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A400M Rollout


Army.ca Legend
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Nice looking bird. :)

More pic's here.
Love those props.....they have that angry "gimme some air" look.... ;D
I'm just curious, but why do the props seem like they are reversed? The one set looks like they rotate clockwise, why the next set looks like they go counter. Is this for more forward power? Or just because someone thought they'd look cool?
Should be interesting to see how the planes operate once they start entering service .
Chapeski said:
I'm just curious, but why do the props seem like they are reversed? The one set looks like they rotate clockwise, why the next set looks like they go counter. Is this for more forward power? Or just because someone thought they'd look cool?

The pairs rotate in opposite directions, not the sets.  It's all about aerodynamic efficiency and getting the most out the props, there is always a reason behind something.  But hey, it looks cool too if you ask me.

Here is a link to a press release by airbus about the props.

It will look a lot nicer when it actually flies.  Be nicer when the model has a few hundred thousand hours of OPS use to verify the real costs and maintenance realities, as compared to the ILS models.

The "one size fits all" approach, rather than use mission fitted aircraft ( C130 + C17) remains to be proven in the market.

Time will tell
Steel Horse said:
The pairs rotate in opposite directions, not the sets.  It's all about aerodynamic efficiency and getting the most out the props, there is always a reason behind something.  But hey, it looks cool too if you ask me.

Here is a link to a press release by airbus about the props.


I think it has something to do with countering rotational gyro effect in a two engine out on the same side problem.

Yeah, now you are getting into the actual technical side of things.  Obviously you get a cancellation of the force by creating two equal and opposite forces.  Thank you sir Issac Newton!
don't think anyone knows the current price because they haven't finished development & associated costs.  The unit price will reflect the amortized Program costs

Also have to figure if you are pricing the aircraft or the Life Cycle costs.

I read an earlier this year suggesting the per aircraft price, if you walked into EADS and bought one, without Life Cycle Support, would be $120 million.

I think I still have the pdf on the home PC.
from the EADS A400M website

  "A fleet of 50 A400M airlifters represents an acquisition cost of 5bn-Euros "

So that's 100 million Euros per unit, or converted is $Cdn 159 million per aircraft.

Seems pricey.
Steel Horse said:
The pairs rotate in opposite directions, not the sets.  It's all about aerodynamic efficiency and getting the most out the props, there is always a reason behind something.  But hey, it looks cool too if you ask me.

My mistake with the terminology, I meant pair as opposed to sets. I knew there was a reason, just wasn't sure why. The aircraft does look nice, but then again we've been waiting to see this beastie for how long now? Thanks for the input, I'm going to read the link now to further my knowledge.
Beautiful "ugly bird".....

Has she been cleared for take off OR is she still limited to taxiing @ the end of a tow bar
Just the tow bar for now.

The engines are not yet tested/certified. The C130 testbed aircraft has yet to fly  - they are still in static ground tests with the plane anchored to the ramp.

I can't believe that it is actually out and off the drawing board.
Good for EADS.

I hope this thing now works as advertized/designed/intended ................
Looks cool.

it does have a passing resemblance in place to a fat 141  . . .

here's the roll-out party

