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3649 Asks: MP Academy, Overtime & Time Off

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Are there any MP's in the trade right now that can advised of what their paycheck looks like?

What are schedules/shifts like?

Are there a lot of overtime, court, other paid duties?

Overtime pay?

You might work 'overtime', but you don't get paid for it.

Thats how it is.


Indeed. No member of the Canadian Armed Forces receives any type of "overtime" pay. The idea would be nice however! Hmmm time to right a letter to Treasury Board?
Do you mean write a letter, or do letters have rights now too?  ;D
sledge said:
Do you mean write a letter, or do letters have rights now too?  ;D

Oi. Yeah. I never claimed I'm not an idiot at times. :)
Actually, all CF members get overtime pay; it's just that it's factored in to the base pay.

So, in other words, everyone gets overtime all the time to make up for the fact that you don't get paid overtime when you do work overtime.

(Side note:  Part of the problem with most pay discussions is that the overwhelming majority of CF members have no idea how pay rates are set, or what considerations are included.  And DGCB, the responsible agency, does not do a great job of communicating that, either.  "Some of the information is on our website" has become the new "It's in the regulations somewhere".  End rant.)
dapaterson said:
Actually, all CF members get overtime pay; it's just that it's factored in to the base pay.

So, in other words, everyone gets overtime all the time to make up for the fact that you don't get paid overtime when you do work overtime.

(Side note:  Part of the problem with most pay discussions is that the overwhelming majority of CF members have no idea how pay rates are set, or what considerations are included.  And DGCB, the responsible agency, does not do a great job of communicating that, either.  "Some of the information is on our website" has become the new "It's in the regulations somewhere".  End rant.)

Sweet, so I'm getting paid overtime even though I am not, currently, working any overtime. I love this gig.
gcclarke said:
Sweet, so I'm getting paid overtime even though I am not, currently, working any overtime. I love this gig.

Yup getting paid for every day is nice...  8) too bad i still can't afford that hot tub... :(
That is something that is not clear in beginning. 

Could somebody advise how much you get after two weeks in BMQ? After taxes?
3649 said:
That is something that is not clear in beginning. 

Could somebody advise how much you get after two weeks in BMQ? After taxes?

What isn't clear?  In the CF you are paid a salary, not an hourly wage.

We are paid twice a month (not every two weeks) on the 15th and end month (30th or 31st depending on the month) or the closest working day prior to those dates.

Later on in your career, you may get extra allowances such as field pay (or LDA depending on your posting), TD, tour pay etc.  You will also receive pay raises as incentives or on promotions.

The current pay rates are posted here.  I'll let you figure out the taxes.

Link to pay on DGCB:  http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/dgcb-dgras/ps/pay-sol/pr-sol/rfncmr-mrfr-eng.asp

PMedMoe said:
What isn't clear?  In the CF you are paid a salary, not an hourly wage.

We are paid twice a month (not every two weeks) on the 15th and end month (30th or 31st depending on the month) or the closest working day prior to those dates.

Later on in your career, you may get extra allowances such as field pay (or LDA depending on your posting), TD, tour pay etc.  You will also receive pay raises as incentives or on promotions.

The current pay rates are posted here.  I'll let you figure out the taxes.

Link to pay on DGCB:  http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/dgcb-dgras/ps/pay-sol/pr-sol/rfncmr-mrfr-eng.asp

Good info.

Small correction.  Y'all are paid ONCE a month, approximately half of it is deposited in the bank twice in a month.
Roy Harding said:
Small correction.  Y'all are paid ONCE a month, approximately half of it is deposited in the bank twice in a month.

Thanks, Roy.  I knew a clerk (or former clerk) would correct that.  ;)
Roy Harding said:
Good info.

Small correction.  Y'all are paid ONCE a month, approximately half of it is deposited in the bank twice in a month.

Unless you are a "rental" but then our pay is delayed by one pay period.

Now I understand that after BMQ there is an automatic promotion to Corporal.  However after Corporal, what are the qualifications which are assessed in order to further promote an MP?  Do promotions come often? 

Also one more question for somebody with experience:

After the MP-Academy, is there a chance that one can be deployed overseas immediately after the Academy to a mission, or do all of the MP's have to complete the one year "probationary" period domestically first?
3649 said:
Now I understand that after BMQ there is an automatic promotion to Corporal.

Really?  Someone owes me some back pay!  >:(
Further promotions are based on courses, leadership courses to get to MCpl and beyond.

As for deployments, a good friend of mine was about six months out of the school in Borden before he headed off to Afghanistan, another friend had about the same time line, but it will vary with where you are posted.

3649 said:
Now I understand that after BMQ there is an automatic promotion to Corporal.  However after Corporal, what are the qualifications which are assessed in order to further promote an MP?  Do promotions come often? 

Also one more question for somebody with experience:

After the MP-Academy, is there a chance that one can be deployed overseas immediately after the Academy to a mission, or do all of the MP's have to complete the one year "probationary" period domestically first?
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