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Abnormal cells - Pap Test & Colposcopy


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I found a topic on this from a few years ago, but it was only about abnormal cells that came back on 1 PAP test, this women was asked to follow up in 6 months and again in 12 months. At the 6 month followup things were "normal" but she was still deemed medically unfit until her 12 month followup was "normal."

My problem is somewhat the same, I have had 3 abnormal PAP tests and am now scheduled for a colposcopy to ensure nothing is wrong and take a biopsy if needed. I am told my dysplasia is low grade and usually is only monitored but my physician wants to ensure nothing is wrong.

My question is; I have my medical before my colposcopy appointment, should I rebook my medical? Or just tell the medic that I have an appointment coming up for it.

Also, if they do not biopsy, then it is "normal." If they do biopsy, it takes 2-3 weeks for results and if treatment is needed then there are more appointments and followups afterwads.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Thank you.
That was me.

I'd just give the Hosp a call and advise them of your upcoming colposcopy and pap appts and ask whether the earlier PAP would/could affect results of the colposcopy. Your physician (doing the colposcopy) would be able to advise as to whether or not you should reschedule your PAP at the BHosp. They'd know best.

Good luck ... and best wishes for nice clean biopsy results!!