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AHA!!!!!! I finally understand the CR Regen system!!!


Army.ca Fixture
Reaction score
Okkkkk......makes sense to me now after thinking about it and looking at it.

I have 105 CR Points.

It will take me 24 hours to regenerate those 105 points.

Having an Initiative level of 48 will subtract 96 minutes from those 24 hours.

Thus, I will regenerate my 105 points every 22:24.  Right?

That means that every point will take me 12:48 (or 22:24 divided by 105).

The dawning light of comprehension has fallen on me.  At last. 

I was trying to figure out why when I was adding my merit points to my initiative, it was dropping by a second at a time, rather than 2 minutes at a time.


That's it exactly!

Here's the formula:

(1440 - 2 * Initiative ) / Max CR

(Note that 1440 is 24 hours expressed as minutes). If you get a decimal, like 12.8, just multiply the decimal digits by 60 to get the seconds: .8 * 60 = 48, so 12.8 is 12:48, as you noted above.
Its a fine balance between CR and Initiative. Makes much more sense to drop MP into initiative now that theoretically you can regen your CR once every 6 hours.
I'm supposed to regen my CR every <35 minutes, but it doesn't totally regen...what am I doing wrong???
Cheers for newb help~~~  :piper:
You get 1 CR point every 36 minutes, not fill your meter.
Oh... I see...so pump more into getting "promoted" and put points into initiative and regen ....thanks PC... :salute:
No problem. You'll find you'll get more time taken off the clock if you put some into CR (at the lower levels). Knowing what I know now, I might put 3 or 4 into CR for every 1 initiative.
I discovered with my last 5 merit points that adding an initiative point speeds my timer by 0:01, while adding a CR point speeds my timer by 0:05. 

I think the trick is to balance the two, so that they're both down to like a 1-2 second improvement, (ie it doesn't matter which you pick) per merit point.

I'm learning....

NS, those numbers will adjust as you level up. Initially it's better to raise your max CR... but later on it's going to be better to raise your initiative. As you've done, you just have to tinker and see what's working.

Actually, as it's all math, it's possible to figure out when the "break even" point is for CR and Initiative.
I levelled up today, and added 4 CR's, which improved my refresh time by about 30 seconds.  I added 1 IN, and that changed my by only 1 second.

Then I hit a medal giving me 5 additional IN, which only improved my CR recovery time by 4 more seconds.  I'm at the point where more CR's will help me faster than more IN's.

That said, having extra IN's isn't a bad thing. 

I checked mine today too and I'm getting close to par. I added one to CR and it sped up my refresh by 1 second and then I added 1 to my IN and it didn't change the timing at all.
Yep, that's par for the course. At my level and stats, 5 initiative lower me 1 second, and so does 5 CR.