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Arafat's score - Let's not forget his true nature

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Key Events in Yasir Arafat's Terrorist Career

- Aug 4, 1929: Arafat born in Cairo. Muhammad Abdel Rahman Abdel Rauf
al-Qudwa al-Husseini is fifth child of prosperous merchant, Abdel Raouf
al-Qudwa al-Husseini.

- 1933: Arafat's mother dies. He and his infant brother are sent to live
with uncle in Jerusalem.

- Late 1950's: Arafat co-founds Fatah, the "Movement for the National
Liberation of Palestine."

- Jan. 1, 1965: Fatah fails in its first attempted attack within Israel -
the bombing of the National Water Carrier.

- July 5, 1965: A Fatah cell plants explosives at Mitzpe Massua, near Beit
Guvrin; and on the railroad tracks to Jerusalem near Kafr Battir.

- 1965-1967: Numerous Fatah bomb attacks target Israeli villages, water
pipes, railroads. Homes are destroyed and Israelis are killed.

- July 1968: Fatah joins and becomes the dominant member of the PLO, an
umbrella organization of Palestinian terrorist groups.

- Feb. 4, 1969: Arafat is appointed Chairman of the Executive Committee of
the PLO

- Feb. 21, 1970: SwissAir flight 330, bound for Tel Aviv, is bombed in
mid-flight by PFLP, a PLO member group. 47 people are killed.

- May 8, 1970: PLO terrorists attack an Israeli schoolbus with bazooka fire,
killing nine pupils and three teachers from Moshav Avivim

- Sept. 6, 1970: TWA, Pan-Am, and BOAC airplanes are hijacked by PLO

- September 1970: Jordanian forces battle the PLO terrorist organization,
driving its members out of Jordan after the group's violent activity
threatens to destabilize the kingdom. The terrorists flee to Lebanon. This
period in PLO history is called "Black September."

- May 1972: PFLP, part of the PLO, dispatches members of the Japanese Red
Army to attack Lod Airport in Tel Aviv, killing 27 people.

- Sept. 5, 1972: Munich Massacre -11 Israeli athletes are murdered at the
Munich Olympics by a group calling themselves "Black September,"said to be
an arm of Fatah, operating under Arafat's direct command.

- March 1, 1973: Palestinian terrorists take over Saudi embassy in Khartoum.
The next day, two Americans -including the United States' ambassador to
Sudan, Cleo Noel - and a Belgian were shot and killed. James J. Welsh, an
analyst for the National Security Agency from 1969 through 1974, charged
Arafat with direct complicity in these murders.

- April 11, 1974: 11 people are killed by Palestinian terrorists who attack
apartment building in Kiryat Shmona.

- May 15, 1974: PLO terrorists infiltrating from Lebanon hold children
hostage in Ma'alot school. 26 people, 21 of them children, are killed.

- June 9, 1974: Palestinian National Council adopts "Phased Plan," which
calls for the establishment of a Palestinian state on any territory
evacuated by Israel, to be used as a base of operations for destroying the
whole of Israel. The PLO reaffirms its rejection of United Nations Security
Council Resolution 242, which calls for a "just and lasting peace" and the
"right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from
threats or acts of force."

- November 1974: PLO takes responsibility for the PDFLP's Beit She'an
murders in which 4 Israelis are killed.

- Nov. 13, 1974: Arafat, wearing a gun, addresses the U.N. General Assembly.

- March 1975: Members of Fatah attack the Tel Aviv seafront and take
hostages in the Savoy hotel. Three soldiers, three civilians and seven
terrorists are killed.

- March 1978: Coastal Road Massacre -Fatah terrorists take over a bus on the
Haifa-Tel Aviv highway and kill 21 Israelis.

- 1982: Having created a terrorist mini-state in Lebanon destabilizing that
nation, PLO is expelled as a result of Israel's response to incessant PLO
missile attacks against northern Israeli communities. Arafat relocates to

- Oct. 7, 1985: Italian cruise ship Achille Lauro is hijacked by Palestinian
terrorists. Wheelchair-bound elderly man, Leon Klinghoffer, was shot and
thrown overboard. Intelligence reports note that instructions originated
from Arafat's headquarters in Tunis.

- Dec. 12, 1988: Arafat claims to accept Israel's right to exist.

