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  1. Nomadfl

    Canadian troops attacked for third straight day - 4 Oct

    I dislike the word used by many in the press and TV...that word is "injured"...to properly use the word injured would be like, he fell and injured his hand. If someone gets wounded in a battle situation, the press and TV  people should use the word "Wounded" The same goes for ranks...some of...
  2. Nomadfl

    What is your military status?

    Retired Army, Canadian Forces. Retired in 1980 with almost 28 years of service. Just turn 70 Joined Dec 18, 1952 as first intake of soldier apprentices (Green Monster), I went to the RCEME School at Barriefield, and did two years of basic, schooling and trade. Qualified as Armourer Grp 1 in Jan...
  3. Nomadfl

    In The Service???

    How do you tell, or can you find out if someone is BS'ing about their former service. I had a neighbour years ago who claimed he was a Korean Vet (2 ribbons) As I had joined the CA (R) in Dec 52, and he wasn't in the forces then. A couple of years later I saw him in the local Miltia wearing the...
  4. Nomadfl

    CFHA Residential Housing Unit (RHU)-old PMQ [MERGED]

    As a retired soldier, I retired in 1980 with 27 full years of service. I bought my first home in London in 1966. I was a Cpl, and  after being offered a 2 bedroom PMQ, when I had  a wife and 2 kids...the home was not big enough for a family. So I went out on the market bought a brand new home. I...
  5. Nomadfl

    Redress of Grievance – Mega thread [MERGED]

    Thanks guys, lot's of good buddys out there to help with information when needed. I am not a virgin when it comes to redresses, I have had 3, one was when my officer commanding gave me "loss of annual leave" as a punishment...overturned by the Comannding Officer of the unit, 2nd was when I...
  6. Nomadfl

    Veterans Affairs 1

    George.....are you ex RCDC.....Dentist in Edmonton????
  7. Nomadfl

    Redress of Grievance – Mega thread [MERGED]

    Question # 1, Can you do a Redress of Grievance after retiring? Question # 2, What is the time limit, if it is possible to Redress a Grievance
  8. Nomadfl

    Veterans Affairs 1

    Veterans Affairs 3 Dealing With Veterans Affairs Canada If you are in the process of applying for or contemplating applying for a V.A. Canada Disability Pension, for an accident or illness suffered while serving in a Special Duty Area, or other. I had applied to V.A. Canada for something that...
  9. Nomadfl

    Veterans Affairs 1

    Veterans Affairs 2 Dealing with your Physician, and or Specialist Sometimes we encounter family physicians, and or specialist who do not want to get involved with the government "Veterans Affairs". When you encounter this roadblock I can only advise you to do things this way. I would do the...
  10. Nomadfl

    Veterans Affairs 1

    I just want to bring forward some information that maybe of interest to retired or serving members of the Canadian Forces. If you have served in a SDA (Special Duty Area) or in the field and had a case of    Acute Gastroenteritis, and started suffering arthritic problems like me, you may have...
  11. Nomadfl

    The Supplementary Reserve.

    When I retired from the military in 1980, I joined the Supplementry Reserves. I was sent information quite regularly, then after the big cuts in the military....the information stopped coming, and I have heard nothing else from anyone at NDHQ. Question: Does NDHQ are inform you when you no...