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recruiting centre

  1. A

    Timeline_Applied for CELE as Permanent Resident

    Hello Aspirants, Here I am facing bit weird situation, I did put my application for CELE officer back in March 2023. CFAT, Interview all done and file got recommended for Ottawa (security Clearance). After this long wait, I got an email for Recruitment center saying I need to visit them on...
  2. S

    Will I receive an email to book my medical exam or should I reach out?

    I passed my CFAT two weeks ago, and to the best of my recollection, one of the recruiters told me that I would receive information to prepare for my medical exam and interview. However, I have not been contacted at all after taking the CFAT. I have talked to people I referenced in my validation...
  3. A

    Pre-security timeline for CAF

    Hello Everyone, I had the opportunity and got interviewed for the Communication Electronics Engineering Officer position In CAF on April 2023. I was wondering being Permanent resident here in Canada does Pre security goes longer than regular file.? recently I got reply for recruiting detachment...
  4. N

    Re-applying to the CAF

    Hi everyone, so my story goes like this, I applied for Reserve Force back in 2020. I went through aptitude testing, did the force eval, and did the medical, only to be deemed unfit because I disclosed I suffered from depression 5 years ago. I have since gone to counseling. My question is, should...