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Announcing Milnet.ca / Navy.ca / Air-Force.ca

Mike Bobbitt

Staff member
Directing Staff
Reaction score

It is with great pleasure that I would like to announce the expansion of  our community to include the other elements of the Canadian Forces. Effective immediately, Milnet.ca, Navy.ca and Air-Force.ca are now online and ready for visitors.

Here are the answers to some questions I anticipate will arise from the new sites:

Q: What will happen to Army.ca? Will anything change?

A: No, Army.ca is still here for the long haul. The only change is that Army.ca is now integrated into a family of websites, each with a focus on one of the elements.

Q: I understand Navy.ca and Air-Force.ca, but what is Milnet.ca?

A: Milnet.ca is the "capstone" of the Army/Navy/Air Force websites. It has a more general focus on the military instead of a specific element.

Q: Do I need to create accounts on all 4 websites?

A: Not at all. An account created on one website will work on all four. All your access, post history, permissions, subscriber status etc. is retained across the entire "family" of sites.

Q: How do I pick a specific site as my "default"?

A: Just browse to it using the site's URL. All links will automatically updated and pages will be displayed in that site's format. You can even view the current page through any other site via the new "Navigate" menu.

Q: Can I get swag from any of the new sites?

A: Right now only Army.ca and Milnet.ca have shirts, hats etc. for sale. There are no immediate plans to pick up Navy/Air Force items, however that may change if the demand is strong enough. (It was challenging enough to double the items available, let alone quadruple them... plus, I'd have to find a spot for all that extra inventory!)

Q: I'm already an Army.ca subscriber, but now I want to get a Milnet.ca coin too.

A: You can pick up a Milnet.ca coin on a first come, first served basis for $20 (shipped). It's treated like a "lost coin," and this option is available to current subscribers only.

Q: I don't see any Army.ca coins available!

A: We've run out, and currently only have Milnet.ca coins in stock. There may be a re-order of Army.ca coins at some later date but right now it's just not an option.

Q: I browsed to AirForce.ca and it's not what I expected. What happened?

A: You've found the Air Force Association's web site. "Our" site is Air-Force.ca with a dash.

Q: Something's broken!

A: No doubt! This was the single largest change Army.ca has ever been through, so there will be some damage from my thrashing about. Please post a note about what you're seeing or drop me an e-mail/PM with as much info as possible (link, error message, etc.). I'll do my best to keep on top of the "to do" list.

Well, there you have it... the official announcement of the worst kept secret since Camp Mirage.

There is still some work to be done so please bear with me, but I believe the majority of the features are now in place. If anyone has any questions, comments or feedback, please let me know.

Thanks - and welcome to the "family"!

Mike Bobbitt
Milnet.ca / Army.ca / Navy.ca / Air-Force.ca
TCBF said:
Thirty-nine years of unification. 




We we bless you for it Mike..

Finaly we of the Army no longer must debase ourselves with the presence of the unworthy in our Ranks! ;)
HitorMiss said:
We we bless you for it Mike..

Finaly we of the Army no longer must debase ourselves with the presence of the unworthy in our Ranks! ;)

I'm still a mod here sunshine !!!!!

Hmmm now I see the wisdom in Cartmans words from "Passion of the Jew"

"We all know what were going to do but let's not say anything till they are on trains bound for camps"

Mike....on the AF site...i find the quote boxes hard to read with that shade of blue and the black letters
CDN Aviator said:
Mike....on the AF site...i find the quote boxes hard to read with that shade of blue and the black letters

- Figures once they got their own site, the whining would get louder.


I'm not sure if it's just me but I'm getting "Server not found" for the Milnet site.
your link mor milnet.ca is broken... unless you're selling home theature systems.

I do have to say that you've done great work, as soon as I know my finances for the month I'll get a subscription.

I know it was probably tough picking a colour for milnet.ca, but I think grey should be an interm colour, maybe hold a vote for a colour scheme?
van Gemeren said:
I know it was probably tough picking a colour for milnet.ca, but I think grey should be an interm colour, maybe hold a vote for a colour scheme?

I vote CADPAT ;D