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Saw this flaoting around the net. Not sure if it's been posted before so here it is:


good way to brighten up your day...especially if you're on a course that has PT rite now.

Good to see that the guys on gate guard were too busy taping the ANA instead of concentrating on their job. 

Well done.....      ::)

It WAS funny to watch though.

And..I haven't heard that Marky Mark song in AGES  :blotto:

Although, in hindsight, I have seen similar to that before...
Oh my, that has to be the funniest thing I have seen all week. I think that one deserves being bookmarked.
Recce By Death said:
Good to see that the guys on gate guard were too busy taping the ANA instead of concentrating on their job.   

Well done.....      ::)


Funny? Not....
Laughing at other's naivety only makes you an ass.
Maybe we should have someone film 2 RCR doing their version of pt, if ever we can find them doing some, and make a movie of that?
Armymedic said:
Maybe we should have someone film 2 RCR doing their version of pt, if ever we can find them doing some, and make a movie of that?

Wow that should start a poop storm....

Armymedic said:

Funny? Not....
Laughing at other's naivety only makes you an ***.
Maybe we should have someone film 2 RCR doing their version of pt, if ever we can find them doing some, and make a movie of that?

Whats not funny about it?  Come on, Scrooge, lighten up a bit.   ;D

Little below the belt with the 2 RCR comment.  Easy to say stuff like that here when you can hide behind a nickname on a website.  (no, I am not/was never 2 RCR...just think it was not on to say). 
Mud Recce Man said:
Easy to say stuff like that here when you can hide behind a nickname on a website.  (

Whose hiding? its a small CF...alot of people on here know me by name...including some from 2 RCR.

Second, it is still not funny. Perhaps a bit of cultural awareness and sensitivity training would be in order for those of you who thought it was funny and do not understand why the ANA act like that with our western army version of "PT". Or perhaps I should enlighten you.... because to them, the way we do PT is a foreign to them as most of their culture is to us. Nomadic tribes and illiterate people tend not to worry about physical fitness as gathering food and living tend to be more important.

:)  Not "literally" hiding.  Anyways, I just thought (because of the music it was set to) that it was worth a chuckle.  Not in a disrespectful way.  Just, as in, if a buddy of yours went to sit in a chair, and feel off,  you might laugh.  Because it would be funny, and people would most likely laugh.

Cultural awareness and...sensitivity training?  Ok, I thought the video was funny but that PC mouthwash made me laugh harder.

Relax.  If it was American troops doing that...or a Canadian BMQ course AFU'd, and I laughed, would you say the same?

It's "laughing at it" vice "laughing at them". 
Armymedic, you should open your views another 180 degrees or so and understand if I find that funny, I find that funny. End of story. I do not see any harm in saying that is funny, it is not killing them.
I found it funny, too. They laughed at me running, or doing push-ups. (They also suspected my sexual orientation. To them, men who work out are trying to attract other men, as it was explained to me by a 'terp. Also, men who shave are trying to look more feminine. To them, we're all a nation of homos.)

But, that should never have been taped. Not if the sentries had been doing their job.
Good to see that the guys on gate guard were too busy taping the ANA instead of concentrating on their job.

I was working the gate in August 2005 (right up untill the handover to 2RCR in mid-August) and I know for a fact you can't see that far into Blackhorse from CJ. I know it wasn't 1RCR, and I highly doubt it was 2RCR who took that video. Early in the vid, there's a pic of 8 guys. ETT, maybe?

I'm not offended or anything, just wanted to clear up any misconception. ::)


2nd EDIT too late, I was quoted :P
Wonderbread said:
And to us, they're a nation of homos. All that hand holding and male to male spooning.... This one guy tried to pick me up at the market. I wasn't too impressed. On ROTO 0, the KCP tried to buy one of my buddies. He full out asked the Sgt how much his C9 gunner would cost. SHARP training really only goes so far in these situations...
hey, I got all kinds of good Int because certain individuals wanted to bugger me. I just used my #1 rifleman to distract them. Pretty blonde boy. Drove 'em nuts. Poor kid never caught on. He just thought they were all real friendly.
paracowboy said:
Also, men who shave are trying to look more feminine. To them, we're all a nation of homos.)

But, that should never have been taped. Not if the sentries had been doing their job.


I don't find it funny, in the same way as laughing at the retarded kid when you were in elementry school is not funny. Have some respect.

And BTW that was Drulumen (sp), not Blackhorse. And the 8 guys were not ETT, nor NTC det. I would know.
And BTW that was Drulumen (sp), not Blackhorse. And the 8 guys were not ETT, nor NTC det. I would know.

My mistake on the camp name, but I know that video wasn't taken from the CJ gate. To say any more on what can and can't be seen from where is an OPSEC issue.
Armymedic said:
I don't find it funny, in the same way as laughing at the retarded kid when you were in elementry school is not funny. Have some respect.
your arguement is flawed. Mocking a retarded person is unfair as they have certain physical/mental limitations. These troops do not. They simply have no use for organized PT. Or for discipline as we understand it.

And for the record, I laugh at my retarded cousin all the time. Doesn't mean I don't love him to pieces. Come on back to Earth, buddy. We miss you.