It may certainly be that there are not any remaining slots available for DEOs in the trades that you have selected in this fiscal year. This doesn't mean that you can't still get on the list for any slots that may become available in the upcoming fiscal year. Of course, your recruiter is probably trying to discourage you from counting on getting it, as there are umpteen-billion people who want the job, and a few if any positions that are going to be made available. And at this time none of the recruiters know how many, if any, will be made available.
Of course, also realize that in doing so, you'll be at pretty much the bottom of your recruiter's priority list when it comes to scheduling interviews, CFATs, medicals, etc. After all, their time is much better spent on processing someone who actually has a chance of heading off for basic in the next few months.
As for all the pilot slots going to RMC, the issue with this is that there is currently no training capacity. But, there is forecaster to be some training capacity about four years down the road. So, they fill those future training slots with people who won't be able to start training for a few years, such as ROTP enrollees. And four years down the road when those future slots have all been filled by fresh RMC grads, the cycle continues. From the viewpoint of the CF Recruiting Group, everything is fine and dandy, as the needs of the service has been fulfilled. From the viewpoint of the horde of DEO pilot applicants, well, their wants haven't been fulfilled. But if you can take any lesson from this, let it be that the needs of the service always come first.
So yes, you're being pressured into applying for a trade where you could better fulfill the needs of the service. And when you refuse, and insist upon being one of many applicants to try for a trade that is either not open, or has an extremely limited number of slots available (Or more aptly, a trade that has a ratio of slots available to applicants applying so low that all the slots will be filled with qualified applicants whether or not your application gets processed at all), yes you'll probably be put on the backburner here.
Or, you know, you could apply to be a MSEO or a CSEO. Maybe get on the next NOAB. Sailing's fun you know.
Anyways, I'll look up that CFAO for you tomorrow.