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Air Reserve Questions:


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Hey I had a few questions about the Air Reserve. I was hoping someone in the Reserves can help me out here please :)

1) Would you meet at an air force base or wing?

2) How often would you go?

3) Can you be a pilot and in the reserves or does it have to be Reg Force?

4) Would it interfere with school?

And also I am aware that you must have a Degree in order to become a pilot, so can you train to be a pilot and go to RMC at the same time or something. It's really confusing and I'm trying to choose a career track to sorta follow. Any replies are appreciated.


This question has been answered before so you may want to check the archives.

Unfortunately, your chances of becoming a pilot through the air reserve are next to nil - most reserve pilots are ex-regs and if you go on the air reserve web site you will see that they require skilled applicants for the trade.

(A tiny number of helicopter pilots are accepted but they need a commercial ticket (IIRC) and an instrument rating - which in the civvie helo world means lots and lots of money for training to get those basic qualifications.)

And yes it would interfere with school because the air reserve runs courses at all times of year - not just the summer. And yes the air reserve unit is usually housed at the local base/wing.

I'm sure some of the pilots here might be able to provide more detail - but that's the gist of it,

cheers, mdh
The Air Reserve is quite different from the Army Reserve. As mdh said, it's not just a weekend/summer job and it's mostly geared towards ex-RegF personnel, or at least the highly technical trades are. Most trades in the Air Force require quite extensive training, pilot training for example is around 18 months long. Most other trades are similar, thus it's not something that can be done on weekends.

If you choose to go Regular Force and you're accepted for pilot, you will only do the primary flight training during school. The rest of the training is completed after you're finished at RMC, again, the reason for this is the length of pilot training.

If you're looking for a part time job with the Reserves while you're in high school, the Army is the only real option, maybe the Naval reserves but I don't know a whole lot about them. Air Reserve is usually not possible for most people.
Thanks for all the replies everybody, I did actually read several of the other posts but my questions were meant to be more specific. If I'm not specific enough, please notify me.

  Awesome, so I can first only be in the army reserves and then switch elements after school and keep the reserves as like a part time job for high school?

  Thanks for the reply mdh. I know you are probably thinking I am one of the many thousands of people that THINK they want to be in the airforce as a pilot. But I haven't made this decision to follow this path over night. Even though I'm 14, I am currently an extremely devoted air cadet striving to get both glider and power scholarships like many others. I am physically fit, perfect vision, excellent hand/eye coordination ( thanks to video games :P like in so many research stats ) and love military life. By the time I am ready to graduate high school and am done my degree I bet the number of pilots will decline due to them getting to old.

Since there is already a shortage or need for more pilots now, and so many people in this generation being obese and what not :P I think I would stand a good candidate don't you think? My average in high school is 85 also ( academic courses ) so I'm not that stupid ;D

  I am aware that all my dreams could be shattered if I cannot pass the ACS for whatever reason since it's so hard, but I think I would be a candidate worth the testing. Thats why I want to make a back-up or something to fall on if I don't make it. I will most likely take work either in Law Enforcement or join the army.

  But what is seriously bugging me is if it is banned to be a cadet and in the army reserve at the same time or is that a mix? or does my squadron have to know...? >:D

  I'm sure this has been answered numerouse times, but how often do you meet at an army reserve unit ( I'm close to one ) and will it inteinterfereh Secondary school and are you obligated to stick with them for a period of time and can I change elements?
foxtwo said:
Thanks for all the replies everybody, I did actually read several of the other posts but my questions were meant to be more specific. If I'm not specific enough, please notify me.

  Awesome, so I can first only be in the army reserves and then switch elements after school and keep the reserves as like a part time job for high school?

  Thanks for the reply mdh. I know you are probably thinking I am one of the many thousands of people that THINK they want to be in the airforce as a pilot. But I haven't made this decision to follow this path over night. Even though I'm 14, I am currently an extremely devoted air cadet striving to get both glider and power scholarships like many others. I am physically fit, perfect vision, excellent hand/eye coordination ( thanks to video games :P like in so many research stats ) and love military life. By the time I am ready to graduate high school and am done my degree I bet the number of pilots will decline due to them getting to old.

Since there is already a shortage or need for more pilots now, and so many people in this generation being obese and what not :P I think I would stand a good candidate don't you think? My average in high school is 85 also ( academic courses ) so I'm not that stupid ;D

  I am aware that all my dreams could be shattered if I cannot pass the ACS for whatever reason since it's so hard, but I think I would be a candidate worth the testing. Thats why I want to make a back-up or something to fall on if I don't make it. I will most likely take work either in Law Enforcement or join the army.

  But what is seriously bugging me is if it is banned to be a cadet and in the army reserve at the same time or is that a mix? or does my squadron have to know...? >:D

  I'm sure this has been answered numerouse times, but how often do you meet at an army reserve unit ( I'm close to one ) and will it inteinterfereh Secondary school and are you obligated to stick with them for a period of time and can I change elements?

wow.. 14 years old?

those are some fine writing skills if you ask me.

