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Applying as a PR


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Hello! I am a Burmese lad who's turning 19 the next month. I came to Canada a few years back (2018). Now living as a PR. While the recruiter I spoke to said I can apply with my current status. I am still not sure if I should apply now or should I wait for my citizenship and IF I do not get accepted this time, will I be apply to reapply in the future. I am in university 1st year at the moment. That's another thing to consider. Please advise<3

PS: While all that, the negative thoughts always bug you of whether you'll be accepted and how long will the whole application process take. How competitive is your desired trade (infantry soldier)
Thank you. I will do that once my first semester results are out. (Need something to convince my parents that Army is not that bad)
Join the Reserves. You'll be eligible for some education reimbursement. You will also be able to manage the inevitable competing demands of study and service. You will also have excellent prospects at summer work.
Thank you. Reserves here is definitely different than the ones back home. Everyone keeps suggesting the reserves but can you switch to regulars later on?
Hello, I applied as a PR not too long ago. If you are interested, here's a summary of the documents they asked me to gather

  • Asked to provide records of: employment history , address history and travel at least from 10 years ago or up unto the age of 16 (it helps to have this info prepared)
  • asked to provide 3 references. While you can use community members to an extent (religious services, volunteer organizations), I would recommend using professional and educational references
  • writing the CFAT. its not that hard. If you had to meet prerequisites to enroll in Engineering you should be fine with some preparation. Outdated test imo after taking it, but apparently it directly correlates to your eligibility of your chosen trade.
  • Asked to provide originals of high school and college transcripts. This is a big one. I graduated high school almost 10 years ago in a different country and trying to coordinate to get this done is a nightmare. It's also not cheap and they want me to pay for this before I even get told if im eligible for any trades.

Not impressed with the application process for foreign nationals.
Wanted to add some thoughts on the competitiveness of trades

  • on the forces.ca website, for each career they have the directly related civilian occupations.
  • under each occupation you can see the entry methods and requirements for each role
  • generally, anything under NCM could be entered without prior experience but im sure anyone with educational credentials or work history would be considered for the position first
  • When i went to the Hamilton detachment centre for my CFAT, they had a few electronic billboards with the following data
- On average we receive 65000 applications per year. This year we plan to accept 6000 (less than 1 in 10 ) (Keep in mind, this doesn't say anything about WHICH year that sign was made, or even the legitimacy of the applications within the claimed 65000 number)
- Air Force roles are highly competitive and the selection process can take up to a year(?) including the clearance required to work in the Air branch. Don't pick air if you're looking for immediate enlistment.
Hello, I applied as a PR not too long ago. If you are interested, here's a summary of the documents they asked me to gather

  • Asked to provide records of: employment history , address history and travel at least from 10 years ago or up unto the age of 16 (it helps to have this info prepared)
  • asked to provide 3 references. While you can use community members to an extent (religious services, volunteer organizations), I would recommend using professional and educational references
  • writing the CFAT. its not that hard. If you had to meet prerequisites to enroll in Engineering you should be fine with some preparation. Outdated test imo after taking it, but apparently it directly correlates to your eligibility of your chosen trade.
  • Asked to provide originals of high school and college transcripts. This is a big one. I graduated high school almost 10 years ago in a different country and trying to coordinate to get this done is a nightmare. It's also not cheap and they want me to pay for this before I even get told if im eligible for any trades.
Not impressed with the application process for foreign nationals.

Wanted to add some thoughts on the competitiveness of trades

  • on the forces.ca website, for each career they have the directly related civilian occupations.
  • under each occupation you can see the entry methods and requirements for each role
  • generally, anything under NCM could be entered without prior experience but im sure anyone with educational credentials or work history would be considered for the position first
  • When i went to the Hamilton detachment centre for my CFAT, they had a few electronic billboards with the following data
- On average we receive 65000 applications per year. This year we plan to accept 6000 (less than 1 in 10 ) (Keep in mind, this doesn't say anything about WHICH year that sign was made, or even the legitimacy of the applications within the claimed 65000 number)
- Air Force roles are highly competitive and the selection process can take up to a year(?) including the clearance required to work in the Air branch. Don't pick air if you're looking for immediate enlistment.

