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Airman To Compete In Miss USA Pageant


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Airman To Compete In Miss USA Pageant

By Seamus O’Connor - Staff writer
Posted : Friday Mar 23, 2007 17:09:38 EDT

Air Force 2nd Lt. Kelly George has grabbed national attention for her work on the runway — but she’s not a pilot.

George, 24, this year’s Miss Arkansas USA, is the first active-duty military member to compete in the Miss USA pageant. The competition finals are Friday night, and will be broadcast on NBC starting at 8 p.m. Central.

“I don’t think that you’d be able to pick me out of the crowd of women and say, ‘That one’s in the Air Force,’” George said. Still, she said, there are “51 gorgeous women here, so you have to think of what makes them different. So the fact that I am an airman and that I’m an airman first sparks people’s attention.”

In her day job, George is deputy chief of public affairs for the 314th Airlift Wing at Little Rock Air Force Base, Ark.  But since taking the state crown — er, tiara — last October, she’s been juggling Air Force and pageant duties.

“It’s a very delicate balance,” she said. “A lot of it is just good time management. ... A lot of the requirements to prepare for Miss USA already coincide with my job, like being physically fit. I mean, the Air Force pays me to be in shape.”

The biggest trial for George so far has been learning to function with constant chaperoning, though some of the perks, like red-carpet treatment, aren’t too bad.

If she wins the Miss USA title, George will go on to represent America in the Miss Universe pageant and be on permissive TDY for the year while performing her Miss USA duties.

And though George said everyone from contestants to pageant organizers has taken an interest in her Air Force career, “I’m also here to compete for Miss USA, and I really want that job, so I want to show them that I am in the Air Force, yes, but I can also be glamorous and I can be Miss USA.”

Fans can vote for George to be Miss Photogenic at http://www.nbc.com/Miss_USA_2007/ .

On the Web  Official Kelly George site http://www.kellygeorge.info/

Discuss: Should Airman Kelly George compete in the Miss USA pageant? http://www.militarytimes.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1558853
For a moment as I opened this thread, I thought that this might have been the same Airman, dismissed recently from the USAF, who had a Playboy spread. But to some readers' disappointment,they're not the same person, since this Airman is a lieutenant, while the other one is a staff/tech sergeant, IIRC.  ;D

Oh well...still something to look forward to watching.

Personally, I'm offended that women are exploited on physical criteria this way.

If you're sensitive but can handle being offended, here's her website.

Your right JOURNEYMAN that was incredibly offensive, I was shocked.
blackadder1916 said:
Airman To Compete In Miss USA Pageant

Shouldn't it be airwoman  ;) ?

What shock me is that men aren't exploit the same way, sigh !
time expired said:
Your right JOURNEYMAN that was incredibly offensive, I was shocked.
(sarcasm comment)It was, my eyes need to be washed.(end sarcasm:D
they should put her in all recruiting ads, if that does not get men to enlist then i don't know what will ha ha
THAT would help some men to enlisted  :D .


Could someone point me to a thread that describes a woman's privacy in the infantry?  From training to deployment, is there a requirement to shower or change with men
Unfortunately, she lost the competition for Miss USA (didn't even make the final fifteen), but she will continue to perform the duties of Miss Arkansas.  Will this be reflected in her OER?  Could her performance in these events meet the criteria for awarding her the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal or other award?  (only half in sarcasm)
blackadder1916 said:
Unfortunately, she lost the competition for Miss USA (didn't even make the final fifteen), but she will continue to perform the duties of Miss Arkansas.  Will this be reflected in her OER?  Could her performance in these events meet the criteria for awarding her the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal or other award?  (only half in sarcasm)

Who know? Do they get extra points for community service?