I'd allow someone of a more expanded knowledge answer your first few questions, but with regards to your last two questions, you meet at the army reserve unit once a week on your unit's parade night. The Army Reserve will only interfere with your secondary school IF you let it. It is designed not to conflict.

all the best.. work toward your dreams
foxtwo said:
  Awesome, so I can first only be in the army reserves and then switch elements after school and keep the reserves as like a part time job for high school?

  Thanks for the reply mdh. I know you are probably thinking I am one of the many thousands of people that THINK they want to be in the airforce as a pilot. But I haven't made this decision to follow this path over night. Even though I'm 14, I am currently an extremely devoted air cadet striving to get both glider and power scholarships like many others. I am physically fit, perfect vision, excellent hand/eye coordination ( thanks to video games :P like in so many research stats ) and love military life. By the time I am ready to graduate high school and am done my degree I bet the number of pilots will decline due to them getting to old.

Since there is already a shortage or need for more pilots now, and so many people in this generation being obese and what not :P I think I would stand a good candidate don't you think? My average in high school is 85 also ( academic courses ) so I'm not that stupid ;D

Yes, you can, I was an Armoured Crewman in the reserves then when I finished High school, I released to go to College, I then joined the RegF for pilot.

There is a shortage, but standards still have to be met and nothing is guaranteed. It's a strange trade like that, the standards will never be lowered, or very rarely since when that happens, people get killed. I've seen guys fail out a week before getting their wings and that's the end of the dream.

Obesity is not really as big a problem as you may believe, it's the eye sight requirements that usually ends most potential pilot's aspirations before they barely get their foot in the door. Obesity can be fixed too, eye sight can't, at least not in a way that satisfies the CF.
Wow is right - I wish I had been that focused at 14 -   :P but foxtwo if I can play the role of boring old guy for a second don't get too focused to the exclusion of everything else.

As Inch rightly noted:

There is a shortage, but standards still have to be met and nothing is guaranteed. It's a strange trade like that, the standards will never be lowered, or very rarely since when that happens, people get killed. I've seen guys fail out a week before getting their wings and that's the end of the dream

I've known a few guys (from my Air Cadet days to the present) who didn't make it either - and they were practically genetically engineered from birth to get into the trade - some didn't get over it. (others got in because one day they thought it would be "cool" to be a pilot and sailed through ACS like it was a picnic - go figure)

Life has a way of throwing curve balls and in the end a career is just a job (albiet CF pilot is one of the better ones if you have to work for a living - even if you get stuck in Cold Lake ;D).

Good luck I know you'd make a fine addition to the CF, mdh

Thanks for the complements guys (lol), I'm flattered. I'm thinking more and more army reserve during high school. I live about 15 minutes from the Lorne Scots Regiment meets up. I think I would nail it. I know my drill, navigation, standard first aid and can go on and on. After looking at this clip, http://www.army.dnd.ca/LORNE_SCOTS/content/BMQ_WM.wmv it's pretty informing and is just what I'm into.
  Just one question remains though. CAN I BE A CADET AND RESERVEST AT THE SAME TIME? Or will I have to quit cadets. Last night I found out that one of my newly promoted Sgt's who transfered from Etobicoke was in the Lorne Scots. I would try to ask him next Monday night but I am just to anxious to decide my job/career now (yes I am not the average kid :P).

  Oh and I just found out that their parade is on Thursdays, same day as Ground School! :crybaby: I'm screwed.

  So please can someone try to dig up and see it the cadet+reseves is a myth. And thanks for all your replies, especially mdh.


I don't think there's any rule against it, though I don't have a reference for that.  IMO, I would advise against doing both, I quit cadets when I got into the Reserves. No time for both and the Reserves was way more fun, no responsibility and pretty decent pay checks. Unless you have an inferiority complex and need to be the man of the hour, go for the Reserves. I don't regret that decision at all.
foxtwo said:

Short answer, YES.  CATO 13-7: http://www.cadets.ca/_docs/cato-oaic/1307_b.pdf

But why would you want to do both at the same time?  And while I think Inch's advice is sound, I would say you'd be better off staying in cadets and doing the reserves later.  If you want to be a pilot in the CF, getting your wings for free through cadets first would definitely help.  You can always join the reseves when you're in college or university, but once you're 19 there's no going back to cadets, and no second chance on those power or glider wings (or an International Exchange, Senior Leaders Course, etc.).

Just a thought.
I see what you mean guys. Thanks for that link Inch, its GOLD :D can't wait to show that to my officer.
I want to be a pilot. I want to be in the reserves as a part time job. Cadets is limited, reserves isn't. When I graduate I'll either continue on if I qualify for the ACS. You people are really smart and helpful. Good reflection on the CF as a whole.  :salute: :cdn: So I guess for now I'll have to find a boring Civilian job instead and won't be able to fire the C7 (my dream lol). Or would I be able to work at the Lorne Scots some how?. Oh and by the way, do you get to fire the C7 on the BOTC or just the stupid daisy's ::)?
garbageman beat me to it - although when I was a cadet I couldn't wait to get out and join the army reserve since I despised my squadron leadership - but that's another story  ;).

