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Any fellow Med-Tech Wanna-bes?


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Just wondering if there's anyone else here gunning for med tech now that's been deemed in-demand.
blbenzies said:
Right here!

NICE! You look like your processing pretty quick too lol... good ol' Halifax centre.. so efficient lol

TroyG said:
I want to be, need to get my gr 12 bio and chem tho :-\

You got plenty of time to get it, just keep them studies up!
Nice! Starting to feel like the only male Med Tech wanna-be here lol... saw another thread and it was all girls
The dream haha.

What's wrong with Moncton, when I drove by it it looked nice enough.... also don't have I don't have to do Moncton :S
Currently living in a town of 5000 people, and regularly travelling to lil hamlets of <100 people for work lol... tell me about boring :P
I am also waiting myself. Due to a lengthy medical process, I may be waiting for a little time yet. But I have completed everything and I am just waiting for the merit listing. I am a male, so your not alone.
Just a heads-up for y'all:

Just because the occupation is listed as "in-demand" does not mean you will be rushed through the process and off to BMQ all quick and easy. You will be doing the process like everyone else. In fact, there is a definite possibility that the "in-demand" listing can/will be gone by the time you are merit-listed.

Hopefully, the process goes well for you - and it very well could - but do not expect it simply due to the "in-demand" listing.
Fellow Med-Tech here as well.  Here is a bit of my application process so far.
Application up to interview went very quickly!

April 2013 - I was recommended to continue my PCP / IV cert. class here in Victoria BC.
Oct 2013 - Completed PCP / IV cert. course.
Nov 2013 - Told to get my BC Paramedic licence.
Dec 2013 - Completed BC PCP Licence.
Jan 2014 - PLAR sent.
Feb 2014 - Had to send course curriculum to PLAR.

Since Jan 2014 I have been waiting foe the PLAR to go through.  I have been told that this process can take up to six months.  I am hoping to get the call soon!!!

Have a great day.
Nice. Smart move on continuing the PCP stuff, it'll help out in the long run.

I too had weapons tech as a choice, but it was taken off since I wanted Med Tech more. I actually called them today and was on the phone with them for a good hour about my application, if I wanted to do weapons tech still, and the reason why I didn't. It was actually a pretty good conversation, in the end he said I should stick to med tech.

I missed the May intake, but I was told that I should expect a phone call from them for the June/July intake for med techs. They are still getting my background check and PLAR done, but they assured me that once they get the ok from Halifax for next intake of Med Techs I'll be pulled in.
I am a male 23 years old. I am doing my paramedic class here in Quebec, its 3 years and I will begin my 2nd year on september. I applied for tech med as a non-qualified because I heard I will be able to be paramedic also after all the QL3, QL5 etc.  I am waiting to get called for QMB also.. do you think its a good idea to drop out of my paramedic school if I get called before the end of my 3 years?

Thank you!
you've been asking this same question in lots of threads but no one can answer it for you.
What is your ultimate goal in life? Is it to be a civilian paramedic and live your life in Quebec? Then complete your 3 year course.
Is your goal to be in the military as a medic? Then you must know that you may not spend your entire career in Quebec, especially if you wan tot advance through the ranks. Also your Quebec license may not be transferable to other provinces as easily as the BC license was and possibly the NB one will be. And on the flip side, Quebec does not tend to recognize PCP licenses from other provinces. Other provinces have very different protocols from the rest of Canada.

Basically, you need to decide what YOU want to do with your life. If you aren't sure, then finish your course so you have a degree to fall back on. The military is not going anywhere. I am not a recruiter... but a skilled paramedic, in good standing with their organization, applying for a medic position is probably always welcome.
As you have been told previously and repeatedly, talk to your recruiter.
paleomedic said:
you've been asking this same question in lots of threads but no one can answer it for you.
What is your ultimate goal in life? Is it to be a civilian paramedic and live your life in Quebec? Then complete your 3 year course.
Is your goal to be in the military as a medic? Then you must know that you may not spend your entire career in Quebec, especially if you wan tot advance through the ranks. Also your Quebec license may not be transferable to other provinces as easily as the BC license was and possibly the NB one will be. And on the flip side, Quebec does not tend to recognize PCP licenses from other provinces. Other provinces have very different protocols from the rest of Canada.

Basically, you need to decide what YOU want to do with your life. If you aren't sure, then finish your course so you have a degree to fall back on. The military is not going anywhere. I am not a recruiter... but a skilled paramedic, in good standing with their organization, applying for a medic position is probably always welcome.
As you have been told previously and repeatedly, talk to your recruiter.

Haven't post on the forums in forever. I would have to heavily agree that it depends what you want in life. Personally I went the civilian medic route first for my own personal growth before pursuing the military.