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A 36 years youngwoman and going for it


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I've decided to join the CF as as INT OP or NAVCOM. I'm a 36 year old woman and everyone in my life thinks I'm crazy but I feel this is the right choice for me in my life right now.  I was born on the westcoast and all my friends and family live here so I will be horrified if I am not posted here  LOL I love the ocean so NAVY seems like the perfect fit.  I just hope its the west coast that I am posted to!

I've never been married, no kids and I want to help and do something that matters with my life.  I am so bored of making/spending money and all the greed that I see around me in the corporate world.  There has to be more to life than this.  I've had some pretty cool jobs but find myself bored silly after a year or two.  I need something more.

I will be mailing my full application this week but started cardio training in Dec.  I still can't do even one chin up and can only do 2 half assed male pushups but I can run 6km! lol    Lots of work to go on my upper body strength.  I hit the gym and the pool 4 times  a week and hope to be able to pull myself up to one chinup before feb! LOL grrrr I'm so jealous of the male upper body strength, you guys are born with those muscles! I have to MAKE them LOL 

I'm worried abou the lack of sleep in basic training.  I need 8 hours a night to function.  If anything is going to kill me its the lack of sleep. is it that bad? can we catch up on weekends?  do we have weekends off in basic? 6 hours of sleep every night?  or just sometimes?

chinsup: 0
pushups: 1
can run 2 km without stopping 

I loved reading all the other stories here, thanks for sharing and reading! I will update as I move along the entire process  :)

Ugh I'm the same with the lack of sleep so I hope someone can answer this....
You should do situps along with the pushups.
If you decide to continue on with your chinups, I have a few tips for you.
Do negatives:

In order to do negatives, you have to start off at the point when you're already pulled up. There are 2 simple ways to do this. First is by jumping. Grab the pull up bar like you normally would, but then instead of trying to pull yourself up, jump up so that your chin is above the bar the same way it would be if you did the actual pulling yourself. The other (and even easier) way of doing it is to just stand on something that is high enough for you to already be in that already-pulled-up position. Depending on your height, standing up a dumbbell may do the trick.

Now that you're in the position to do the negative part of the pull up, you're goal is to lower yourself down as slow and controlled as you possibly can. Focus on the muscles being used, and try to keep your body as stable as possible. Once you have lowered yourself back to the starting position, repeat this all over again. Don't let go of the bar and take a break. Do the negative, then go right back into that already-pulled-up position... and then do another negative. Do a few sets of as many as you can.

Also, if you read the other threads on basic training, you will see that you will not be getting 8 hours of sleep everyday. If you keep reading, you will also find that you will start getting weekends off after a few weeks of BMQ; however, this is a privilege, not a right. That is, it can be taken away from you at anytime. Keep reading!
Being able to perform under stress is an important aspect of being in the CF.

With all your duties, while on BMQ, not to mention station jobs, etc, it is highly unlikely you will be getting a full 8 hours sleep per night.  Even less when on the field portions.

BMQ is supposed to stress you, to see how you perform.
Congrats! It is a big step, but a great one.

I have to say, one female on my basic trg was in the same lack of sleep and not functioning boat, but she said she just got used to it. And she did quite well. So, I think you need not worry about that.

Good luck with getting into Int Op!  ;)
Don't stress about the 8 hours thing.  You'll adjust to the schedule quite rapidly.
Thank you everyone!  I can't wait to HOPEFULLY get in.

Kingofkeys:  I am used to doing 100 situps with five pound weights in each hand (the advanced cindy crawford workout! lol)  so I am not worried about situps, I would ace the situp and running portion if tested today LOL I just posted my trouble areas so I can chart/see my progress over the coming year. Thank you for the tip on negatives!  I used a box to hold my chin on the bar and then started slowly lowering my full weight down.  I will keep that up.

I also found some great advice in the woman in the gym thread.  Start doing pushups on a kitchen counter, then when you can do 40, pushups on a chair, then down to the floor.  I can do 10 pushups on the counter before my arms give out! Better than 1 on the floor though I can do 15 knee on the floor plank pushups

I have worked as a  Day trader and used to getting up at 4am(new york time living on the west coast) and working under mega stress.  I am the type of person who works better under pressure.  I get really calm and zero in like a shark.  Now I just need to learn to do it on not enough sleep, I am looking forward to the challenge.  (=  :-\

Off the gym to hit the weights!  I really appreciate all this! I don't know anyone in the military and have no one in my life in the military so thanks for holding my hand thru this! It kind of feels like the twilight zone! >:D :P
WonderGirl, if you have an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, I really recommend the app Hundred Pushups. Great app and really helps. Good luck!

Thats interesting. I am in the same boat. I am almost 35 and joining cf as well for basically the same reason. I want to do more with my life the simply make money. I have a gental workout plan that you might be interested in. Pullups are especially hard to come up with build up excersises but it can be done. If you want some help with it email me at benwoodhead at hotmail dot com.

Hey there, inspiring post!