If you want to fly then try and get your wings - it's one of the great perqs of being an air cadet and considering the cost of getting a private licence it's a nice way to get some experience.

But Inch is ultimately correct IMHO - I think you will find the army reserves a whole different world and you will be doing more interesting and exciting things - but at 14 years old what's the hurry? You've got loads of time to make a decision and you won't really be able to join the reserves until you're 17 (even if you can initiate the application at 16 with parents permission IIRC)

foxtwo said:
I see what you mean guys. Thanks for that link Inch, its GOLD :D can't wait to show that to my officer.
I want to be a pilot. I want to be in the reserves as a part time job. Cadets is limited, reserves isn't. When I graduate I'll either continue on if I qualify for the ACS. You people are really smart and helpful. Good reflection on the CF as a whole.   :salute: :cdn: So I guess for now I'll have to find a boring Civilian job instead and won't be able to fire the C7 (my dream lol). Or would I be able to work at the Lorne Scots some how?. Oh and by the way, do you get to fire the C7 on the BOTC or just the stupid daisy's ::)?

Again, I can't stress it enough, cadet wings won't mean jack in the CF. I know just as many, probably more, that got through ACS and got their CF wings with zero experience prior to joining the CF. It's one of those things that either you've got it or you don't. Sure a PPL may help you through ACS and Primary Flying Training, but if you lack the skill required, it'll catch up with you at some point. The military is very demanding flying and if you're a mediocre pilot that skates by then even 1000 hrs experience won't help you, and yes, I know a few ex-Air Cadets with their power wings that failed out of the CF pilot training.

Another thing to keep in mind, if you only want to be a pilot and you choose to go to RMC or a Civilian University under ROTP, you owe 5 years after you graduate, even if you fail out of pilot training. So you had better be sure about committing 9 years of your life to a job that you may not want to do.

I don't mean to sound all high and mighty or that it's an impossible thing to accomplish, I just want to make sure you and others understand what you're getting into. It's not an easy road, it's a very humbling experience and you'll have some very good friends that won't make it. That's a part of the path you've got to walk to be a CF pilot. This is stuff the recruiters won't tell you because it's the bad things. If it's what you really want, then give 100% in everything you do, if it doesn't work out for you then it wasn't meant to be and there's no shame in that.

Oh and as a reservist, you'll fire the C7 all the time, well, not all the time but you'll get to shoot a fair bit and you'll never touch a Daisy again.  ;)
Yeah that's what I'm talking about ;).
Again I can't stress it enough what a great help all of your replies are.

This is my summer courses ASSUMING that I will make them all (which I should, since I'm so good   8)obsessed with cadets with my "never missed a parade night or exercises or tagging or poppy selling" record. How else can I get the officers to notice me so I get promoted?)

14 - gr8 Basic 2004
15 - gr9 ITAC 2005 (introduction to aviation)
16 - gr10 Glider
17 - gr11 Power
18 - gr12 (NO MORE GROUND SCHOOL!) should I take exchange or something or join Reserves 8)
19 - No more High school :) ? ACS or Army Or Reserves/then Law Enforcement like my older sister? (Either way I'm getting a degree maybe RMC I am not sure...



oh ya and Inch is my new hero   8)
oh ya and Inch is my new hero  

Sigh, you pilot types get all the glory, oh well back to the PAFFO salt mine,   :'(

cheers all, mdh
mdh said:
oh ya and Inch is my new hero 

Sigh, you pilot types get all the glory, oh well back to the PAFFO salt mine,   :'(

cheers all, mdh

I've been called a lot of things, hero is pretty flattering.  :o

Don't worry mdh, it takes all kinds to make the world turn.
ya mdh, you're special in your own way  ;)
If I go army, you will be #1 on my list :)

But Inch here "DRIVES" (LOL) a Sea King! I have never ever talked to a CF pilot before! Now when ever I go to Borden and see a Sea King, I'll tell all my buddies that I know a Sea King pilot:

What do your wings look like?
foxtwo said:
ya mdh, you're special in your own way   ;)
If I go army, you will be #1 on my list :)

But Inch here "DRIVES" (LOL) a Sea King! I have never ever talked to a CF pilot before! Now when ever I go to Borden and see a Sea King, I'll tell all my buddies that I know a Sea King pilot:

What do your wings look like?

I don't know that you'll see that many Sea Kings in Borden, they may have one there for the technicians to train on but I can't say for sure. There is a Griffon Sqn there though, 400 TacHel Sqn.

To satisfy your curiosity.......
If there was a drooling smilie, it would be right here... :o

Uh I am sure I've seen atleast one Sea King there.
Griffons fly past us every 5 minutes though.
Anyways... YOU ARE SO COOL!


All the Wings of every Pilot are the same right?
foxtwo said:
If there was a drooling smilie, it would be right here... :o

Uh I am sure I've seen atleast one Sea King there.
Griffons fly past us every 5 minutes though.
Anyways... YOU ARE SO COOL!


All the Wings of every Pilot are the same right?

Uh, thanks.  :blotto:

Yes, they're the same for all CF pilots.