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Anyone have an open file right now?


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Just wondering how many, if any of you on these forums currently has an open application for Combat Arms trade?

Trying to gauge how many people are awaiting spots to open in April, or whenever they may open?

Secondary question: Through the contact Ive recently had with recruiters, it is to my understanding that files will only be kept open for a year. and yet Ive read some posts throughout these forums of people saying they have completed their medicals and interviews etc and are waiting.....in some cases much longer than a year. How is this possible if they state files will be closed after a year?

Thanks in advance for your input
Applied 05 July 2010 for 3/4 combat arms trades. Have no testing or anything completed to date.
MWC, were any of the trades you applied for open/in demand at the time you applied? Because I applied for 1. Infantry 2. Armoured 3. Combat Engineer in October 2010 and within a week or so I was being told my file was closed. Just wondering if/when they started immediately closing files. Trying to gauge if/when any CA trades open in April if they are going to be filled immediately by people who have been merit listed etc or is just going to be a free for all with everyone starting from scratch in April or whenever CA opens
I chose the same 3 as you, and they were all closed at the time. I was never told that my file was closed every month or so that I would go into the office to check, so I am assuming it is open, but not being processed at the time.
Applied in July 09 for Infantry, all my testing/ medical/ interview has been done. Adding Combat Engineer and Armour to the list of trades since I was told by my recruiter I should have backup trades in case the Infantry doesn't recruit anyone else this year. My file is open, just nothing is being done until April.
I assume Mines Open, they called a few weeks ago for some additional information regarding country of birth. I assume the files in general are open however the recruiting process is still on a freeze, but moving slowly towards April 1st. Coincidentally April fools  :o. Its dependent on many factors, which I've learned from from the search function: factors such as your medical that proves you are medically unable to serve, background check proves you are convicted of something which determined you are of bad character, and many more.
I've done the CFAT, and my references were contacted and my application for 2 combat trades is over a year old already so it depends on many factors we may not know...or until we call the CFRC or use the search function to search deeper.
mwc said:
Applied 05 July 2010 for 3/4 combat arms trades (Infantry, CE, Armoured). Have no testing or anything completed to date.

Nordwind said:
Applied in July 09 for Infantry, all my testing/ medical/ interview has been done. Adding Combat Engineer and Armour to the list of trades since I was told by my recruiter I should have backup trades in case the Infantry doesn't recruit anyone else this year. My file is open, just nothing is being done until April.

mwc said:
Yeah I hear ya haha I'm just hoping my luck will change this April. If not I've got an application to the British Parachute Regiment that's waiting to be dropped in the mail. Plan B  ;)
Same goes for me, applied July 2009. Merit listed but Infantry is my only choice so I'm in it for the long haul.
Jaybar said:
Same goes for me, applied July 2009. Merit listed but Infantry is my only choice so I'm in it for the long haul.

What trade(s) are you merit listed for?


In other news, just dropped by the office this afternoon and still getting the bad news that nothing can be done.
mwc said:
I just dont understand, how I applied earlier (4 days, but still) and you are so much further than me in processing.

What trade(s) are you merit listed for?


In other news, just dropped by the office this afternoon and still getting the bad news that nothing can be done.

Just Infantry.
mwc said:
I just dont understand, how I applied earlier (4 days, but still) and you are so much further than me in processing.

There is nothing for you to understand. His situation is different than you in every respect. Stop comparing your application to others. It is like comparing apples to space shuttles.

You're giving yourself headaches for no good reason. Relax, you might live longer.
I applied in January of 2010 as an Infantry DEO candidate (Reg Force). Since then my file has progressed sporadically. For the most part recruiters didn’t want to further process my file because of the hiring freeze though it often didn’t make sense to me – it would be prudent to have my file complete and merit listed so that when April 2011 rolls around, my file is competitive and ready to be taken into consideration. I was fairly persistent over the last year and, bit by bit, my application came to be completed in December, almost a year after my initial application. So as of a few weeks ago, I am merit listed. It doesn’t mean much but something is better than nothing.
mwc said:
I just dont understand, how I applied earlier (4 days, but still) and you are so much further than me in processing.
Sorry dude you misunderstood, I applied July 2009, not the 9th of July 2010.
Hey guys,

I really have nothing different to contribute than anyone else by the looks of it but I originally applied back in July of 09' for direct entry into INT OP as I was told at the time that it was available for direct entry by a recruiter. Not long after I was told otherwise, so I changed my app to Infantry, CE and Armoured which were for the most part closed until April 2010 with limited openings coming up from time to time. I guess that was reason enough to process me, though it was a slow moving ordeal from one stage to the next. By mid April, I had my interview which went very well and turned into a job offer pretty well right there on the spot pending acceptable results from my medical...... I was excited as hell and then as fast as my excitement had peaked, I was shot right back down after finding out that my vision didn't meet the minimum standards.... Long story short, scheduled for eye surgery at the end of May, vision stabalized by the end of June and my file was reopened and I was able to finish my processing and get placed on the merit list as once again all my picks were closed out.... Again waiting until April..... Early December, I got a call from CFRC telling me that I might be able to expect a job offer in late January to mid February, but it's now the second week in February and I haven't heard anything yet.... Likely just have to hurry up and wait until April.

It's been a very long and frustrating ordeal for me as I know it has been for a lot of people waiting to get into the Combat Arms.... Merit Listed or not, I don't think there are many things that are certain when waiting on the big Green Machine, but waiting for the things you want out of life is just the way life goes..... All I can suggest is to use the time you have in preparation for when the call does come.... I've spent the last year and a half getting into pretty well Jedi shape and getting the finances squared away so that when (not if) the call comes... I'm ready.

Good luck everyone! :cdn: :salute:
Applied for MP on May 27 2010 and was Merit Listed on Sep 8 2010. Still. Waiting. :cdn:
Have an open app for NE TECH (COMM) right now and patiently working my way through the processes. Waiting for my medical after blowing the CFAT out of the water  ;D

Any advice out there from Navy people ... I'm already employed and looking for better long term employment. That's part of the reason for looking in to the Forces again. I've always wanted part time with our local Reserves, but I can't find employment that will let me away long enough for exercises.

There are a few instances in these threads where people seem to be in and out of trades and in and out of the CF. What the heck is that? Can anyone fill me in here. Is this a secure trade? Am I going to be looking back into the civvie world in 5 years for employment?

Any advice?
squidink said:
Am I going to be looking back into the civvie world in 5 years for employment?

The only person that can possibly answer that is.......YOU
I don't have much more to add to your info than has already been posted.  I am the only one that I know of in my recruiting group in Pembroke, Ontario that is applying for trades that are in demand.  2 of the other recruits are going reserves, and one is going for infantry officer (I think that's what he said).  Anyways, from what they've told me, they are all merit listed until April, when the jobs start opening up, but my trades (NE Tech(S), NW Tech, and Mar Eng Mech) have all been in demand since January, so I could recieve a call to head for BMQ in March.  I also know that I tried to apply online in October, and my application was deleted from the system.  When I went to the CFRC in Pembroke in December, I had to redo everything on my application, so maybe the same thing happened to your application.  The best advice I can give you is to keep in touch with your local CFRC, and make sure they have everything you need.  You may end up having to play the waiting game.  Good luck.