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1 minute late....sorry you'll have to reschedule!!!!

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HAHAHAHA.....this is funny.

So I've already been offered a pilot position and I'm heading over to St.Jean Sept 12. Sounds good......hmmmm not quite.

The recruiting office calls me last week to say that I have to redo my physical because my original one has now expired. Now, I took my physical back in February and the only delays in my application have been CF induced delays. Regardless, I say ok, and I make an appointment for today at 11:30. Here's where it gets funny.

I show up at the Nautilus gym and tell the receptionist I'm here for the physical. She looks at her watch and says (I'm not kidding):

"It's 11:31, sorry you'll have to reschedule"

Me being a funny guy, I decide to play along with this funny joke. "I guess I'll have to reschedule then, hehe" I say. The girl then pulls out this schedule and asks me when I want to book the appointment. I'm standing there still thinking she's joking around until her manager comes and says "Sorry sir, you have to show up on time".

I started laughing. 11:31  :o :o :o

I had an argument with the manager regarding this 1 minute late policy but it got me nowhere. After 5 minutes, she actually had the nerve to say "Well you've been arguing for 5 minutes so it's too late now". I probably could have bench pressed 300lbs when that stupidity left her mouth. Man, I was pissed.

In the end, I rescheduled for Monday. The moral of the story is: You can't win arguments with women, j/k. Show up early!!!
lolllll That's actually pretty funny. So you're from Montréal. So am I. De quel centre parles-tu en fait? I'm just curious since I'm a member of Nautilus Plus myself. What if you were a member yourself? J'arrive toujours en avance à mes rendez-vous avec eux et ils trouvent toujours le moyen de me faire attendre 5-10 minutes. Je la trouve vraiment drôle celle-là. Keep me informed.
One minute late sounds trivial when it's a physical.

You want to be a pilot, you said. Well, that's a MILITARY pilot. This isn't Air Canada, where if you're late, well, the passengers know that's part of the business.

In our business, lateness can have deadly consequences. You may someday be assigned to drop a bomb on a particular target at a particular time - and being one minute late may mean that you accidentally hit friendly troops or fail to supress an enemy who's killing our soldiers.

When you get to training, a word of advice: make a habit of being a MINIMUM of five minutes early for any timing you are given. Ten or fifteen is better.

Believe me, your platoon warrant on BOTP (or whatever they're calling it these days) won't argue with you for five minutes as you try to justify your lateness. Get used to it now.

If I sound harsh, too bad. Many on this forum would be harder. Take it as some friendly advice, suck it up, and correct the problem, and you won't have any trouble.
Well, i know its frustrating but here is my 2 cents:

When , and IF, you become a pilot, you will NOT be allowed to be 1 minute late for your on-station time.

Also, since you are joining the military, get used to this phrase:


have a nice day
You won't get any sympathy here... suck it up and manage your time better. If you can't do that, look for another line of work...
I want people to be on time when I'm jumping out of a C-130, or when being picked up by a CH-146 after a patrol. Timings are the most important aspect of Military ops.

Edited to fix a typo.
Jungle said:
You won't get any sympathy here... suck it up and manage your time better. If you can't do that, look for another line of work...
I want people to be on time when I'm jumping out of a C-130, or when being picked up by a CH-146 after a patrol. Timings are the most important aspect of Military ops.

And thats pretty much it in a nutshell...
Yeah, well I thought it was funny but you guys are right, as usual. Gotta suck it up and start being more responsible  :salute:
From a civilian standpoint, I found this frustrating but I guess it's a good wake-up call for St.Jean!

Caesar: C'etait au 800 Place Victoria. Les filles sont pas pire là-bas  ;D mais estie qu'ils ont d'attitude  :rage:
Hey I enjoyed it Bo Now I understand that CF attitude but for some women at the YMCA to say your 1 minute late so forget it is bullsh_t When i did my PT tests i was early and my instructor was 14 minutes LATE but I didn't say anything.  its all about attitude and she had one.
The other day i went in the recruiting office for the first time (to get more info and application forms) and at the same time another guy (around my age...18 or so) came in and said he was "so and so and had an interview" and the sergeant said "that was 2 hours ago". The kid just said "yeah sorry i got the time mixed up" and the sergeant allowed him to do the interview.

Kinda weird...
alexpb said:
The other day i went in the recruiting office for the first time (to get more info and application forms) and at the same time another guy (around my age...18 or so) came in and said he was "so and so and had an interview" and the sergeant said "that was 2 hours ago". The kid just said "yeah sorry i got the time mixed up" and the sergeant allowed him to do the interview.