- September 1993: Arafat shakes hands with Israeli Prime Minister Rabin,
inaugurating the Oslo Accords. Arafat pledges to stop incitement and terror,
and to foster co-existence with Israel, but fails to comply. Throughout the
years of negotiations, aside from passing, token efforts, Arafat does
nothing to stop Hamas, PFLP, and Islamic Jihad from carrying out thousands
of terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians. With Arafat's encouragement
and financial support, groups directly under Arafat's command, such as the
Tanzim and Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, also carry out terror attacks.

- Oct. 21, 1996: Speaking at a rally near Bethlehem, Arafat said "We know
only one word - jihad. jihad, jihad, jihad. Whoever does not like it can
drink from the Dead Sea or from the Sea of Gaza." (Yediot Ahronot, October
23, 1996)

- April 16, 1998: In a statement published in the official Palestinian
Authority newspaper Al-Hayat Al-Jadeeda, Arafat is quoted: "O my dear ones
on the occupied lands, relatives and friends throughout Palestine and the
diaspora, my colleagues in struggle and in arms, my colleagues in struggle
and in jihad...Intensify the revolution and the blessed intifada...We must
burn the ground under the feet of the invaders."

- July 2000: Arafat rejects peace settlement offered by Israeli Prime
Minister Ehud Barak, which would have led to a Palestinian state.

- September 2000: New "intifada" is launched. Arafat continues to incite,
support and fund terrorism.

- Jan. 3, 2002: Israelis intercept the Karine-A, a ship loaded with 50 tons
of mortars, rocket launchers, anti-tank mines and other weapons intended for
the Palestinian war against the Israelis. The captain admits he was under
the command of the Palestinian Authority.

- September 2003:  IMF report titled "Economic Performance and Reforms under
Conflict Conditions," states that Arafat has diverted $900 million of public
PA funds into his own accounts from 1995 - 2000.

Below are some of the attacks since Sept 2000 perpetrated by groups under
Arafat's command:

- May 29, 2001:  Gilad Zar, an Itamar resident, was shot dead in a terrorist
ambush by Fatah Tanzim.

- May 29, 2001: Sara Blaustein, 53, and Esther Alvan, 20, of Efrat, were
killed in a drive-by shooting south of Jerusalem. The Fatah Tanzim claimed
responsibility for the attack.

- June 18, 2001: Doron Zisserman, 38, shot and killed in his car by Fatah
sniper fire.

- Aug 26, 2001: Dov Rosman, 58, killed in a shooting attack by Fatah

- Sept 6, 2001:  Erez Merhavi, 23, killed in a Fatah Tanzim ambush shooting
near Hadera while driving to a wedding.

- Sept 20, 2001: Sarit Amrani, 26, killed by Fatah terrorist snipers as she
was traveling in a car with her husband and 3 children.

- Oct 4, 2001: 3 killed, 13 wounded, when a Fatah terrorist, dressed as an
Israeli paratrooper, opened fire on Israeli civilians waiting at the central
bus station in Afula.

- Nov 27, 2001 - 2 killed 50 injured when two Palestinian terrorists opened
fire with Kalashnikov assault rifles on a crowd of people near the central
bus station in Afula. Fatah and the Islamic Jihad claimed joint

- Nov 29, 2001: 3 killed and 9 wounded in a suicide bombing on an Egged 823
bus en route from Nazereth to Tel Aviv near the city of Hadera. The Islamic
Jihad and Fatah claimed responsibility for the attack.

- Dec 12, 2001 - 11 killed and 30 wounded when three terrorists attacked a
bus and several passenger cars with a roadside bomb, anti-tank grenades, and
light arms fire near the entrance to Emmanuel in Samaria . Both Fatah and
Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

- Jan 15, 2002:  Avi Boaz, 71, an American citizen, was kidnapped at a PA
security checkpoint in Beit Jala. His bullet-riddled body was found in a car
near Bethlehem. The Fatah's Al-Aksa Brigade claimed responsibility for the

- Jan 15, 2002: Yoela Chen, 45, was shot dead by an Al Aqsa Brigade

- Jan 17, 2002: 6 killed, 35 wounded when a Fatah terrorist burst into a bat
mitzva reception in a banquet hall in Hadera opening fire with an M-16
assault rifle.

- Jan 22, 2002: 2 killed, 40 injured when a Fatah terrorist opened fire with
an M-16 assault rifle near a bus stop in downtown Jerusalem.

- Jan. 27, 2002: One person was killed and more than 150 were wounded by a
female Fatah suicide bomber in the center of Jerusalem.

- Feb 6, 2002 - A mother and her 11 year old daughter were murdered in their
home by a Palestinian terrorist disguised in an IDF uniform. Both Fatah and
Hamas claimed responsibility.

