: "The CFRC is taking so long in accepting my application."

Your milage may vary.
Always you can see on the website  http://forces.ca/en/page/payscales-131#officersregular-1  and make your own evaluation how much money you can get and how much money you need for your life.No idea why people make complaints .
It is not secret information.Go to website and think.