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Anybody applied to the CEOTP program thus far?


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          I submitted my paperwork for the 07/08 competition to my chain of command last week and hope for the best.  I applied for MARS as I thought it would be best as I already served thirteen years in the Navy and I kind of know my way around a ship.  As well, I only have 30 hour-credit (10 Courses) left towards a Bachelor of Technology (equivalent to a Bachelor of Science general), so why not get the perks for it.  Don't get me wrong I love my trade (NWT), but with going at sea on and off, I can't really finish my degree and the prospect of moving away from the technical aspect as I will likely get promoted this year, push me to move towards becoming an Officer that much more.
          So anybody else applying this year?
I applied for MARS and but with going at sea on and off, I can't really finish my degree

So how do expect to finish it when you are MARS.
Methinks he heard about them offering some CEOTPs the chance to take a year "off" in a major city centre to study full time.    CFRC Montreal used this several times as a sales pitch for me "Oh, we have a couple officers down here who do a few interviews but mostly just go to school. Nice break if you can get it".

I would look and see about transferring your degree to a school with distance education...  depends on your learning style of course, but Athabaska offers complete degrees and is well recognized.
What I meant to say is that as a NCM in a technical trade, it is near impossible complete any type of studying while at sea, trust me I tried.  Of course, I did my homeworks, I talked to a few MARS Officers and asked them their "honest to god" opinion about the feasability of completing distance education while being commissioned and at sea and, in general, they told me that it is easier than as a NCM, as your chain of command will ensure that they give you time and tools to complete your degree.  The greatest thing is, as I am QL6A NW Tech qualified, MUN will gave me 81 credits (out of 120), towards a Bachelor of Technology, which is a fully acceptable degree for all General Service Officer positions (MARS, Combat Arms, PAO, etc).  Now I just have to complete 13 university courses in the next 7 years.  I already completed three, taking two more next semester we'll see after that, wish me good luck...
So far so good.  I completed the interview part of the process and all I can say is: Leadership, Leadership, and then some more Leadership.  Relax, be yourself, listen to the questions, take time to formulate an appropriate answer by using your past experiences and, above all, be honest.  The interview itself lasted approximately 2 hours at the BPSO office.  At the end, the BPSO informed me that I had a very strong file being sent to Borden (Selection committee).  So now, it's the waiting game until such time, mid-march, I will most likely get an offer.  Let's keep our fingers crossed...
gunner, I see your a west coaster, any chance you sailed the 280, appears those of us "280 Ladies" are all going the CEOTP route (4 Last year) including 1 CFR

Unfortunately I cannot say I had the chance to sail onboard 280's.  I'm a CPF guy, currently instructing at the fleet school and hoping to get an offer for CEOTP in mid-march 08.  Any of you guys had PLQ and had to do BOTP?  I was informed by someone, before xmas, that if a member is PLQ qualified, there is no requirement to complete BOTP.  I checked the Master Lesson Plans for both BOTP and PLQ and they are pretty much the same.  Anyway, any good tips from you guys would be greatly appreciated...Which trade did you go for?  Let me guess Artillery?
gunner065 said:
So far so good.  I completed the interview part of the process and all I can say is: Leadership, Leadership, and then some more Leadership.  Relax, be yourself, listen to the questions, take time to formulate an appropriate answer by using your past experiences and, above all, be honest.  The interview itself lasted approximately 2 hours at the BPSO office.  At the end, the BPSO informed me that I had a very strong file being sent to Borden (Selection committee).  So now, it's the waiting game until such time, mid-march, I will most likely get an offer.  Let's keep our fingers crossed...

I'm also going the CEOTP route. I have a question for you reguarding your file being sent to Borden for "selection". When I went to my apt. test, and interview the recruiters said that I was accepted thus far. The only downfall I had was my medical, I failed the eye-exam. Since that time I've had Lasik and I have 20/10 vision now and just need to be re-evaluated in mid February. So here's my question. Do they send away my file to the selection commitee after I get my vision re-evaluated? Then do I have to wait longer?

    Not being a recruiter , I could not tell you 100% what will happen to your file.  Have you had a chance to contact the recruitment center about your Lasik eye surgery and what the outcomes for your application will be?  Again I'd like to give you a yes or a no, but I do not have that knowledge and I don't want to give you false hopes. 
    But I'll give you an example that might help.  Let's say you were already in the CF as an NCM and your vision was initially evaluated at V3.  Now you are thinking about applying to become a pilot (silly you...), which you need to have V2 for (just changed recently from V1).  Because you have been evaluated upon entry into the service, even after getting Lasik surgery, the CF cannot bring you back to V1.  At least, that's the way it's been explained to me by a WO medic.
    But based on what you wrote, as of right now, today, you are unfit for service in the CF.  I would say that no, your file is not on its way to the selection board, but at the recruiting center awaiting your eyesight reevaluation in mid-Feb.
    Were you given a deadline for your file to be at the selection board?  Might be different for civilian applicants, for military applicants the files have to be in Borden by 15 Jan 08.
gunner065 said:
Unfortunately I cannot say I had the chance to sail onboard 280's.  I'm a CPF guy, currently instructing at the fleet school and hoping to get an offer for CEOTP in mid-march 08.  Any of you guys had PLQ and had to do BOTP?  I was informed by someone, before xmas, that if a member is PLQ qualified, there is no requirement to complete BOTP.  I checked the Master Lesson Plans for both BOTP and PLQ and they are pretty much the same.  Anyway, any good tips from you guys would be greatly appreciated...Which trade did you go for?  Let me guess Artillery?

They're pretty much the same only BOTP has more C#%% and zero instruction lessons (knowledge/skill lesson plan) we do that in phase 2 for the Army types, I will say from a friends perspective, if you go mars and they offer to let you bypass mars II (NETPO) take it, it's bassically OSQAB all over again but gives you a little down time before mars III and things like rel vel and nav and ll that sailor stuff (coming from an ex sig/navcoom lol)
Being a V4 I can shed a bit of light on the eyes thing because I asked intensive questions about laser surgery. After surgery you will get a V2 and will qualify for any job except pilot. Even with a V2, you can't be a pilot if you have had laser surgery. You also have to wait a certain time after your surgery before they can send your file, I think it is 6 months (Double check that time). They will then send your file off to Borden as soon as there is another review cycle scheduled.