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AOR Replacement & the Joint Support Ship (Merged Threads)


Army.ca Fixture
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Well with the Liberals winning (for now) I think both the army and navy are fortunate as JSS will most likely go ahead. I am no naval architech but I was thinking of what could be done with HMCS Preserver. For those that don't know she is undergoing a 18 million dollar refit down here in Halifax. My idea is maybe convert her into a hospital ship. After another refit, which would I think have to be fairly extensive  to bring it in lines with some degree of health standards, it could be used in humanitarian missions, disaster relief and in the event of conflict as a true hospital ship. Thoughts?
Isn't that going to be the role of the "JSS"?

Also, would it be worth the cost to refit Preserver to keep her in service after the second JSS comes down the slips (2010?)? I also wonder, would the navy want to keep a single steamer around? Wouldn't you think that perhaps the money spent on converting  Preserver would be better spent on putting towards, dare I say, a fourth JSS? 
It is but when its part of a Task Force, the JSS might not bee able to detach to conduct humanitarian missions. ALso JSS will have not be a purpose hospital ship like I am proposing a refitted Preserver to be. A 4th JSS would be handy but so would a dedicated hospital ship. I think it would be something the Canadian public wouold support as well buying into their opinion that we are peacekeepers first and soldiers second.
Making the Preserver into a Hospital  Ship is something that Canada would probably agree on.  But when it all comes down to it, where is all this money going to come from?  We barely have enough as it is.  If Harper was elected I could see a few more dollars coming this way and put into something like that; but, since we still have Martin, I doubt we'll get enough funding for all these extra little projects.
Out of curosity, how long would preserver be able to function as a hospital ship?  By the time the JSS come around she'll be in her 40s, right?  Would it be worth the extra money to refit her just so she could be a hospital ship for 10 years or so (assuming of course she'll be kept into her 50s). 

Would the Navy and Forces in general be able man her?  I, may be mistaken, but isn't the CF facing a Medical Officer shortage?

The refit she is undergoing right now is supposedly adding 15 yrs to her life but you are correct. As for medical personnel you could always send personnel for 1 CFH or the Field Ambs or any of the base hospitals. One from there 2 from here...and its not like she would sail all the time. AGain it was wistful thinking on my part for a capability that we don't have and should invest in that would be palatable to the Canadian public.
Its a good idea, and i'm sure the public would go for it too... hopefully.

How much would it cost to build a new hospital ship anyway?  Would it be acceptable for the navy to use hospital ships that are built to civilian specs (is that the proper term?)?

Also, how many other western nations operate hospital ships? 

Sorry for all the questions :)
Sheerin said:
Its a good idea, and i'm sure the public would go for it too... hopefully.

How much would it cost to build a new hospital ship anyway?   Would it be acceptable for the navy to use hospital ships that are built to civilian specs (is that the proper term?)?

Also, how many other western nations operate hospital ships?  

Sorry for all the questions :)

Its not even in the works but it would be a nice addition to the fleet.
Not sure on the price but a lot are converted tankers and civillian specs or mercantile specs is correct.
I will let you know tomorrow if thats ok?
Maybe we could tie some of the old pig boat minesweepers togther and make it into a floating CF disco/med boat.  :o
Sheerin said:
Its a good idea, and i'm sure the public would go for it too... hopefully.

How much would it cost to build a new hospital ship anyway?   Would it be acceptable for the navy to use hospital ships that are built to civilian specs (is that the proper term?)?

Also, how many other western nations operate hospital ships?  

Sorry for all the questions :)

I did some checking for you and while a lot of nations have some decent medical facilities afloat(usually on carriers, assault ships or other auxillaries)...only the US has full fledged floating hospitals (of NATO)....the Mercy class (the US has 2) are 894 ft long have 1000 beds and carry approx 820 medical personnel.
Ex-Dragoon said:
Sheerin said:
Its a good idea, and i'm sure the public would go for it too... hopefully.

How much would it cost to build a new hospital ship anyway?   Would it be acceptable for the navy to use hospital ships that are built to civilian specs (is that the proper term?)?

Also, how many other western nations operate hospital ships?  

Sorry for all the questions :)

:o  Do we even have that many medical personnel in the CF?

I did some checking for you and while a lot of nations have some decent medical facilities afloat(usually on carriers, assault ships or other auxillaries)...only the US has full fledged floating hospitals (of NATO)....the Mercy class (the US has 2) are 894 ft long have 1000 beds and carry approx 820 medical personnel.
I heard a bad rumour stating that the Preserver would replace one of the proposed JSS, and we would only buy two new ships.  I sure hope that this is wrong, but seeing as how we'll be waiting for a few years for the JSS, I'm sure the Preserver has lots of sea time ahead of her!
While things can change thankfully that's what it is a bad rumour, Lance.
instead of the JSS we should get three Patino Class AOR's and two Schelde Enforcer LPD the 11000 Ton versions. I would think it would be cheaper but i am not the liberals.
It would make sense to have a seperate AOR and logistic ship classes but in the long run it supposedly saves money. With 2 seperate classes thats two different training programs set up not to mention different spare parts.
what is the crew size going to be for the three new JSS ships.  If  we have one out just for refueling and supplies it will be half empty. We the government that we have they will never pick missions for the navy to use them to there fullest.
The crew size won't change for whatever mission. Basic sailing requirements and minimum manning stay the same.
Hold on a minute!!-If my memory serves me right didn't the government just announce,well last year, that they were going to commission some new support ships to support heliborne/amphibious operations.
If that is correct then it flys in the face of any general trend towards cuts in spending such as is being discussed here ???
Yeah, the JSS was announced a few months ago. 
and of course they can always drag their feet on the procurment like they did with the Seakings or they could just forget that we even need new AORs and pretend that the current ones can go on and on and on and on.
