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A request, suggestion, demand, whatever....

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I know this is just another forum on the internet, but I would really like to be able to determine "who‘s who in the zoo" when reading posts.

Would it be too much to ask for people to use their REAL NAME in their post. Put their relevant data in their profile. I have read many people talking out of their A55 on this forum, looked up their profile, and seen nothing. I discount those people immediately, but somebody might actually believe them (poor souls).

If I read a letter to the editor in a newspaper and it was signed "l33t c0mm4nd0" (I just made that up based on some of the lamer names I‘ve seen in various forums) I wouldn‘t give it a second glance.

I have been posting my real name, and I haven‘t: A) Had the CDS nor the JTF knocking down my door because of my posts, B) Had any (more) SPAM arrive in my email account, nor C) Had people wondering who the Sam Hill is writing this or that. Those that know me, know it‘s me. Those in the CF that have access to the DIN can confirm that I exist (Luomala.AE@forces.gc.ca). And those that don‘t know me, at least can put a name to the posts and not some lame in-joke (BTW I sometimes post on other forums as ZipperHead).

I submit that until people start using their real identities, and not the "nicknames" they use to have anonymity when they post inflammatory remarks, will this forum be taken as seriously by those that would like it to be.


Allan Luomala
You can‘t expect people who are in the forces to post here with there real names.[for the most part] I do it because I‘m long done with the military. I can post how I feel with no recrimination but if I were still in I‘m sure that I would have some have some fancy internet name also.
I might need to sick Captain Obvious onto you, Pte Gayson, but I was referring to the others who don‘t feel compelled to let us know whom we are speaking to.

BTW, Pte isn‘t your name, it‘s your rank. As well, posting as Pte Gayson is relatively risky, as you are then "Pte Gayson, of the CF" posting, rather than James Gayson, a member of the CF. Perhaps you don‘t see the distinction, but it could become important (if you post something inappropriate). Having said that, any fool could see that I am in fact Sergeant Allan Luomala of the Royal Canadian Armour School, so I have to tread (relatively) lightly on what I say, but as I am posting as a private citizen, who happens to be a Sergeant in the CF, I can say pretty much anything, as long as it doesn‘t bring discredit on the Army, Armour Corps, CF, etc. I‘m probably slightly off base (and I‘m sure a BBL (Barrack Block Lawyer) will tune me in....) but that‘s how I conduct my business, and I‘m making out OK, so I suggest you do the same.

But what do I know.....

I think that a lot of people are not comfortable in discolsing personal information over the internet, and for very good reason. I can tell you first hand of many cases of internet stalking from people who give out their information too readily. In areas like the mess and the moderator‘s forum where people are more sure of the backgrounds of the people who are reading, they‘ll be more forthcoming with their personal details.

I understand how frustrating it can be to be listening to advice and not knowing if it comes from a cadet or a 20-year veteran, but such is the nature of the internet. We try to ask people to fill out their profiles with at least some pertinent information (cadet/PRes/Reg, rank, TI etc), but we must repect that not everyone wants to do so. Most of the posers eventually get called out, and the people who genuinely know what they‘re talking about are pretty obvious, whether or not they give out their real names.
Unfortunately, there are also those who deliberately lurk in the shadows (i.e. they do not feel morally or ethically bound to be honest with the rest of us).

However, as said, such is the nature of the Net ...

BZ to those who have the backbone to stand up on their hind legs.
Looking at the users rating underneath their name is also a reasonably good indication of whether they know what they‘re talking about.
Originally posted by Just a Sig Op:
[qb] Looking at the users rating underneath their name is also a reasonably good indication of whether they know what they‘re talking about. [/qb]
Or that you have not stepped on too may toes or p*ssed anyone off.
Um, I‘m sorry, but I have to qualify your suggestion about "looking at the users rating" ...

Unfortunately (and, yes - I‘m talking from personal/painful experience) our ratings also fall victim to the slings and arrows from the infamous "League Of Extraordinary Idiots" (i.e. some members of this forum are penalised for having strong opinions). For this reason, some members elect to not allow themselves to be rated by the others.

