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APRIL FOOLS 2006 - Army.ca Transfer of Ownership

Mike Bobbitt

Staff member
Directing Staff
Reaction score
Well, I've let this run long enough I suppose. For those who suspected, this is in fact an APRIL FOOLS joke. About 10 people filled out the "opt out" form, and I didn't breathe a word of it to the Staff prior to making the "announcement" so some of them were caught up in it too. :D

At any rate, I'd never transfer Army.ca to DND... not only am I too wrapped up in it to give up my baby, but I strongly doubt they would want it anyway!

Thanks to all those who participated.



Today brings a bittersweet announcement: Army.ca will be transferred to the Army News (Public Affairs) section of DND on April 15th.

This deal has been in the works for several months now, and can finally be announced publicly as the new fiscal year opens up.

What does this mean for Army.ca visitors? Ostensibly, nothing. Army News intends to continue running Army.ca with the same mission, goals and focus we currently enjoy but with the added benefit of a much stronger resource pool. (Things like server upgrades will have better backing in many ways.) I have discussed just about every facet of Army.ca's policies, guidelines and vision for the future, and I am confident the demeanour of our community will be unchanged.

I understand that some may have privacy issues with this transfer, and as such we have jointly developed an 'opt out' program. Anyone who does not wish to participate in the transfer to DND simply needs to confirm their intention using this form:


The current "move date" is set for Friday the 15th and will post more details shortly. Thanks to everyone who has helped Army.ca reach this milestone, and I look forward to the coming site improvements under DND's guidance.

Mr. Bobbitt,

bittersweet news indeed. You've run this site quite effectively for years now, and I sincerely hope that you shall remain involved in the site!

There are a few things that I wonder how it will affect, however.

Will the mods remain the same? What about subscribers?

Either way, if you feel this is for the best, then no worries. I'll stay on the site.

Not me, I did my time in the friggin' army, I'm outa here..... :threat:
This brings up a good question.  I'm a subscriber, and more than happy to remain so.  Having said that, I just filed my income tax return, and let me assure you, I have rendered unto Caesar big time this year.  So, are we privately funding a DND run site, and if so, where is the benefit in continuing to do so? Where is the LEGALITY in doing so, as DND is a not for profit organization, other than a few guys in really tall hats in the cocaine factory  ;).  Early in the AM here in the Free Republic of Alberta, and my thoughts are meandering, but I think you get my general drift?

  I will add that I am somewhat disappointed, as this was supposed to be a forum outside the Green Machine, was it not?  How long before the pogrom starts against serving dissenters?  I'm well beyond the army's reach now, others here, not so much...

This must be tough, Mike.  Your baby, leaving home to belong to another.

I think that I, and quite probably most others, will be adopting a cautious stance as the magic date approaches....just to see what, if anything, changes.
Lance Wiebe said:

This must be tough, Mike.  Your baby, leaving home to belong to another.

I think that I, and quite probably most others, will be adopting a cautious stance as the magic date approaches....just to see what, if anything, changes.

Truly disgusting,

I trusted you and this site, and you sell out to the man.

Ok all, if you feel the same come visit my new site

On the Level with tess.

Loads of excitement, fun, and plenty of shenanigans!

Take that you stinkin' capitalist!!




I'm burning my t-shirt, stomping on my ball cap, melting down my coin and shredding bumper sticker.  This really sucks.
does this mean that nobody will stick it to the man and hang out with me?


Come on folks, vote with your feet, or fingertips...."Hell no we won't go!!"


I'm just gonna sit here and enjoy the rest of the reading today.... ;D
Well a sad day and I am very disappointed with the news as will be others. I see DND found a way to finally rein in this site.
DND did have a site very similar to this a while ago and it was shut down because of the same types of comments and views that DND pers are posting here. It will not take long for the new masters to rein in and discipline the vocal. I guess I will be visiting the other forums that will not be censored by my boss.

How do I get back the remaider of my subscription? DND gets enough of me already.

Over and Out

I'm disappointed and really don't know what to think. Many here posted comments feeling they were free of being 'taken to task' by the highers for what they said. Many have usernames to hide their identity, etc. Now the database, with everyones personal info, as gathered by the site, now becomes property of 'The Man'. Assurances aside, I don't have a good feeling about this. I think you've just witnessed the dagger blow that will cause the slow death by bleeding and infection. They couldn't make it work twice before, what makes them think it will work now? Oh well, there's that new forum everyone here was invited to join a couple of months back, maybe time to take a look, as soon as I find the link.
Michael O'Leary said:
I think it's a very timely announcement.

I agree and it's Mike personal property to do as he will. I would like DND to get on here now and explain what their intentions really are and what they are going to be doing.

I wanted them to start buying off the shelf for things we really needed, but figured some new equipment would have more priority than an internet forum.
Will the serving Mods be offered posting to the new Army.ca staff?
Not I, I've just sent Mike my letter of resignation. effective as of 0001 on todays date.
Sorry to see you go Bruce, you've been a real asset to the site.

Unless you got a HUGE bundle of cash, this is a very foolhardy decision.
clasper said:

Unless you got a HUGE bundle of cash, this is a very foolhardy decision.

It really wasn't about money, but I've found that the time requirement for Army.ca has been more than I can commit to... unfortunately Army.ca has suffered as a result, and hopefully the new arrangement will help with that. It wasn't an easy decision though, and there are times I feel the fool for taking this route.  :-[