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Aptitude test!

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Hey, first post here.

Quick question,

I'm about to go into my 2nd go about for the aptitude test ( fell short 2 points from the required 37 for ROTP * However I did't answer about 23 questions because of the time limit*) 

Any advice, or recommended books or webistes I could visit to do a good practice test? The RMC volleyball coach sent me one VIA email, but the username and password he provided didn't give me the access to the test.

Any advice or rec. would be highly appreciated.

On a side note, I've heard it's always the same test, so that might give me some help.
And I heard from a someone I knew from highschool that he found the complete test online, memorized the answers to difficult or long questions  and learned what math "tricks" were best suitable for each category, and obviosuly he looked up all the words from the linguistics aspect of the test.

I just don't want to be judge on the result of this test, I don't find that it would accuratly portray my intelligence or suitability for the trade I want ( Pilot ), I'm so passionate about flying and want that trade so bad I'm willing to risk it all and give up everything for the chance to become a pilot. However, if I'm told it'll never happend I may have to walk away from RMC and the ROTP program with a bitter taste in my mouth. :-\
BrianBB said:
I don't find that it would accuratly portray my intelligence or suitability for the trade I want ( Pilot )


However, if I'm told it'll never happend I may have to walk away from RMC and the ROTP program with a bitter taste in my mouth. :-\

I could assume you're being an arrogant, egotistical jackass, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

I wanted to be the starting pitcher for the Boston Red Socks. Turns out i suck at baseball. I didnt walk away from the sport with a bitter taste in my mouth.

Some people have it, some dont. Its not the testing's fault. Get used to that.
First of all, a search on CFAT (Canadian Forces Aptitude Test) will give you lots of results (threads) to get information.

BrianBB said:
On a side note, I've heard it's always the same test, so that might give me some help.
And I heard from a someone I knew from highschool that he found the complete test online, memorized the answers to difficult or long questions  and learned what math "tricks" were best suitable for each category, and obviosuly he looked up all the words from the linguistics aspect of the test.

If you think cheating is okay, do you really think the military is the right career for you? I'm not being facetious. I'm being serious. Your comments suggest a lack of integrity that doesn't bode well with the expectations of the Canadian Forces. Think about that.

BrianBB said:
I just don't want to be judge on the result of this test, I don't find that it would accuratly portray my intelligence or suitability for the trade I want ( Pilot ), I'm so passionate about flying and want that trade so bad I'm willing to risk it all and give up everything for the chance to become a pilot. However, if I'm told it'll never happend I may have to walk away from RMC and the ROTP program with a bitter taste in my mouth. :-\

How do you know that it won't accurately portray your suitability for the trade? You seem to believe that the CFAT is flawed. If so, what qualifications do you have that makes you an expert on aptitude tests, their design, and accuracy/effectiveness?

I hope that you don't really think the CF would use a flawed test as one of its main criteria for trades qualification.
Seeing as I took a semester off ( went back for the 1st semester this year, currently off now) and I  was told " no studying was needed", and that little bookley they gave was a serious joke seeing as I finished it in minutes with a perfect score, it doesn't make sense that the test is an indicator of who is best for what. I'm the kinda guy who when it comes to technical things, I learn fast, and pick things up quickly enough to move at a faster pace than others, but when it comes to numbers, and KNOWING equations and what not, once I've taken time to thoroughly learn it all, practice, THEN it's NO PROBLEM for me. But just being thrown into it like that when you haven't used the theories in over a year is silly. I strongly feel I'd make an amazing pilot, my passion and technical abilities are those that would surpass many others.

And , your example of baseball is flawed.

You love baseball, but haven't played it , or even worked out in about two years, then you go to a redsox training camp, you really think you'll make the team over guys who play and workout on a daily basis? Let's be real.
Brian before you go any further an alienate anyone who may want to help you but get put off by your attitude, read the below:

Army.ca Admin Stuff:

Army.ca Conduct Guidelines: MUST READ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937.0.html

MSN and ICQ "short hand" -  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/33247.0.html

Regarding the use of "MSN speak" versus the employment of prose which is correct in grammar, spelling and punctuation, please see: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/34015/post-260446.html#msg260446

Tone and Content on Army.ca: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/51970.0.html

FRIENDLY ADVICE TO NEW MEMBERS - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937/post-259412.html#msg259412

Recruiting FAQ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21101.0.html

Army.ca Wiki Recruiting FAQ - http://army.ca/wiki/index.php/Frequently_Asked_Questions
· Canadian Forces Aptitude Test - http://army.ca/forums/threads/21101/post-103977.html#msg103977
· Fitness requirements at enrolment, see page 12 of this brochure:

Infantry Specific FAQ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21131.0.html

Search page - http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php?action=search;advanced

Google search of Army.ca - http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=+site%3Aarmy.ca+%22search+term%22&btnG=Search&meta= (follow the link then replace "search term" with what you are looking for)
Army.ca wiki pages
- http://army.ca/wiki/index.php/Main_Page

To summarize. Welcome to Army.ca, start reading.

BrianBB said:
I strongly feel I'd make an amazing pilot, my passion and technical abilities are those that would surpass many others.

Then the CFAT shouldnt be a problem. You've already done it once and since you have such "superior" abilities, WTF are you worried about ?

Theres a testing system in place, you either pass or you dont.
Celticgirl said:
First of all, a search on CFAT (Canadian Forces Aptitude Test) will give you lots of results (threads) to get information.

If you think cheating is okay, do you really think the military is the right career for you? I'm not being facetious. I'm being serious. Your comments suggest a lack of integrity that doesn't bode well with the expectations of the Canadian Forces. Think about that.

