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Afghanistan Mission Information


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For all those times the "Peacenicks" tell the world our mission isn't working, I present "The Facts" http://publiservice.gc.ca/committees/afghanistan/pdf/Key-Statistics-en.pdf.

Some telling stats taken from the link:

close to 6 million children (1/3 girls) enrolled in school, 2007-2008 vs. 2001 figure: 700,000 (boys only)
over 80% of Afghans now have access to basic medical care (vs. 9% in 2004)
Weird, the above link seems to be Internal only.  This link works externally: http://www.canada-afghanistan.gc.ca/cip-pic/afghanistan/pdf/Tableau_WoG_APR08_eng.pdf
Better schools, the improvement of local education, and the rights of females in these 3rd world hell holes do not sell stories or gain in the ratings on the 6.00 pm news, but the odd stray smart bomb, or collateral damge, which kills/mames some locals, does.

Just remember most of the time, the media is a bigger enemy than the bad guys are.

Shame on them.
Who controls the ratings?  We do, people who watch the news.  And those vast amount of people that DO want to hear about collateral damages and stray smart bombs. 
I mean your absolutely right about the media focussing on the wrong things.  But shame on us for watching so intently.
Well, I for one don't listen to it, or if I do, I roll my eyes, adn take it for what its worth. The sheeple sure, they listen to it, and become brainwashed by it IMHO. The media view things as boring stories for success, or blood and guts, which sells, through over dramatisation and sensationalism, then the constant overplaying and rehashing of these events til we are sick of it.

I take the media for what its worth, a 1/10.
Yea I try to do the same, truth be told a lot of the news I learn is from reading articles in these forums.  I just try to think of how lucky we are that we are not as controlled be fear and propaganda as the states is. 

The other thing that I think the media is guilty of is downplaying a country's own shady actions.  I mean I know that history is written by the winners, but think about everything we will never be told when this conflict is over.  I mean Wes you have the first hand experience so I'm sure you have a better understanding of it than I do.  It's just strange to think that say, oh if Germany had one WW11, that Churchill and the RAF would be the evil doers for bombing Dresden. 

Wesley  Down Under said:
Well, I for one don't listen to it, or if I do, I roll my eyes, adn take it for what its worth. The sheeple sure, they listen to it, and become brainwashed by it IMHO. The media view things as boring stories for success, or blood and guts, which sells, through over dramatisation and sensationalism, then the constant overplaying and rehashing of these events til we are sick of it.

I take the media for what its worth, a 1/10.

This just reinforces the point that one should do their own research and that includes researching the "Source" of the information.  If one doesn't do their own thinking and research, then they are going to follow blindly any 'propaganda' that is put in front of them.  This is where our Lefty Fanatics fail to make a valid argument, because they fall prey to falsehoods perpetuated by others with agendas. 

If you want to get a clear picture of anything - take the time to do the proper research, and ensure that it is done from reputable sources.
now only if some more citizens would read these things.
Well, I for one don't listen to it, or if I do, I roll my eyes, adn take it for what its worth. The sheeple sure, they listen to it, and become brainwashed by it IMHO. The media view things as boring stories for success, or blood and guts, which sells, through over dramatisation and sensationalism, then the constant overplaying and rehashing of these events til we are sick of it.

I take the media for what its worth, a 1/10.
Marshall said:
now only if some more citizens would read these things.
  I am not sure that would help enlighten them. Those who do not support the mission seem to view any opinion contrary to their own as propoganda. They are so certain that they are right it can be very difficult having an adult conversation with some of them.  I would encourage everyone who does support the mission to research all aspects of it.... fight them at their own game. Getting pissed off and childish won't convince anyone, but a well though out, reasoned argument just might.  The greatest strength that serving and retired CF members have is that we are smarter than "civvies" generally give us credit for. (typically a "civvie" who doesn't actually know any CF members)  ......... of course if all else fails you could try and beat some common sense into them. 
Here's a civilian org that is trying to raise awareness of what Canada is actually doing over there.
The Canada Afghan Solidarity Committee has already had some good press in the National Post http://www.nationalpost.com/news/story.html?id=472474. 

And you can find their website here: http://afghanistan-canada-solidarity.org/ 