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3 Fld Sqn (1 CER)


Army.ca Veteran
Reaction score
How many out there served with 3 Fld Sqn before she became 1 C.E.R. .
Well I did when I first joined back in 76 as a old young Sapper Militia plug (25yrs old). ;D


I joined 3 Fd Sqn in Apr? 75 spent 3 glorious years driving back and forth to Wainwright before heading off to Germany and 4 years of fun with 4CER.
And yet another lost 3 Fld Engr Sqn sole, and don't remind me of the long boring road trips to Wainwright in the back of the deuce and a half.....
Rodahn said:
And yet another lost 3 Fld Engr Sqn sole, and don't remind me of the long boring road trips to Wainwright in the back of the deuce and a half.....

YUp but those road moves!!!!!!!!
The road moves! Ugh! Unless of course you were a free runner in a 5/4.

It was good when the Coquihalla opened.
SprCForr said:
The road moves! Ugh! Unless of course you were a free runner in a 5/4.

It was good when the Coquihalla opened.

Well, I never had the pleasure of being able to take the Coquahalla, always went the long way round, including the "Magical Mystery Tour through Edmonton with the Boss Beaver". Under the guidance of the Military Police..... That was a hoot..... Civilian populace was right PO'd at us due to the traffic snarl......
Did enough of the FV route to really appreciate the Coq. Of course it didn't help when we headed to Chilcotin.

Ahhh, the Coq, pull out the hand throttle and relax for a while on the way out. Get to the toll booths and let 'er rip right past Hope on the way home. The look on the booth dude's face when Danny P hit the jake and the horn when breezing through the "special" DND open lane was priceless. It was sort of like the look on the RSM's face when the 5 ton pod pulled into the parking lot 20 seconds behind him.

:eek: <- yeah that. Then this ->  :rage:
God I remember those road moves to Wainwright and the Chilcotin for winter warfare training!!! Funny to think its been 28 yrs since I was in. Miss those days, great people, very interesting characters to say the least!!! :)

And then there was the day when we had the stand by you bed inspection with the RSM, Spr Bloggins had picked up one of the locals that frequented the mess back then... He took her back to Carpiquet and they did what young people do in those instances. Woke up the next AM, told her that she had to depart due to the inspection, and went for his S.S.S. Got back to the room and no sign of her. RSM arrives and conversation goes something like this...

RSM "Good Morning Spr Bloggins how are you this morning/"
Spr Bloggins "Very good Sir."
RSM perform perfunctory inspection, then opens the Spr's locker "Spr Bloggins what is this?" pointing to the local from the mess.
Spr Bloggins "That's my housewife sir"

RSM beats a hasty retreat with a final comment and smile on his face of "Get her the fudge out of here"
I was digging and found some old photo's but alas could not post?

Wain Con 77 ,late night movie at about 23:00 we used bed sheet's for the screen,yes folk's 16 mm movies,4 reel's to a movie with a progector for you young'ns
These photo's are of the road move back to the Wack.

Rodahn said:
And then there was the day when we had the stand by you bed inspection with the RSM, Spr Bloggins had picked up one of the locals that frequented the mess back then... He took her back to Carpiquet and they did what young people do in those instances. Woke up the next AM, told her that she had to depart due to the inspection, and went for his S.S.S. Got back to the room and no sign of her. RSM arrives and conversation goes something like this...

RSM "Good Morning Spr Bloggins how are you this morning/"
Spr Bloggins "Very good Sir."
RSM perform perfunctory inspection, then opens the Spr's locker "Spr Bloggins what is this?" pointing to the local from the mess.
Spr Bloggins "That's my housewife sir"

RSM beats a hasty retreat with a final comment and smile on his face of "Get her the fudge out of here"

That Bloggins real name rhymed with "Farshall", I believe... ;D
I remember room inspection at Carpiquet, 2 Troop, RSM walks into the room across from mine, sees a complete Fiat Spider engine sitting on the floor, parts on the bed, pool of slowly spreading oil......just stood there vibrating.......yelled %&^^%$&#%^&*&(*(*%^, walked away mumbling Fricking sappers!!! Wonder where that young sapper is now??

SM Sandy................woke me during a room inspection around 09:00 about thirty years ago......after a hard night of drinking, the conversations went something like this.....
Get outta that bed you lazy sack of snake sh*t
but SM I am on leave
I do not give a crap, get out a dat bed before I scuff up my boots on yer arse and go sees Brown's hair cut..................looks like some cut it with a knife and a fork!

Was back in Chilliwack last year, drove by the clean ground where the barracks used to be.................. standing there brought a tear to my eye while I remembered McCrack**,Mumbles, Combat Rat, Burnout and a group of us coming into shacks and Dave pukin in the hallway and then getting terribly upset, I tried to console him and said something really smart like "gee Dave do not worry" and Dave replying "I am not worried I am UPSET there is 30 bucks of Jolly Miller beer and Apollo pizza laying here on the floor" that memory got me all nostalgic and so I went to Barry's Barber Shop for a hair cut just for the heck of it, Barry is still there. Can not believe I can remember nicknames all those years, guess the booze did not do as much damage as I thought it would.  I have some good time pictures I will try and post.

Any one know of Chris Raymond (Combat Rat) where abouts? I would like to track him down or at least hear how he is doing


How many out there served with 3 Fld Sqn before she became 1 C.E.R.

I got some 3 Fd Sqn badges from when  I was in, frankly I don't remember much. Wasn't there that long till they switched.

Now I'm wondering, how do they turn a sqn into a whole regiment?
P e t e r said:
How many out there served with 3 Fld Sqn before she became 1 C.E.R.
Now I'm wondering, how do they turn a sqn into a whole regiment?

Smoke and mirrors........ ::)
A new tac sign stencil and a few gallons of black paint.
A pin head with a pencil.

Yup Chris Raymond is living in Trail along with Teddy.

I also hear that a reunion is in the work's some time this year or the next?
What? A reunion - sounds like fun. i'd go but a teacher's salary in Poland doesn't go far (1000 zloties a month - errr - 400 cdn bucks...). on the otherhand, who wants to see another old, fat bald man......
JackD said:
What? A reunion - sounds like fun. i'd go but a teacher's salary in Poland doesn't go far (1000 zloties a month - errr - 400 cdn bucks...). on the otherhand, who wants to see another old, fat bald man......

Well for what it's worth, I'd probably go..... As an old bald man......