- Feb 18, 2002 :  - Ahuva Amergi, 30, was killed and a 60-year old man was
injured when a Palestinian terrorist opened fire on her car. Maj. Mor Elraz,
25,  and St.-Sgt. Amir Mansouri, 21,  who came to their assistance, were
killed while trying to intercept the terrorist. The terrorist was killed
when the explosives he was carrying were detonated. The Fatah al-Aqsa
Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

- Feb 22, 2002: Valery Ahmir, 59, was killed by terrorists in a Fatah
drive-by shooting north of Jerusalem as he returned home from work.

- Feb 25, 2002: Avraham Fish, 65, and Aharon Gorov, 46, were killed in a
Fatah terrorist shooting attack south of Bethlehem. Fish's daughter, 9
months pregnant, was seriously injured but delivered a baby girl.

- Feb 25, 2002: Police officer 1st Sgt. Galit Arbiv, 21, died after being
fatally shot, when a Fatah terrorist opened fire at a bus stop in the Neve
Ya'akov residential neighbhorhood in northern Jerusalem. Eight others were

- Feb 27, 2002: Gad Rejwan, 34, of Jerusalem, was shot and killed by one of
his Palestinian employees in a factory north of Jerusalem. Two Fatah groups
issued a joint statement taking responsibility for the murder.

- March 2, 2002: A suicide bombing by Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade in an
ultra-Orthodox Jewish neighborhood of Jerusalem killed 11 people and injured
more than 50.

- Mar 5, 2002: 3 were killed and over 30 people were wounded in Tel-Aviv
when a Fatah terrorist opened fire on two adjacent restaurants shortly after
2:00 AM.

- Mar 5, 2002: Devorah Friedman, 45, of Efrat, was killed and her husband
injured in a Fatah shooting attack on the Bethlehem bypass "tunnel road",
south of Jerusalem.

- Mar 9, 2002: Avia Malka, 9 months, and Israel Yihye, 27, were killed and
about 50 people were injured when two Fatah terrorists opened fire and threw
grenades at cars and pedestrians in the coastal city of Netanya on Saturday
evening, close to the city's boardwalk and hotels.

-March 21, 2002: An Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade suicide bomber exploded himself
in a crowd of shoppers in Jerusalem, killing 3 and injuring 86.

- March 29, 2002: Two killed and 28 injured when a female Fatah suicide
bomber blew herself up in a Jerusalem supermarket.

- March 30, 2002: One killed and 30 injured in an Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade
suicide bombing in Tel Aviv.

- April 12, 2002: Six  killed and 104 wounded when a female Al Aqsa Martyrs
Brigade suicide bomber blew herself up at a bus stop on Jaffa road at the
entrance to Jerusalem's Mahane Yehuda open-air market.

- May 27, 2002: Ruth Peled, 56, of Herzliya and her infant granddaughter,
aged 14 months, were killed and 37 people were injured when a Fatah suicide
bomber detonated himself near an ice cream parlor outside a shopping mall in
Petah Tikva.

- May 28, 2002 - Albert Maloul, 50, of Jerusalem, was killed when shots were
fired by Fatah terrorists at the car in which he was traveling south on the
Ramallah bypass road.

- May 28, 2002 - Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade terrorists killed Netanel Riachi,
17,  Gilad Stiglitz, 14, and Avraham Siton, 17,  three yeshiva high school
students playing basketball.

- June 19, 2002: Seven people were killed and 37 injured when a Fatah
suicide bomber blew himself up at a crowded bus stop and hitchhiking post in
the French Hill neighborhood of Jerusalem.

- June 20, 2002: Rachel Shabo, 40, and three of her sons - Neria, 16, Zvika,
12, and Avishai, 5 - as well as a neighbor, Yosef Twito, 31, who came to
their aid, were murdered when a terrorist entered their home in Itamar,
south of Nablus, and opened fire. Two other children were injured, as well
as two soldiers.  The PFLP and the Fatah Al Aqsa Brigades claimed
responsibility for the attack.

- July 25, 2002: Rabbi Elimelech Shapira, 43, was killed in a Fatah shooting
attack near the West Bank community of Alei Zahav.

- July 26, 2002: St.-Sgt. Elazar Lebovitch, 21, of Hebron; Rabbi Yosef
Dikstein, 45, of Psagot, his wife Hannah, 42, and their 9-year-old son
Shuv'el Zion were killed in a Fatah Al Aqsa Brigade shooting attack south of
Hebron. Two other of their children were injured. - July 30, 2002: Shlomo
Odesser, 60, and his brother Mordechai, 52, both of Tapuach in Samaria, were
shot and killed when their truck came under Fatah fire in the West Bank
village of Jama'in.

