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APRIL FOOLS 2006 - Army.ca Transfer of Ownership

I should have known. My head doesn't start working until after lunch dammit! Great shot boss. I will now go into my word documents and delete all the nasty expletives and make the call to cancel the contract that was taken out on your scrotum. It worked out well though. It put me in the proper frame of mind to deal with the used car salesmen this morning. I think I may have to go out of town to purchase my daughter's car now. :salute:

Well done you.

Monkhouse, wear your cup next time we meet!! >:D
Got chased off the lot before I could make the deal for your's. Serves you right. Had a nice pristine, pink, Mary Kay Topaz all picked out for you. ;)
HAHAHAHA I knew right away so watching you guys was hilarious. Thanks for the laugh.  >:D
First thing I thought of was what would I do at work.  Second was that it was Apr 1.
I found out it was April Fool's Day REALLY early this morning when my daughter got me.  (the old "cat threw up in the kitchen" gag) so I don't believe anything I read or hear until after noon today.  LOL
  The only way to make it better would be transfering ownership to Scott Taylor

                        Good One Mike OLD F of S
Looks like an interesting morning had by all - I feel discriminated against for living on the West Coast.  Maybe I will sue army.ca for left coast discrimination (still not noon here yet).  :P
Methinks Mike pulled the plug early anyway, he was going to let it run to noon EST but he bailed.....would love to read his PM's.
Yeah, I did get some good PM's... and my pucker factor got too high so I couldn't let it run any longer... I was afraid people would delete their posts or something. ;)
Could have been much worse- what if he sold it to CBC or .... Pike.
I was about to start doing that, right after I was finished a nice post :threat:. At least you called off your prank.

BTW how many of the DS were in on this ???
None of the DS were in on it initially, but as they figured it out Bruce, Ex-D, muskrat89 and Michael O'Leary all seemed to join in without much coaxing. ;)
This was a good one. Cheers Mike. At least for a second you had some guessing. CHIMO!  :cdn:
I wasn't even awake when this was going on.  But It was clearly a joke. :P
CFL said:
That was almost boderline crossing the line.

Maybe one of you DS should put Mike on Verbal Warning for scaring the shyte out of everybody.  But only until midnight.