However, as somebody else wisely said:
It‘s good to have enemies ... Means you‘ve stood up to someone in your life
Can you bring home made knives to combat? My cousin wants to know.

P.S. Hes to lazy to actually post this so I have to.
What the ... ?
I‘ve no idea what your post has to do with this thread, but I‘ll answer it anyway.

Can you bring home made knives to combat? My cousin wants to know.

P.S. Hes to lazy to actually post this so I have to.
Anything you take "to combat" has to conform to the Geneva Conventions.
During peacetime, you have to conform to Canadian law (which you can look up for yourself).
Sorry about having nothing to do with the thread. my internet is saying you cant go there to everyother forum. but this actually let me post my cousins dumb question.
If your cousin actually joines the CF and goes someplace, they will give him the knife they want him carrying around.

I‘ve seen many people brought up by the short and curlies because they were carrying some great bloody sword on their webbing (or LBV these days).

It‘s not required.


As for your request. I would say that if you and another strike up an association through PM‘s and they introduce themselves to you then that‘s well and good, otherwise its generally not done here.

We are rather good at getting the posers and trolls and have called a number of them on their "obviously creative" posts and backgrounds.

The CF is generally too small to hide in and someone here always knows someone else who knows someone...


I‘ve read through this and have myself often wondered why the ‘nom de plume‘ attitude is so prevelant on the Internet. Moral fortutude and courage to use your own name is fine, as long as you know what and where you are posting. Being military, should also make you a little security conscience of what you post. Post when you require to, not for ego.

By the way Allan, you are not the Zipperhead I know on other forums, so that handle is well used.

Originally posted by Ex-Dragoon:
Originally posted by Just a Sig Op:
[qb] Looking at the users rating underneath their name is also a reasonably good indication of whether they know what they‘re talking about. [/qb]
Or that you have not stepped on too may toes or p*ssed anyone off. [/qb]
I still haven‘t figured out how to rate other people and have no idea what my own rating means, but even if I did the only thing that matters here is what you say and how you say it.

I wouldn‘t be heartbroken if there was a "real names only" rule. If you think there will be repurcussions to saying something here, you shouldn‘t be saying them.
Muskrat is my real name.... admittedly 89 is my old Battery Designation

For the record, Graham is my last name.

I put my name as it is because I recalled from Sea Cadets years ago that I was always addressed as Stevens (which used to be my last name). If I was being accounted for or being checked off a list for any reason it was always "Stevens, D".
I vaguely recall that you had to address people in Cadets by their rank during inspections and whatnot, but I don‘t really remeber the specific rules about it.

Anyway, since I‘m still a civilian I really have no idea if they address you similarly in the military, or if it‘s strictly by rank. Maybe someone can enlighten me?

When the time comes (hopefully soon) I will be able to put a rank in place of "Mr." and everyone will know exatly who they are talking to.
Originally posted by bossi:
[qb]BZ to those who have the backbone to stand up on their hind legs. [/qb]
As someone who has worked in the IT sector for 8 years, I know first hand how easily--and often--personal information is taken off of the Internet and used with malicious intent. So if I‘m considered to have less fortitude because I don‘t post my real name and particulars, well that‘s just too bad. I‘m of the opinion that if someone wants to know who I am and what my details are, they can PM me and ask. Otherwise, this is a public and (if desired) anonymous forum site and I take that to heart.

For those that do make their information public, my opinion is the opposite of bossi‘s statement above and I shake my head at the chances you are taking. Do not kid yourself.
As someone who has worked in the IT sector for 8 years, I know first hand how easily--and often--personal information is taken off of the Internet and used with malicious intent.

Do not kid yourself. [/QB]
Such as?
For getting personal info off the internet, you dont always need to know the persons name, just their IP?.

On another forum I goto, there is a Buy/Sell section, an usually when somone scams another person, one of the moderators, does somthing with the IP(I‘m not sure what), and has that users info.
Like name, phone number and address.
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