- Aug 4, 2002: 2 killed and 17 wounded when a Fatah terrorist opened fire
with a pistol near the Damascus Gate of Jerusalem's Old City.

- Aug 5, 2002: Avi Wolanski (29) and his wife Avital (27), of Eli, were
killed and one of their children, aged 3, was injured when terrorists opened
fire on their car as they were traveling on the Ramallah-Nablus road in
Samaria. The Martyrs of the Palestinian Popular Army, a splinter group
associated with Arafat's Fatah movement, claimed responsibility for the

- Aug 10, 2002: Yafit Herenstein, 31, of Moshav Mechora in the Jordan
Valley, was killed and her husband, Arno, seriously wounded when a Fatah
terrorist infiltrated the moshav and opened fire outside their home.

- Sept 18, 2002: Yosef Ajami, 36, was killed when Fatah  terrorists opened
fire on his car near Mevo Dotan, north of Jenin in the West Bank.

- Oct 29, 2002: Three people, including 2 fourteen year olds, were shot to
death by a Fatah terrorist.

-- Nov 10, 2002: Revital Ohayon, 34, and her two sons, Matan, 5, and Noam,
4, as well as Yitzhak Dori, 44 - all of Kibbutz Metzer - and Tirza Damari,
42,  were killed when a Fatah terrorist infiltrated the kibbutz, located
east of Hadera near the Green Line, and opened fire.

- Nov 28, 2002: 5 killed and 40 wounded when two Fatah terrorists opened
fire and threw grenades at the Likud polling station in Beit She'an, near
the central bus station, where party members were casting their votes in the
Likud primary.

- Apr 24, 2003 - 1 was killed and 13 were wounded in a suicide bombing
outside the train station in Kfar Sava. Groups related to the Fatah al-Aqsa
Martyrs Brigades and the PFLP clamied joint responsibility for the attack.

- May 5, 2003 - Gideon Lichterman, 27, was killed and two other passengers,
his six-year-old daughter Moriah and a reserve soldier, were seriously
wounded when Fatah terrorists fired shots at their vehicle in Samaria.

- May 19, 2003: 3 were killed and 70 were wounded in a suicide bombing at
the entrance to the Amakim Mall in Afula. The Islamic Jihad and the Fatah
al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades both claimed responsibility for the attack.

- Aug 29, 2003:  Shalom Har-Melekh, 25, was killed in a Fatah shooting
attack while driving northeast of Ramallah. His wife, Limor, who was seven
months pregnant, sustained moderate injuries, and gave birth to a baby girl
by Caesarean section.

- Jan 29, 2004: 11 people were killed and over 50 wounded in a suicide
bombing of an Egged bus no. 19 at the corner of Gaza and Arlozorov streets
in Jerusalem. Both the Fatah-related Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades and Hamas
claimed responsibility for the attack.

- Mar 14, 2004: 10 were killed and 16 wounded in a double suicide bombing at
Ashdod Port. Hamas and Fatah claimed responsibility for the attack.

- May 2, 2004: Tali Hatuel, 34, and her daughters - Hila, 11, Hadar, 9,
Roni, 7, and Merav, 2 - of Katif in the Gaza Strip were killed when two
Palestinian terrorists fired on an Israeli car at the entrance to the Gaza
Strip settlement bloc of Gush Katif. Fatah and Islamic Jihad claimed joint
responsibility for the attack.

Burn in Hell "Mr." Arafat.
Hey pappy dont worry I wont forget he's a terrorist, however I dont hope he burns in heck....I dont wish that on any man. BUT now that he's gone perhaps some things between Israel and the palistinians can move along a little more....
Amen on that - possible peace between the Paleistians and Israel, long over due.
Arafat was a terorist...and i would spend my own money to go piss on the man's grave but.......

When you say that peace may now be possible, consider this:

Ariel Sharone, Golda Mier, Yitzak Rabin........these people were terorists as well.  If you go back to the british presence in palestine (pre-israel) the were member of the haganah.........wich used sucide bombings and attacks to push for the creation of the jewish state.

I am also fearful the his death will lead to an internal strugle for power within the palestinian authorities........my opinion!

Forgive me the lack of details, its been a long day, but you see what i mean.

Cheers all,

Lest we forget
aesop081 said:
Arafat was a terorist...and i would spend my own money to go piss on the man's grave but.......