Kinda weird...

Every circumstance is different.  In the first case (one minute late), it is possible that things were so tightly scheduled that accommodation could not be made.  In the second case (two hours late), it is possible that there HAPPENED to be a time slot available, and therefore accommodation was made.

Regardless - rest assured that for all the aforementioned (in this thread) reasons, punctuality is expected, and DEMANDED in the CF.

"Always arrive five minutes early to mark your map"
When I did my CFAT, I was scheduled for 0830. I arrived 0815 just to make sure.
They actually told us that there was  6 guys writing it, and only TWO of us were there at 0830. The person administrating the test said they'd wait until 0900 so that late comers didn't miss it. 3 guys showed up between 0845-0855.

I thought it was kind of odd for the CF to do this. But I can see why. It'd be a waste of their time to have to deal with these guys again for another appointment, and I guess if they're this lax / careless about their appointment, they'll probably be the same way about other stuff and eventually be weeded out along the way.

dk said:
I guess if they're this lax / careless about their appointment, they'll probably be the same way about other stuff and eventually be weeded out along the way.

Or learn the errors of their ways during Basic, and be given a chance to correct their slack and idle bodies!!
I "arrived late" for an interview once.  I had been told the interview would follow my 1030 fitness test, and be at 1100.  I got into the fitness test early, and so finished early.  I though, great, more time to change and make myself presentable for the interview.

I showed up at the upstairs reception at 1045, and told them I had an interview at 1100.  I was instructed to have a seat, and it would only be a few minutes.  Nearly an hour later, they finally turned around and asked me if I was waiting for an interview.  I replied I was, they asked my name again and looked it up.  I was told that my interview had been scheduled for 0900, with a fitness test at 1030.

I explained that when I had been in the week before (or maybe it was two weeks, not important), I had been told the fitness test was at 1030 and the interview at 1100.  I even showed them the card they had given me, with those exact times written on it.

As I turned out, they realized the mistake had been on their part and they were able to find someone to do a quick update interview with me.
i think every case has its own reasons for the way the situation is handled, i think what it comes down to is ,one well of the reasons and this is strictly my opinion, the mood of the person you are dealing with, if their rushed, wanna go home and not having a very happy day, and you show up late.... hey well now their bad day just became your bad day and a further waste of their time which probably bugs them a whole hell of alot more, and you will have learned (hopefully) to follow instructions wether it be from arriving at a certain time or showing up wearing what ever they tell you to. :salute:
Guardian said:
One minute late sounds trivial when it's a physical.

You want to be a pilot, you said. Well, that's a MILITARY pilot. This isn't Air Canada, where if you're late, well, the passengers know that's part of the business.

In our business, lateness can have deadly consequences. You may someday be assigned to drop a bomb on a particular target at a particular time - and being one minute late may mean that you accidentally hit friendly troops or fail to supress an enemy who's killing our soldiers.

When you get to training, a word of advice: make a habit of being a MINIMUM of five minutes early for any timing you are given. Ten or fifteen is better.

Believe me, your platoon warrant on BOTP (or whatever they're calling it these days) won't argue with you for five minutes as you try to justify your lateness. Get used to it now.

If I sound harsh, too bad. Many on this forum would be harder. Take it as some friendly advice, suck it up, and correct the problem, and you won't have any trouble.

Get used to hearing this. On BOTP you will be late and you will get yelled at and it will go something like this ^^

Most common phrase from basic "you know what happens when (insert whatever you forgot or did wrong here)?? people die!"

For your case, call me a cynic but doesn't Nautilus get paid whether you show up or not? 1 min late and refusing to serve you means they get 2 appointments instead of 1.
It's a business and they have a schedule.  If the first guy in the day is one minute late, by the time he gets started on the test that should have been started at 9 it's now 09:06.  So, the next guy shows up on time, but because they are running late, his appt starts at 09:21 instead of 09:15.  So, going on that, the next guy is late, then a couple others......see where it's going?  Come 16:00 when everyone should be going home there are still 3 people to be tested.  What do you tell them?  Sorry a couple of people were late today so even though you were on time we can't test you?
I know at the CFRC in North York they tell you when the doors shut and too bad for you if you show up late.
Ok, so everyone on here knows that this is how it works in the forces. However, this was a civilian customer driven business, for them to act like that is unacceptable really. It's terrible customer service, and I know none of you guys would put up with poor service anywhere, not in a restaurant, not at wal mart, not anywhere. I was a customer service manager for a large communications company folks, if your business is dependant on people paying for your service then you have to cater to them. I'd be rather upset at this situation.
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