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  1. itsflashpoint

    BMQ Regular Force 2005 - 2017 [Merged]

    ~~Selling my service rifle, only $2,500. PM me, don't low ball~~ lol jk, don't kill me.
  2. itsflashpoint

    Don't know how to explain to my parents of my career choice

    I am an asshole, although I am still not enlisted, hell I still didn't get through the testing stage. I just applied without telling my parents, because in reality you're choosing your life path, you do what you want with YOUR life, not what your parents want. Oh btw I know that you've got a...
  3. itsflashpoint

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    I'd personally say its "much harder" but its not that hard. I failed my CFAT I think 2 years ago, I am thinking of redoing it. I don't know which parts I did bad, hell I didn't even know that I failed. I had to call them and ask them for the results. The day my CFAT was on they were doing some...
  4. itsflashpoint

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    Hey there, I have applied for the Forces in October and did my CFAT in November, but its been nearly 3 months since I applied and no one has called me yet, and the website does not seem to update with my application status. Does anyone how long on average it takes for them to get the test...
  5. itsflashpoint

    Is this a mistake or?

    Thanks for the information! :-) Ill ask my school about it tomorrow.
  6. itsflashpoint

    Is this a mistake or?

    Oh yeah I forgot to ask another question. They ask for school transcripts which ones do they want? I went to about 8 - 10 schools over my schooling career, and one of the schools are in a different country, I don't even know how would I be able to retrieve it if they need the records from that...
  7. itsflashpoint

    Is this a mistake or?

    Perfect, thanks for the information!  :salute:
  8. itsflashpoint

    Is this a mistake or?

    Yeah that's it. Here is a cap of the .PDF file that they attached: Should of made the post a little bit more clear. Sorry bout it :p
  9. itsflashpoint

    Is this a mistake or?

    Hey guys, I was wondering if this is a mistake or not; So I noticed people that have applied and did all of their medical exams, aptitude tests, etc, but they haven't even gotten an interview yet. But I applied on the 10th, and I have already gotten an interview request via email asking me to...
  10. itsflashpoint

    Made a small mistake

    I just noticed that I got an email for the interview I guess ill tell them on the phone tomorrow while I scheduled it. Thanks!  :salute:
  11. itsflashpoint

    Made a small mistake

    Hey there, so I applied about 2 weeks ago to the forces, and I was going through my application and I noticed I just made a small mistake  :facepalm:. I checked off that I got my diploma but I didn't, should be getting it on January but anyway should I call the Winnipeg detachment and tell...
  12. itsflashpoint

    Sent in my application, couple of small question

    Ah alright, thanks ,mate!
  13. itsflashpoint

    Sent in my application, couple of small question

    Hey there guys, So I send in my application few hours ago. From my understanding if all goes well I should hear back from them within 3 weeks or so right? and, if all goes well the references part.. I honestly don't know anyone for 5 years since I keep moving and moving... (fml) anyway, I...