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A quick question about physical fitness

0010bravo said:
I leave in 2 weeks to BMQ. Push ups or sand bags is all the same to me. Not worried..

Are you going to CFLRS for BMQ?  If you are, you might want to have a look at their website....all info is there.....it's also on forces.gc.ca site.
Modifying my post since I incorrectly worded it the first time :)

Here is the new testing they will eventually be doing at BMQ, it's called "FORCE". I don't know the exact date this will take effect, just some info I have been given from numerous military personell.  Do as you wish with it :)

Good luck to all those who will be going in the future  ;)

"FORCE” tests the following:

Sandbag lift
3 minutes 30 seconds
Two 20kg sandbags 1.25m apart
Lift bag 91cm off the ground, drop it.  Repeat with other bag.  Repeat a total of 30 times

Intermittent loaded shuttle
5 minutes 21 seconds
At 20-metre shuttle lines: walk 40 metres with 20kg sandbag. Run 40 metres unloaded.  Repeat 5 times (total: 400 metres).

20 metre rushes
51 seconds
At 20-metre shuttle lines: starting in the prone, get up, run 10 metres, get prone into a Superman lay.  Repeat for a total of 80 metres.

Sandbag drag
Unlimited time but you must be walking backwards and cannot stop
Drag 100kg of sandbags (5 bags x 20 kg each) 20 metres
ambernewton04 said:
Here is the new testing they do at BMQ, it's called "FORCE"

This test is currently being done in BMQ?  What is your source for this info?
-Skeletor- said:
This test is currently being done in BMQ?  What is your source for this info?


I don't know when this will take effect. My father in-law is a Sgt. and my uncle is an Officer, who have both confirmed they are changing it significantly. They want everyone to be able to meet the same requirements, regardless of age and sex. I think its a great idea. Men and women, young and old, should not be separated. They sure wont be separated in the field.
-Skeletor- said:
Than why did you say this?

Why, because someone asked about the physical testing. I simply answered that this will be the new testing. It will either start in January or the new fiscal year. Regardless of when it starts, doesn't it make sense for those who haven't got the call to go to BMQ to incorporate this into their workout? For me personally, I want to be as prepared as possible when I go. Wouldn't it suck if people showed up to BMQ ready for the beep test, just to learn that's no longer part of the testing? Same with everything else. They've incorporated a lot of other stuff, like the sandbags, that wasn't part of the testing before. What if people show up there and cant carry 100kg? This is just to inform people of the changes and they can do what they want with it.
ambernewton04 said:
Why, because someone asked about the physical testing. I simply answered that this will be the new testing. It will either start in January or the new fiscal year.

Do you know for FACT that this new test will start in January or the next fiscal year starting in April?  Perhaps it won't start until 2014 for BMQ, etc.  That's great that you posted the new test info.  But do not go around saying that this new test is what is currently being done at CFLRS as you have no idea if it is or not. 

In the rest of the CF this test doesn't even really come into effect until 2014.  So for those who do the test in 2013,  it doesn't matter if they pass/fail in that year.
-Skeletor- said:
Do you know for FACT that this new test will start in January or the next fiscal year starting in April?  Perhaps it won't start until 2014 for BMQ, etc.  That's great that you posted the new test info.  But do not go around saying that this new test is what is currently being done at CFLRS as you have no idea if it is or not. 

In the rest of the CF this test doesn't even really come into effect until 2014.  So for those who do the test in 2013,  it doesn't matter if they pass/fail in that year.

You're right, I don't know exactly when, I was simply saying it COULD start now or the new fiscal year. This is what I have been told by current serving members, who are both officers and have been serving for 30+ years. I have also been told this by the physical trainers at the Petawawa base. They are currently training people to get them into shape for BMQ. I didn't just pull this info out of my a**. It is a FACT that the physical testing is and will be changing. Like I said, its information I feel people should know, and what they do with it is up to them.
Big difference saying that the PT testing at BMQ is changing and that it could start now or next fiscal year and saying "Here is the new testing they do at BMQ."
PMedMoe said:
Big difference saying that the PT testing at BMQ is changing and that it could start now or next fiscal year and saying "Here is the new testing they do at BMQ."

You are right, I should have worded that differently. I apologize for any confusion  :sorry:
ambernewton04 said:
You're right, I don't know exactly when


ambernewton04 said:
I was simply saying it COULD start now or the new fiscal year.

