Okay.. so should I even bother getting my own computer for RMC? Is it merely just convenience to have your own? Personally I dont mind trying to get me parents to get me one--if I'm actually going to use it and it would be a good investment..
A little off topic: DVessey, I need you help with a quaetions I have,
In the joining instrustions, kit list specifically, it say bring a lockable trunk. I just bought a this black one from sears, its like 30x15x16, is this too big? like what are we gona use it for, just locking up personal stuff?
Also.. what kind room do we have for luggage that were like bringing from our training this summer, like I'm sending some unaccompanied baggage to RMC but also bringing a peice of luggage on IAP this summer, is there room for all of it :-\ ??