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  1. Spade

    Borden Jan. 16

    Cool! I sign in in toronto on the fourteenth and go to borden for BMQ on the 8th.  Hope to see you there.    Im doing infantry. ~Spade.
  2. Spade

    january basic?

    I couldn't have said it any better myself!  I got the call at work (my cell got the mesage and I called back on break).  Im doing basic (RCR Infantry) at Borden from Jan 9- March 14 too and I still feels like I'm on top of the world!.  I know it's too soon to say such things but all I feel is...
  3. Spade

    September 5th Selection Board

    Hey all,  As of a week and a half ago my Recruiter said all I was waiting on was to be merit listed, so I hope I'm selected with this board. I'm nervous as all heck, but mostly I just want to get it over with and move on to BMQ. -Spade.
  4. Spade

    Running Cadences

    Ah hills.  Got to love em.  My goal is to get back to a point where there is no change in breathing rate for hills. As for sprints. Its always fun to do steady pace runs and now and then have points where you sprint a block, then regular pace a block and do that for a portion of the run. Pretty...
  5. Spade

    Running Cadences

    I thought the idea of cadence was to keep everybody at the same pace, as well as at a heart rate level that was steady enough to allow for it. I was under the impression that you wanted to be able to carry on a conversation while running and not be dog tired or out of breath or to get to that...
  6. Spade

    Running Cadences

    Hey all. I know I'm resurrecting this thread, but I'm curious.  So they don't do cadence in bmq or infantry training?  The reason I asked is that I'm currently doing six minute miles (I run a half hour a day in the morning at 5am). I can do cadence but I'm a bit out of  breath,  but I'm getting...
  7. Spade

    Switching from Reserves to Regulars

    Whoa!  Strangely enough I'm in the middle of both your situations SeanPaul and Futuretrooper.  I just finished my CFAT on Monday and applied to join The Queens Own Rifles reserves when I had the same question about going Reg Forces.    I agree with you Futuretrooper, I'm going Reg Forces as well...
  8. Spade

    OSSD Transcript Vs. Diplioma

    Thanks Pieman.  I followed your advice.  I was all panic like this morning.  Then i called up my old highschool in Oakville and they actually still remembered me from ten years ago!  They will mail me a new one as soon as they get the blank diploma form from the ministry of education. So all is...
  9. Spade

    OSSD Transcript Vs. Diplioma

    Gah!  Thanks Kincanucks.  I Guess that means I had better talk to my recruiter because the paper is pretty well history. Thanks - Spade.
  10. Spade

    OSSD Transcript Vs. Diplioma

    Hey all, first time poster long time listener. Question for you,   I just got back from doing my CFAT today (and I agree all you need is lots of rest) And after seeing my high school transcript, the recruiter wanted to have my high school diploma. My question is this.  Is it really necessary...