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31 Jan 2006 CF in Transition

George Wallace

Army.ca Dinosaur
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Today, on the news we have Gen Hillier announcing the implementation of Canada's new Four Commands.  His announcement of changes to the CF, recruiting and equipment increases, and introduction of Col Barr.  Mark it on your watch.
No articles yet, as it is just happening.  Watch the News at 6 and 11, unless you watch CBC and then it will be on at 10.  ;D
LFQA will be marking the change tomorrow morning - 8:30
CTV now has the article.


Video, (Includes article on DND Fraud Case.) also on that link.

I'd like some informed input please.  But the way I see it, this is nothing short of the return of the CAR.

And the funny thing?  It wasn't Harper, it was Martin, or at the very least, Graham/Hillier.
-b said:

I'd like some informed input please.  But the way I see it, this is nothing short of the return of the CAR.

And the funny thing?  It wasn't Harper, it was Martin, or at the very least, Graham/Hillier.

I'm puzzled by your statement...just what do you see as nothing short of a return to the CAR?  CANSOFCOM? 

There may be some similar tasks as the CAR used to conduct but the structure and capability set that CANSOFCOM will represent will be notably different.  Perhaps if you said, "this reminds me a lot of the SSF back in the mid-late 80's", that might be closer to the situation...besides, a search on this site of CAR/CSOR/JATF/CANSOFCOM and a little bit of reading will serve you well.

It's more of an issue of my information coming from a few more sources then just that CBC article.

Also announced was a Special Forces Regiment.  For now, they're drawing from the RCR, but I can see them eventually recalling the other airborne companies?
-b said:
It's more of an issue of my information coming from a few more sources then just that CBC article.

Also announced was a Special Forces Regiment.  For now, they're drawing from the RCR, but I can see them eventually recalling the other airborne companies?

Welcome to 2006 btw...................and you may want to read up on other postings on this site. lol

What was announced was the Canadian Special Operations Regiment...an element of the Canadian Special Operations Forces Command (CANSOFCOM).  You should put more stock in the characteristics of Special Operations Forces being stressed than you should in believing that this is a reincarnation of the CAR.

This issue really has been discussed in depth in numberous other threads...in particular within the CANSOFCOM sub-forum available on this site: CANSOFCOM Sub-Forum....note all the stickied threads...that would be a good place to start.


That article from CTV stated that they're planning on recruiting 13000 reg force pers.  I was under the impression that it was 5000.  Is there any specific reason for the increase?
IIRC the 13k comes from tory expansion promises and the 5k promised by the fiberals tory 8k liberal 5 k 13k total expansion plus the reserve numbers
prom.... wait for it...
fiberals might be followed by CONservatives
only time will tell
May be I am completely out of the loop but this is what army transformation seems like to me. Over the last few years my personal impression is that the CF has lost a significant amount of capability (pioneers, air defense, 155mm Arty, Tanks, moving LAV's from Bn's to CMTC etc..) and has tried to put a positive spin on it. The way it seems to me is that army transformation has reduced the amount of soldiers on the ground but increased the size of headquarters. With the reduction of capabilities among the combat arms and the addition of organizations like Canada command aren't we fooling ourselves into thinking the CF is now capable of more?  We added a new level of headquarters but did not increase the number of soldiers in units. As well it seems that we are putting a lot of stock into the multi-mission effects vehicle. Does this mean if we need to engage armour and/or aircraft there is only one Coy sized unit to deploy? I think the expansion of the JTF is a great idea as is the Special operations regiment but shouldn't we top up the Inf Bn's first?

However what makes me uneasy about this the most is getting rid of area headquarters. I truly don't think they were a good idea to start with but now changing to all elements in one command seems worse. May be I don't have a firm grasp of the concept but does this mean that  per say in Ontario a sailor or airmen could be placed in command of 2 CMBG as well as the 3 reserve brigades? No disrespect to members of the Navy or Airforce is intended. I truly think the CF is due for an over haul and the small arms and clothing that we are in possession of today are first rate but army transformation still has me a little uneasy. Or perhaps I've gotten the wrong impression. If I've missed the point and somebody out there has a firm grasp of the concept please info me.


Bloggins said:
Or perhaps I've gotten the wrong impression. If I've missed the point and somebody out there has a firm grasp of the concept please info me.

I am as confused as you on this subject, however I was on the defence site's main page and discovered that one of the main features currently listed is in regards to CF Transformation. I am also aware that the army page on the defence site has an army transformation "article".

http://www.cds.forces.gc.ca/cft-tfc/intro_e.asp CF Transformation
http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/lf/English/5_0.asp Army Transformation

Hopefully that will clear up any questions and concerns you may have about transformation. With any luck you'll hear from some of the more experienced people on this forum as well, I know I'd love to hear their input... *hint*hint*nudge*nudge*