I'm a 26 yr old male, decently fit, can do 30 push ups, more than that in situps and maybe 3 chin ups. Keep your chin up, you'll be fine. ;)
I feel like a cheater for being 22 years old!  I can do 40+ push ups (arms in tight, bends to 90 degrees...just like expres test requires), more than that in situps, and 10+ chinups!
...But I run like a fat kid.  My legs start to die around 3 km, so I've definitely got to work on the cardio.

Anyhow, about the sleep thing- a lot of our sleep requirement is conditioning.  We get used to sleeping 8 hours a night and we feel tired when we get less than that because we're accustomed to it.  After a couple of weeks, 5-6 hours will be sufficient for you to function (barring a medical condition...) if you eat right and stay hydrated.  Sleep is only a slice of the pie of a healthy lifestyle...exercise (which PT will do for you!), diet, hydration and practice will make you better at it. 
I wouldn't worry too much about chin-ups.  As far as I know, the only folks who need to do them are those that jump out of functional aircraft.  The rest of us don't need to able to do them.  Good thing too because I've never been able to do them.  I had difficulty with the old flexed arm hang in school. :-\  Push-ups and sit-ups are more important as you will be tested for those.  I'd also work on the cardio as 2km without stopping sounds a lot further than it actually is.  The standard fitness test (Expres Test) is a "beep" test where you run back and forth 20m at a streadily increasing pace (goes up 0.5km/h every minute).  You must survive a minimum time (depends on age and sex) in order to pass.

I wouldn't count on eight hours of sleep at any time on training or operations.  In a hard sea trade (which NAVCOMM is), the most you could ever expect at any one time is six hours and there are plenty of things that can and will interrupt that (including someone flashing a light in your eyes and saying, "sorry, wrong bunk.")
I got the call and I am  writing the CFAT on April 12th!

2 weeks ago,I  finally did my first male push-up after 3 months of weight training and girl push-ups. yay!    In Jan I could barely pull down 50lbs and now I can pull down 100lbs 4 reps of 10.  I imagine when I can pull down 150lbs (my body weight), I will be able to do my first chin-up.

I changed my trade to Aerospace Control.  Can't wait!  (starts studying for the math portion of the CFAT(my weakness).

Ya, we called the beep test "doing lines" in high school.  That's how they got us into shape for volleyball and basketball. Ugh, doing timed lines is hard! lol
To increase your stamina and leg strength you should try Spin Classes at your local gym. At the beginning of the year when I ran the EXpres test I could only hit 11.5 on the Shuttlerun. However, I ran the EXpres test for fun ( It is a good work out for your body  :P) with the PSP and was able to get a solid 13.5. Stationary biking I find, really gets you anaerobic fast, especially if you crank that tension too an 85 degree climb. Remember to Hydrate! You will be drenched  ;D.
I have been running, biking and swimming me arse off lol If there is one thing I am NOT worried about its my leg strength.  But thanks! 

Tomorrow is the big day!  I did really well on the practice cfat so I am only worried about getting up so early lol

Good luck... With the waking up I mean, I'm sure you'll do great on the CFAT!
Thanks!  So they told us that everyone scored really high today and only one guy was pulled aside because he didn't score high enough for this trade choice and had to pick a second.

Yay!  Guess that means I qualified for my AC OP!  whoo hoo

I'm so excited to finally be able to add to this thread after writing the cfat today!

Recruiting Center: CFRC Vancouver, BC (new westminster)
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1:  AC OP (did really well, enough on the CFAT to qualify for my first choice)
Trade Choice 2: Nav Comm
Trade Choice 3:  Sonar Operator
Application Date: January 2011
First Contact: March 2011
Aptitude completed : April 12 2011
Medical Completed: First Half of medical completed April 12 2011, 2nd Half April 26, 2011
Interview completed:
Medical Approved:
Security check completed :
Merit Listed:
Position Offered: Pending
Swearing In:
Basic Training Begins:
Hey, Wondergirl!  I wrote the test with you today in New Westminster.  =)  I was the other older (ahem!  39, to be precise) woman with the long braid.  Nice to see that you did so well on it, congratulations!  Nice to see someone I've met on here.

Wishing you the best,
fauntania said:
Hey, Wondergirl!  I wrote the test with you today in New Westminster.  =)  I was the other older (ahem!  39, to be precise) woman with the long braid.  Nice to see that you did so well on it, congratulations!  Nice to see someone I've met on here.

Wishing you the best,

Hey, that great!  It was nice meeting you!  Sorry for the coughing fit! it started after I ran up that killer hill trying not to be late after I got lost on the train LOL. I thought she was gonna throw me out of the classroom thinking I was sick.
Heh no worries.  I think your coughing was bothering the Corporal more than any of the rest of us!  I thought she was going to toss you out, too, and that would have totally sucked for you, glad you stuck it out.  Maybe we'll wind up holding each other up at BMQ, who knows?

The medic made me do pushups in part II of my medical test, which I totally was not expecting!  I know, I didn't get as low as I should be able to, but I'm working on it.  No way am I going to go all the way to Quebec only to fail the PT test, no WAY!