How do you know that it won't accurately portray your suitability for the trade? You seem to believe that the CFAT is flawed. If so, what qualifications do you have that makes you an expert on aptitude tests, their design, and accuracy/effectiveness?

I hope that you don't really think the CF would use a flawed test as one of its main criteria for trades qualification.

You've missed the entire point I was trying to make.

The test itself is in theory a test to determine your " NATURAL " intelligence so to speak, which I partially believe in, minus the fact that NOBODY starts on an equal playing field ( based on what you've learned in school, how fresh it may be in your mind, etc.), what I question is the philosophical theory behind a test like that.

A prime example I can give you based on experience would be an athlete. I'm a big volleyball player, I have both a natural ability to play it, but also I've learned alot and have had technical practices and indepth study to become what I am today. I'm not the player I am today just cause I was born good, I developped skill aswell.

A friend of mine plays on the youth national team, he's played volleyball for aslong as me, went to school with me and was always a far more inferiour player than I was. Magicly one summer, he decided TO FOCUS on certain things, STUDY the game, DEVELOPE his skill, and boom, he comes back and is one of the countries BEST, and not because he was born with it and other's weren't. HE WORKED for it.

And, about the questions I asked about the test being online or being the same, I was merely asking because it shocked me that he was able to find such a test online, and i was curely if it was truth or myth,I wanted to cheat that bad I couldn't done it, instead I came here and genuinly asked for help, no need to be antogonistic about it.
How many times can you pump your own tires in one post? I count 7 times, but there is probably more. Your being trown into a test with, get this max grade 10 level math! The theories are easy to study and take no time picking up again. And if you forget the simple theories within a year you might have "super passion and technical abilities" but your memory is a serious concern. If you actually work hard and study a bit before this next test, and you pass, I would also suggest studying how to be humble.
BrianBB said:
I was merely asking because it shocked me that he was able to find such a test online...

You can find an aptitute test on-line?! No way! I mean, nuclear bomb schematics is one thing, but an aptitude test?!

What a world we live in...
No but what I mean, is that he found the EXACT test, with the video of the guy talking in it and everthing, it's exactly identical, not just a random site with questions on the test posted up.

We have several members here who are in various stages of the Pilot training pipe. They're a good bunch generaly speaking. They're always glad to help new folks.

That being said, hers another thought:

They got to where they are through hard work. Very hard work. They passed the CFAT, they passed CAPSS, they passed a hundered other tests. When / If they failed something along the way, i am certain that they focused and worked harder until they passed.

You choose to blame the system.

VM said:
How many times can you pump your own tires in one post? I count 7 times, but there is probably more.

I see where you're comming from, but having people trying to question my intelligence or abilities because I failed an apititude test puts me in a position where I need to somewhat highlight their misconsception.
CDN Aviator said:

We have several members here who are in various stages of the Pilot training pipe. They're a good bunch generaly speaking. They're always glad to help new folks.

That being said, hers another thought:

They got to where they are through hard work. Very hard work. They passed the CFAT, they passed CAPSS, they passed a hundered other tests. When / If they failed something along the way, i am certain that they focused and worked harder until they passed.

You choose to blame the system.

Not at all, that's not what I was trying to do . I've said that I am always willing to work hard and risk many things to achieve my personal goals, and this is no different. I was meerly stating my opinion on aptitude tests in general, and that sometimes their is a silver linning and it doesn't ( and shouldn't ) always come down to pen and paper.

I know where I went wrong on my test , I spent too much time making sure I was 100% correct on certain questions ( the more complicated or long ones.) My technique was to answer everything one at a time without skipping any questions, however , it worked against me.

Of all the question I did answer , which was 40 or so, I got 35 of them correct, so it's clear I could've scored some free points by atleast skipping ahead and answering some other Q's.
BrianBB said:
I see where you're comming from, but having people trying to question my intelligence or abilities because I failed an apititude test puts me in a position where I need to somewhat highlight their misconsception.

Missconception ?

Hey, i passed the CFAT......twice !!!

Hmm, I'm pretty sure their was alot more than that cause I remember someone telling me to aime for a mid 40  or 45+ score , I  may be wrong, it was a little bit ago.
BrianBB said:
The test itself is in theory a test to determine your " NATURAL " intelligence so to speak, which I partially believe in, minus the fact that NOBODY starts on an equal playing field ( based on what you've learned in school, how fresh it may be in your mind, etc.), what I question is the philosophical theory behind a test like that.

Aptitude is ability, not intelligence. It's not an intelligence test. There is one section (which is new) that has IQ-style questions, but from what I understand, that is experimental and you are only marked on the verbal, spatial, and mathematical sections. Those are aptitude tests.

Let me give you an example. The verbal test contains many obscure words. People will say, 'well, how am I supposed to know this word?'. However, there are clues to the meanings of the words in the questions. There are also ways to break down longer words into parts to figure out their meanings. These are SKILLS. You can figure out the meaning using them or you cannot.

I don't think I missed your point at all. You are trying to figure out how to beat the test. If anyone else reading the OP thinks I'm way off on my assessment, please tell me.

BrianBB said:
no need to be antogonistic about it.

I wasn't being antagonistic. I have a low tolerance for people who try to find shortcuts and tricks to achieve what others work hard for and come by legitimately.  I would highly recommend brushing up on your junior high and high school math skills (especially problem-solving questions) and doing a timed IQ test online just to prepare yourself for the structure and timed nature of the CFAT. However, don't expect this to make a huge difference in your score. Your true aptitude should be clear to those interpreting your scores.
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