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All Things Flight Engineer (merged)

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Maybe not now when they are shiny out of the box brand new, but give them a few hard landings, a couple fod incidents, a few changes in paint scheme, and I think the technical expertise of the FE will be missed. No-one does as thorough a walk around as an FE
RTaylor said:
I was talking to the recruiting center, they said that AVS can also now become FE, same as AVN. Anyone shed any light on this ?

And yeah, Im bumping a old post :p

This has been floating around for a while now; I haven't heard anything about it at work, but I'd expect the recruiting centre to know.

It was touched upon in this thread.  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/59979.0.html
At this point it is still only AVN techs being selected. The basic course is predicated on all candidates having a solid back ground in AVN. The course would have to completely redone for AVS techs. The only exceptions I have heard of, are old IE techs that went AVS. They still met the requirement for the trade before amalgamation took place.
Expect some big changes coming up summer 2009 in regards to the Flight Engineer trade intake. Lot's of rumours kicking around, the Tiger team will decide of our future. I can see the trade opening its doors to the "direct entry" concept especially for qualified AME personnel. I also heard that AVS will also be a go.
Heard it the rumour that FE was going to be like loadie and that they were using the TFC Tech trade as a model...Come into it. Fly around for a couple af years then right back to your parent trade.
Those who are currently FEs will always be FEs, The new guys may be called something else. I only think this model will work on the J Hercs and C-17 and maybe the new SAR A/C. The Helo guys take a lot of time and effort to upgrade I don't think it would be wise to send them back to the floor after getting them up to speed flying. Perhaps reversing the current progression format might work, start on a J Herc and then progress to the Helo world. Start off as a servicing/ "C" level release guy, help the loadie when he needs it, but with none or very limited inflight duties. After some time on the heavies you could move onto the Helos for some real FE work.

Time will tell, and as long as we have CP 140 and the E/H Hercs we will still require FEs
mover1 said:
Heard it the rumour that FE was going to be like loadie and that they were using the TFC Tech trade as a model...Come into it. Fly around for a couple af years then right back to your parent trade.

the 'abbot report' suggests the above along with advising our allies we no longer have flight engineers to offer for NATO ops and suggest the reason d'atre of FE's was to provide senior NCO's to push buttons whilst sitting in a seat on a multi engine prop jobs between two officers....lol . It says something along the lines of continuing to use 'tech crewman' (which isn't a military trade) and just throwing them on and off airplanes as ordered like is not working right now on some platform

then again, the said paper also states work like pre and post flight servicing, hoisting, weight and balance, throwing sar techs out the back etc are 'generic aircrew functions'. i say good..let pilots in training do it while us experienced airmen continue to specialize in that which most don't understand or don't want to do.

The CAS reply was something like the abbot and costello report is  one suggestion but not one that is popular or generally accepted.
FltEngr said:
Expect some big changes coming up summer 2009 in regards to the Flight Engineer trade intake. Lot's of rumours kicking around, the Tiger team will decide of our future. I can see the trade opening its doors to the "direct entry" concept especially for qualified AME personnel. I also heard that AVS will also be a go.

I've read/heard the same. It'll be a tough one.
hope so..i just got my OT..if i can get on the AMT before summer i should be on the aug course...
You can get on the basic course with a waiver for the AMT so don't think it a roadblock
That's exactly what happenned to me. The chamber in Winnipeg was undergoing maintanance, most of the guys on course had a waiver. No worries, as long as you have it done before your OTU.
Hey Everyone, just a question.

I am headed to Borden, to sit until my AVN course. My ultimate goal is to be a FE. And i just want to be pointeded in the general direction.

Knowing that there are only FEs on the Aurora, Herc-Hs, and most of the helos. Do I have to lean towards working on those aircraft for the 5 years before my OT or can i do work on aircraft say the hornet and still be eligible to be and FE?

Any aircraft will do. Most of the FEs i fly with came from a variety of backgrounds.
CDN  Aviator is correct, you can work on any airframe and be taken into the trade. That been said there is a move afoot to to train techs on an airframe and then keep them on the same aircraft as as FEs(including the Hec and Aurora). There is no time line or training plan for this yet, still in the good idea stage. This will all come to realism with the re-vitalization of the trade plan that is being developed.
Also the Twin-Otter and Buffalo have FEs on them as well.
Sorry to bring up a dead thread but it's about the same topic.

I'm thinking of putting in an OT (4 yrs RCR) and one of they jobs I'm interested in is a rotary FE.  I know it's not a "trade" but that's my final goal.

My question is, what's the likely hood of becoming a FE?  Is it a highly desirable job with lots of competition?  What's the time frame once OTing to becoming a FE?

Also is there any FE from 427 that might be willing to meet up with me to give me some first hand knowledge?

Wood973 said:
I'm thinking of putting in an OT (4 yrs RCR) and one of they jobs I'm interested in is a rotary FE.  I know it's not a "trade" but that's my final goal.

My question is, what's the likely hood of becoming a FE?  Is it a highly desirable job with lots of competition?  What's the time frame once OTing to becoming a FE?

You'll have to OT to an aircraft technician MOC first before you can try to be an FE.
......and after you become a tech, you will have to put in a few years before you can OT.
Yes I realize I need to be an aircraft tech and a few years in.  I'm looking to find out some more detailed info, preferably from someone who's done it.
I heard they are going to add Flight Engineers on C130j models. Aperantly they wanted to reduce the work load for pilots.
Is this true?