Thank you. This one answers almost all my questions. Goodluck to you.
Hello, I applied as a PR not too long ago. If you are interested, here's a summary of the documents they asked me to gather

  • Asked to provide records of: employment history , address history and travel at least from 10 years ago or up unto the age of 16 (it helps to have this info prepared)
  • asked to provide 3 references. While you can use community members to an extent (religious services, volunteer organizations), I would recommend using professional and educational references
  • writing the CFAT. its not that hard. If you had to meet prerequisites to enroll in Engineering you should be fine with some preparation. Outdated test imo after taking it, but apparently it directly correlates to your eligibility of your chosen trade.
  • Asked to provide originals of high school and college transcripts. This is a big one. I graduated high school almost 10 years ago in a different country and trying to coordinate to get this done is a nightmare. It's also not cheap and they want me to pay for this before I even get told if im eligible for any trades.

Not impressed with the application process for foreign nationals.
My recruiter said since I completed my OSSD in Canada. I don't need to bring in my foreign education credentials
they also did a honesty check on drugs/ narcotics consumed

at the end there was a guy who went through my personal details in earshot of other personnel and applicants. like stating things like where I worked, what I did, where I lived and where I was born. Literally reading them off in front of other people. Like absolutely shocking that these are the people who handle our personal data.
3-4 other armed forces members and a about 10-15 applicants. They did stuff like this to everyone.

Oh and the homeless and crack addicts loitering not 100m away from the entrance was a nice touch to my visit to hamilton from out of town.
I'd prefer not to share. It's unknown whether my application will be approved or not. I wanted to join mainly to escape the emergent cost of living crisis and lack of professional development opportunities in the private sector outside of re-educating
Hello, I applied as a PR not too long ago. If you are interested, here's a summary of the documents they asked me to gather

  • Asked to provide records of: employment history , address history and travel at least from 10 years ago or up unto the age of 16 (it helps to have this info prepared)
  • asked to provide 3 references. While you can use community members to an extent (religious services, volunteer organizations), I would recommend using professional and educational references
  • writing the CFAT. its not that hard. If you had to meet prerequisites to enroll in Engineering you should be fine with some preparation. Outdated test imo after taking it, but apparently it directly correlates to your eligibility of your chosen trade.
  • Asked to provide originals of high school and college transcripts. This is a big one. I graduated high school almost 10 years ago in a different country and trying to coordinate to get this done is a nightmare. It's also not cheap and they want me to pay for this before I even get told if im eligible for any trades.

Not impressed with the application process for foreign nationals.
Everything you stated here is also required of a Canadian citizen. For someone that has been out of high school for many years; they have to get their high school transcripts on their own accord. Even someone coming in as a Medical Officer has to provide high school transcripts and all university transcripts.
they also did a honesty check on drugs/ narcotics consumed

at the end there was a guy who went through my personal details in earshot of other personnel and applicants. like stating things like where I worked, what I did, where I lived and where I was born. Literally reading them off in front of other people. Like absolutely shocking that these are the people who handle our personal data.
There is normally done in a private room; even at CFRC Hamilton. I worked out of their offices a number of years ago and never witnessed being people interviewed in the general waiting area. If at any time you feel concerned about the privacy of your information you should bring it to the attention of the person doing the interview vice waiting to say something about it on a internet forum where nothing can be done to correct the deficiency if there was one.
Oh and the homeless and crack addicts loitering not 100m away from the entrance was a nice touch to my visit to hamilton from out of town.
In all the time I visited CFRC Hamilton I never witnessed homeless individuals on the 2nd floor of that building. If you're starting that these people were outside of the building on James Street, then yes; but that is more than 100m of the CFRC which is on the 2nd floor.

Keep in mind that the military is renting the office space at the James Street location in Hamilton, they do not own it. That is not MDN property and as such dealing with trespassing is not the responsibility of the CAF members.