When you say that peace may now be possible, consider this:

Ariel Sharone, Golda Mier, Yitzak Rabin........these people were terorists as well.   If you go back to the british presence in palestine (pre-israel) the were member of the haganah.........wich used sucide bombings and attacks to push for the creation of the jewish state.

I am also fearful the his death will lead to an internal strugle for power within the palestinian authorities........my opinion!

Forgive me the lack of details, its been a long day, but you see what i mean.

Cheers all,

Lest we forget

They were paratroopers and Mossad...thats a far cry from terrorist... I d be interesting in seeing the sources when you egt a second Aesop- Im interested for sure :D
You are correct in your statement, they were  soldiers in the IDF ( except for Golda mieir, but i'm sure you knew that one), but this is after the formation of israel......i was refering to the period prior to the formation of the country.  My sources are from my university notes on mid-eastern history and the books:

- History of the middle eastern wars;
- June 1967, six days of war; and
- The yom Kpour war, 1973

aesop081 said:
You are correct in your statement, they were   soldiers in the IDF ( except for Golda mieir, but i'm sure you knew that one), but this is after the formation of israel......i was refering to the period prior to the formation of the country.   My sources are from my university notes on mid-eastern history and the books:

- History of the middle eastern wars;
- June 1967, six days of war; and
- The yom Kpour war, 1973

Ill look it up- thanks alot bro.
Haganah was the IDF predecessor. They were not terrorist by our usual definitions. However, there was Irgun and The Stern Gang who were definitely terrorist (responsible for King David Hotel bombing, among others).

Gold Meir wasn't. Rabin was Haganah.

Sharon was IDF, but commanded a unit known for atrocity in the '50s. He was a "loose cannon' for most of his career.

All those interested in seeing other sides of the argument might find a search on a man named "Menachim Begin" and his exploits are Der Yassin.
Certainly not as blood stained as Arafat's hands but worth noting.
A terrorist is a terrorist is a terrorist unless he's a freedom fighter, insurgent, guerilla etc.

Let's not talk of Arafats legacy until we see if things improve, or if they move on status quo.
Begin was Stren Gan, IIRC, and Dier Yassin was one of their atrocities. Talk about playing into the hands of one's opposition propagandists.

Begin became Israel's first peacemaker - peace with Egypt and Jordan. Talk about irony.

Unfortunately Arafat, who was credited with being a peacemaker before the fact, didn't really cross the threshold.

I think you'll find it was the IZL (Irgun Zvai Leumi) that conducted the Acre prison breakout and the King David Hotel explosion.  The leader at the time was the 6th Prime Minister of Israel - Menachem Begin.  Begin was trained by the British in 1943.  By 1944 he had taken up arms AGAINST the British.  That would seem to seem of us to be offering assistance to young Adolf.

By the way although Zionism and Socialism are often conflated (the Labour strain), it should be remembered that there was also a hard right wing, militarist faction in Poland in the 1930's.  The Jewish community was as split as the rest of Europe between Mussolini and Stalin.

Not sure if it was the IZL or the Stern Gang that took credit for kidnapping British troops, flogging some, hanging others, murdering others in bed.  Some of the guy's in my father's battalion, 1st Battalion The Parachute Regiment, also known as the Kalanyot  or Bevin's Gestapo, were amongst them.   These were the guys of which the American playwright and film director Ben Hecht said, "Every time a British soldier dies in Palestine my heart makes a little holiday".   Won Academy Awards I believe.
Also, if you read Cordon and Search, 6 Abn Div in Palestine, you will find the Division's battle diary.  Among the lesser reported facts are bombings of Arab workers coming off shift at the Haifa refineries.

Peculiarly the diary also indicates equal time removing weapons from Arabs AND Jews, often dying while conducting the searches.   The next day the Brit squaddies would be back at the Arab or Jewish settlement "saving" the inhabitants from an assault by the opposition.

Dad was wounded in a minefield when the truck he was riding in went off the road and detonated two Brit mines.    

That particular conflict doesn't make it easy for me to proclaim any angels.  There are good people over there, both Jews and Arabs, who are being played by others.  Definitely not to the benefit of either side.


Here's a reference to the Stern Gang


And a reference to Begin's mentor.


And I forgot about this chap.... Yitzhak Shamir.
Moral of the story is there are no saints, Muslim or Jewish, and Arafat was at times only a symbol of a much larger problem that (hopefully) will change now.
If it doesn't THEN we will have something to debate.