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A Question About NCMSEP

MapleSyrup NB

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Hello all
  Im sorry if i have posted this in the wrong place, if so i would greatly appreciate being directed to the right forum. I am 19 years old, and have just been accepted into a Primary Care Paramedicine course at Holland College. The course begins in September of this year, and is a diploma program. I was planning on appyling for NCMSEP, due to the financial assistance available, and because i wish to serve in the CF. My questions are as follows:

1. After completing my college course, will I be serving as a Med Tech? Or do I have no say as to what job I do?
2. If my course begins in September, 18 weeks from now, will i do my basic training this summer? or next summer, after i complete school?
3. Forces.ca says that i will be required to serve 2 months for every month i spend in school, as it is only a 9 month program, will i only spend 18 months in the CF? That seems too short...
4. Although it says that my entire tuition and books will be covered as part of the SEP, will they pay at the beginning? or will i have to pay, and then be reimbursed?

Although I already spoke to a recruiter, he was very vague about the details of the program, and would not give me a straight answer on a few things
Thank you very much to anyone who can answer my questions, i really appreciate it, and i apologize if i have offended anyone by posting this here.
1.  Yes - they're sending you to school to learn to be a paramedic - you'll be enrolled as a med tech.

2.  Couldn't tell you.

3.  You'll be doing a little more than just 18 months - the average initial engagement for medics is between 4-6 years.

4.  See 2.

MapleSyrup NB said:
I am 19 years old, and have just been accepted into a Primary Care Paramedicine course at Holland College. The course begins in September of this year, and is a diploma program.

You may want to check about the credential issued.

Primary Care Paramedicine
Credential Issued: Certificate

Advanced Care Paramedicine
Credential Issued: Diploma
MapleSyrup NB said:
Ah yes, I did mean certificate, i was reading about diplomas.

The confusion is understandable.
In Ontario, Primary Care Paramedic is a two-year diploma program which qualifies graduates to immediately challenge the A-EMCA exam.
The Paramedic Association of Canada is lobbying federal politicians for the introduction of a national standard of competency across all provinces.
Good luck.
I guess I'll come out of the woodwork and try to help out.

2.  Your ULO officer will be the one in charge of getting you on course if there is time. If your summer break is long enough and you don't have to do your EMS preceptorship at that time, expect to be course loaded. If you are not loaded onto a BMQ then they'll have you working around a base, that's what they have told me anyways. I wouldn't expect this summer since it is so soon, the other people on NCMSEP that I have meet all waited until they were done a year of school.

4. Myself and the other NCMSEP's at my school all paid upfront and got reimbursed. I am under the impression that this is the only way. I paid my full tuition including books/equipment upfront and received my reimbursement of the full amount within a month. My peers in school have been paying as they needed(new semesters, books) and usually receive reimbursement within a week or two.

This is taken from my experience. The NCMSEP program seems to be taken case by case, so the process I am going through in CFB North bay may not be the same as you. I am taking the PCP program at CTS CCC in North Bay. I only have a month left until my preceptorship if you have any questions about the course PM me and I'll help you out.