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Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

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the patriot


Just for the sake of discussion... how are females coping with Battle School?!!! Are there any out there that would like to share their feedback and experiences at the Reserve or Reg Force level.

-the patriot- :cdn:
Well from what I‘ve seen in the reserves it varies just like with males. I‘ve met some pretty tough females from Newfoundland who are damn good at the job. I‘ve also met females who are a waste of money. The same things goes with males though...
I‘ve found that a soldier‘s reproductive function has nothing to do with their ability to get the job done. The argument that they‘re physically weaker than men is bunk----we all know the five foot tall, 120lb soldier who smokes too much yet is just buzzing with energy and can do seemingly impossible feats.
Originally posted by fortuncookie5084:
[qb]we all know the five foot tall, 120lb soldier who smokes too much yet is just buzzing with energy and can do seemingly impossible feats.[/qb]

I would say that describes the entire British Army to the letter.
The day the NFL and NHL are made co-ed is the day I will support women in the combat arms.
I was trying very hard to resist posting in this thread....but I cant. I have said time and time again that if a women is going to be able to do the exact job as the men are then what is the problem. I want to know that that woman is going to be able carry me to safety when I get hit, that she is going to carry her load just as well as anyone else. However with my personal experience from the women on the ql2/3 INF courses this summer I am pretty upset. I have complained before so I wont repeat those incidents but when a girl is blaming the low CF standards for her being out of shape is really really pathetic. "I know I mean we had to do only 10 pushups and now they expect us to run 4km how can they do that???" I was thinking to myself "yeah its their fault"
How can we even think that women can do the same as men ? I‘m talking about the average man vs the average woman. There are even different standards on the CF EXPRESS test... so how can we pretend we can all do the same ? In the olympics there are records for men and records for women. We should be mature about this and admit there are differences and live with them... the vast majority of women would not go near a combat trade, so keep all of them out of those trades and save us the trouble of mixed sub-units in first-line combat trades. :cdn: :sniper:
Touchy subject but i couldn‘t resist commenting. In my opinion the females i‘ve worked with should definatly NOT be working as an infantry soldier. In the CF females are not on the same level as men. The standards for the physical are lowered so more will be eligible. I‘ve seen females drop out of 3km ruck marches time after time, not be able to carry a hundred pound person for 5 ft and yet have still passed their infantry training and come out being considered an "able soldier". What good is a soldier you can‘t even complete a 3 km ruck march? Also ask yourself would you want to fight along side a person who thinks the C7 is a heavy peice of equip, and couldn‘t carry you a 100 ft to safety? Another thing i have seen which has pissed alot a people off, is a female who has progressed incredibly fast up the ranks when they can barely do their job, also coming off courses saying to other males, " woo, i‘m so glad i‘m not a guy they would have failed me long ago." With my experience with females in the infantry they are just standing by so politicions can please the public. It seems that‘s what the CF is all about! :evil:
Aren‘t they also a distraction to the male infantry soldiers? I mean hell.. lots of recruits (such as myself) are still very young, and still have all those hormones running in overdrive.. (that was a serious comment)
HA....distraction only cause you are wondering why they are lagging behind. Of the 4 on my course 3 were fat and dirty and the other pretty tiny actually. The only attractive female was of course on the armoured course and everytime I saw her outside WATC she had about 30 guys around her.

Still this is just from what I have seen first hand, if the day comes and I meet a hardcore switched on female INF then I happily admit that. I am trying not to stereotype but it honestly doesnt look good.
heh heh heh.. distracted rtying to figure out who‘s the dead weight...

btw, that 3k ruck march mentioned before, is that a double time march, or just regular walking march? and is the 13k forced march still in reserve training (ql2 or infnatry ql3), or is it gone? (I want to do it!)
3km march is not running but you walk pretty fast , you would blow your knees if you ran with a fully loaded ruck on.

13km march...I wish...its now changed to a 9.6 km webbing march at the end of your ql2 portion. Infanteer and I were gonna try and convince everyone to wear their rucks anyways but got cut down pretty bad. It has to do with the fact that there isnt a lot of time for pt while doing the ql2/3 course over the summer because there is a lot to learn...so if they did make you do a 13km march out of the blue most ppl would be eatin up by the green monster in the rear of the platoon. However just because you will not do a 13km ruck on your course doesnt mean you arent gonna do 30km at your home unit because you will. In the mo a lot or actually all of your physical preparedness comes from you yourself working out on your own time. feel free to grab a buddy and go on your own ruck march whenever you can.
That‘s too bad.. Was looking forward to a 13k forced ruck march.. nuts...

Yeah, I‘ve just handed in my application last weekend, and I‘m already working on my PT.. I go running every mon wed fri before class, swim, weight train, spontaniously drop off and do pushups, etc etc...

I‘ve got a buddy who‘s joining the reserves soon, but he‘s going for medical (because he wants to do DOTP later on). Nonetheless he places a high priority on physical fitness.. We‘re planning on goin on ruck marches, just for the hell of it.. I really enjoy physical challenges..
Just curious to see if we have any female members in the Reg Force infantry units that have any comments that they‘d like to share. Apparently the RCR have some (they‘re running around somewhere in the woods in CFB Pettawawa).

-the patriot- :cdn:
The percentage of women in combat trade is only 1.6 %, and 0 % of women who have done their fist contract resign for another one with any of the combat trade(Esprit de corps 2000). In the same subject the Canadian goverment wants to raise the percentage of women in the infantry to 25 %. It‘s almost impossible when you think that infantry reserve units are far from having 25 % of women in their ranks.
I find it odd that they actually have a % of women they want in the INF.

I want to know your opinion about the women in the army?

  :cdn:  HONOUR_12  :tank:
Women have been more than welcome to join the military and have been permitted to apply to the Combat Arms trades since 1989.

-the patriot- :cdn:
I don‘t think that % quota is going to help. First there was the issue of gender equity. Now that the issue has been addressed with a quota, more of them are not enlisting. What seems to be the problem?! Well, they could stop politicizing the whole damn thing and let things work themselves out. What they fail to understand is that the women in the system end up leaving just like everyone else, faster than they can replace them. Now if you look at the police forces accross the country, a lot of people see nothing but overweight and ineffective women being brought on to the police departments. This will not happen in the military. You either meet the standard of fitness or are kicked out. Stop lowering standards so you can have a token military.

-the patriot- :cdn:
Raise the amount of women in the infantry to 25%....
My eyes are watering here.
If I was CDS I would bust whoever came up with this fantasy down to private and send them to a battalion to sort them out.