First you said that FORCE is what is being done now in BMQ,  then you changed your answer to it will either start in January or the new fiscal year.

ambernewton04 said:
This is what I have been told by current serving members, who are both officers and have been serving for 30+ years. I have also been told this by the physical trainers at the Petawawa base.

Did they tell you that BMQ courses will start doing the FORCE test now,  or in the new fiscal year?  Or did they just say that a new PT test is coming out in the next fiscal year?

ambernewton04 said:
They are currently training people to get them into shape for BMQ.
Cool,  didn't know Petawawa PSP had classes for BMQ prep.

ambernewton04 said:
I didn't just pull this info out of my a**.
Actually you did when you stated that the FORCE test is what is being done now in BMQ and again when you changed your argument to it is being done in January or the next fiscal year.

ambernewton04 said:
It is a FACT that the physical testing is and will be changing.

It is a fact that yes a new PT test is coming out,  I never disagreed.

ambernewton04 said:
You are right, I should have worded that differently. I apologize for any confusion  :sorry:
Good to see you understand that now.  Watch how you phrase things,  especially if you are assuming.  For something you didn't know as fact,  you sure were stubborn/argumentative in defense.
-Skeletor- said:

First you said that FORCE is what is being done now in BMQ,  then you changed your answer to it will either start in January or the new fiscal year.

Did they tell you that BMQ courses will start doing the FORCE test now,  or in the new fiscal year?  Or did they just say that a new PT test is coming out in the next fiscal year?
Cool,  didn't know Petawawa PSP had classes for BMQ prep.

Actually you did when you stated that the FORCE test is what is being done now in BMQ and again when you changed your argument to it is being done in January or the next fiscal year.

It is a fact that yes a new PT test is coming out,  I never disagreed.
Good to see you understand that now.  Watch how you phrase things,  especially if you are assuming.  For something you didn't know as fact,  you sure were stubborn/argumentative in defense.

I'm not the one that turned this into an argument. I retracted what I originally said. I incorrectly worded what I meant to say and I corrected that. FORCE is the testing that WILL eventually be taking place in BMQ, NOT IS ( which I've already apologized for the confusion). The only thing I wasn't sure of was the exact date. I WAS told it would happen either January or the new fiscal year. That information has not been confirmed, so can be assumed hearsay, and that's what I've said. I never said 100% that's when it will happen ( again, I incorrectly worded and corrected ).  I'm simply sharing information that I was given by military personell. Yes, they do offer personal training here for people who want/are trying to get into shape for BMQ, and they do what you will be doing at BMQ.
So I'm not too sure what your reasoning is to continue to reply to this. Seems like you re the one WHO's looking for an argument, which is silly.
ambernewton04 said:
I'm not the one that turned this into an argument.

I questioned your info,  wasn't starting a argument.

ambernewton04 said:
I retracted what I originally said. I incorrectly worded what I meant to say and I corrected that.
Yes your last post,  you said you worded things poorly.  That was acknowledged as a good thing.

ambernewton04 said:
FORCE is the testing that WILL eventually be taking place in BMQ, NOT IS ( which I've already apologized for the confusion). The only thing I wasn't sure of was the exact date.  I WAS told it would happen either January or the new fiscal year. That information has not been confirmed, so can be assumed hearsay, and that's what I've said. I never said 100% that's when it will happen ( again, I incorrectly worded and corrected ).

Yes,  you made the mistake of saying that FORCE is testing is being done now originally,  then incorrectly said/worded another response saying it was going to start in January or next fiscal year.  Again,  that was acknowledged in my last post.  I replied to your posts that were in reply to one of my prior posts and PMedMoe's post. 

ambernewton04 said:
So I'm not too sure what your reasoning is to continue to reply to this. Seems like you re the one WHO's looking for an argument, which is silly.

You do realize that you keep replying in this thread as well correct?  I questioned your info,  which seems like you take that as a personal attack.  Again,  I was not looking for a argument.
Lets agree to disagree  :nod:

Lovely thing about non face-to-face communication is miscommunication  :-\
No arguments here and nothing taken personally :)
You're obviously more educated about a lot of things in regards to the military. I just wanted to share some info of my own  :)
Although originally incorrectly worded  :P
FORCE takes effect April 1, 2013. Bases have 1 year from that date to implement the new testing. This allows for time to acquire the testing materials (sandbags etc) and to re-do schedules.
Already discussed and answered fairly well here: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/106313.175.html

And there's a public PowerPoint from PSP here: http://www.cg.cfpsa.ca/cg-pc/ColdLake/EN/FitnessandSports/MilitaryFitness/Documents/Project%20FORCE.ppt