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Albertas Oil ,Candas Mad Cow


Army.ca Veteran
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Take your pick,the bovines came from Alberta but it was Canada's fault,but it's still Alberta's Oil that they wont share.
Hmm so much for a United Country!
Being biased, because I live there, why should Alberta share its windfall?  Alberta gives $12 billion a year already to the Canadian coffers, only getting approx $3 billion in Health transfer payments.  I doubt any other province can say that.


FDL  :cdn:
as fdl pointed out already, Alberta gives (and has for decades) far more to our united country than it recieves. Alberta has been shafted by the Federal gov'mint enough, with the control placed on our farmers.
I don't think we should share. That will cut into everyone's nice check we are going to receive in the mail soon. Klein says it could be 300 or more. Nothing beats free money in the mail.  >:D I love Alberta
I don't recall BC sharing with Alberta back in the '70's, when lumber and fisheries were both booming.  And I don't recall Ontario sharing with anyone, ever, at all, at any time, ad infinitum, amen.
camochick said:
I don't think we should share. That will cut into everyone's nice check we are going to receive in the mail soon. Klein says it could be 300 or more. Nothing beats free money in the mail.   >:D I love Alberta

Nice to see Ralph is still capable of buying your love...
Put this BC resident in the "Don't Share" column.
Ah yes, ralph can buy my love anyday. I wouldnt vote for him but I'll take his money. hehe >:D
camochick said:
Ah yes, Ralph can buy my love anyday. I wouldn't vote for him but I'll take his money. he he >:D

Little hypocritical isn't it. Where do you think we would be now if the Libs, or ND's had run this province. I guarantee you we would not be having any money come back.
I know alot of people who hate the liberals, but they didnt mind taking the heat rebate checks they sent out. Money is money is money. If someone is going to give me free money, I dont care who it is. What would you have me do, send it back to them. I'm a waitress, I make peanuts. I'm going to take the check and go buy myself something nice. Thank you daddy klein. >:D
No I don't expect you to send it back ;D, that would be kinda silly. Personally I would rather see tax cut's, at least they keep giving, instead of a "one time" payout. I doubt we would start doing the Alaska thing and have yearly rebates. I see he is talking about people might have to qualify for the checks...wonder what they have in mind there.

As for the "Mad Cow", it was a nation wide problem, as it was not only cattle, Llama and other animals from Alta, but ALL Canadian Herds that were affected by the closing of the border, even the Dairy farmer out east could not send or receive breeding stock, across the border.
Kat Stevens said:
And I don't recall Ontario sharing with anyone, ever, at all, at any time, ad infinitum, amen.

Ontario put $23 billion into the system this year. It receives no equalization payments. It's the big financial contributer to the country as a whole. Alberta is the only other province that will receive no payments, but will pay out far less. So AB and ON are supporting all you loafers out there. Get busy and quit yer bitchin'. Time for some money to flow the other way for a change.  :threat:
x-grunt, your views are yours, however I take exception to the way that you express them as I am sure many others do or will. Please refrain from calling people "loafers" and accusing others of "bitchin", it will go far to keep flame wars from erupting on the board.

Thank you.
This money would come from Oil royalties, as you know. So as it's not a tax right out of the people's pockets, and back to their hands, I guess you could view it as "free"
Based on per capita spending i would like to see the actual amount that other provinces put into the coffers and receive, over the past 20 years.

Ontario and Quebec retain a lot of federal money in the way of one time grants to large corporations to the tunes of hundreds of millions of dollars. Most other provinces receive very little in the way of these, even though they may employ more people and or have more money at stake. So the fact that equalization payments may be larger to some provinces then others, i think is absurd. One would have to look at the overall funding program of the Federal Government to fully see a true perspective on ACTUAL funding. and this would have to be done over more then a couple of years. lets say 20 past and 20 present. Cheers.

No Alberta should not have to share their excess funding with the rest of the country. nor should the rest of the country have to share theirs with Alberta
Scott said:
x-grunt, your views are yours, however I take exception to the way that you express them as I am sure many others do or will. Please refrain from calling people "loafers" and accusing others of "bitchin", it will go far to keep flame wars from erupting on the board.

Thank you.

As is usually the case with this medium, it is easy to be misinterpreted. I do feel a bit miffed by constant Ontario bashing, and this came across here. However the post was supposed to be light-hearted, and failed to appear that way. Apologies.
I was not trying to insinuate that you did noy understand, sorry. And I did not think into it enough to think of the exploration breaks etc. So yes you are right.
x-grunt said:
As is usually the case with this medium, it is easy to be misinterpreted. I do feel a bit miffed by constant Ontario bashing, and this came across here. However the post was supposed to be light-hearted, and failed to appear that way. Apologies.

Thanks for the maturity, it is appreciated. You're right, misinterperetation is somewhat of a problem as text does not convey tone, that's all that was being addressed. Thanks again.
Just heard on the radio this morning that the bonus is going to be 400 for every man,woman and child. They didnt say when the checks are going to be sent out but hopefully soon.  >:D