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APRIL FOOLS 2006 - Army.ca Transfer of Ownership

Was fun Mike.....I suppose I should switch my handle and tag line back? :D
Notice the date.. are you kidding me

I just finished a 24 hour shift...  the last think i was thinking
of was the date.

I thought some of the posts were a little odd, but I ended up
going for the opt out idea anyway just in case.

I admit...  I was a sucker!
I fell for it hook line and sinker, and went and told my wife in a panic what happened..... I realized what happened after I said "It takes place on Apr 15th......." and then realized that was 14 days away (15 - 14=1) and then I clued into that it was a April Fools joke.

It was pretty good, and I was tempted to fill out the Opt Out form, and change my User Name so "The Man
" wouldn't be able to punish me for my flapping gums.

Ex-dragoon, you did go a liiiitttttlllllleeeee over the top with some of your posts, and in hindsight, almost gave away the game (I doubt anybody in the Navy hierachy would ever admit to reading Army.ca..... too busy upholding the Navy tradition of Rum, Sodomy and the Lash........)

Two things gave it away for me right off the bat, knowing Mike would never sell, and the fact that I had already "offered" over the floor intercom that the first 5 "residents" to report to dorm 2 would be given an early release paper......... >:D
Excellent April Fools joke...disappointedly believed it. Now to get on to the S***head, #@%%$# comments. God I hate being made a fool of!!!!
Does that mean no one will join my future site?


Oh well so much for the revolutionary life....

I fell for it at first, and paniced.   I went all over the place on the site to see if there were anymore warnings.  I was about to pm mike, when I inadvertently crossed my pointer over the clock (bottom right hand corner of scree) and the date popped up!

too good



Mike PM inbound.

Bruce...that is so cruel, I likey!  >:D

Actually Al you would be really surprised on who in the navy reads army.ca, I personally know of 2 4 ringers and a whole slew of cdrs on down
The trick is going to be "besting" this one next year!
You got me, and I just finished reading all of my posts and editing my profile.

Mike PM inbound
OK. I fell for it massively. Mike, you're an a-hole. I hate practical jokes (note to self: don't log in 1 Apr '07)

But to quote that wise philosopher Joni Mitchell, "....you don't know what you got, 'til it's gone." So, possibly still in shock from the thought of this site being passed over to a Branch inhabited primarily by people who washed out of their originally chosen fields, I've just submitted my subscription (Being a non-PayPal Luddite, cheque is inbound).

(Don't drug dealers use the same marketting ploy? - - give 'em a taste, then threaten them with its' removal  ;)  )

Well Done Sir....

Thankfully I was sleeping through all this, but I am sure my rage would have been something fun to express...cause lord knows some of my post's could be construed as umm disloyal :D

Besting this will certainly be an issue....

I clued into this one. First clue was that this had been in the works for a few months? Months? We should all know by now it takes DND *YEARS* to acquire something this valuable ;D The next glaringly obvious thing I saw from my number crunching lane was "guaranteed funding" :rofl: Now, maybe that wasn't meant to be humourous but the concept of guaranteed government funding to a number cruncher?

Sorry to all who fell for this twisted prank. One year the Leafs board did something similar, claiming the owners had sold the site to a group of Sens fans.
Believe it or not, Mike, my youngest daughter busted you.

Around 0800 I was reading this thread with my first cup of coffee.  I'd started drafting a lengthy and passionate reply when my daughter came up and said "Hey Dad, do you know what day this is?"  So re-read the thread and then I waited..... and watched... and waited... and edited... and watched.

Good thing too, 'cause you were gonna get lambasted! (and I was probably headed for a Warp 7 trip through the warning systems, both Army.ca's and the CF's  ;D)

Well done!

It was funny and all..

but you forgot to give me back my Mod status after I quit
HAHAH Mike. You are my Hero!

If I hadn't of been passed out from painkillers from getting my wisdom teeth yanked yesterday, I would have been quite upset. And seeing as though I am an emotional female after all, it wouldn't have been pretty.  ;D