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  1. C

    Videos and clips featuring the Army

    Here are some more. http://www.youtube.com/watch.php?v=o4Yo_CNQFKc    http://www.youtube.com/watch.php?v=JoMB2yjNOnc  I think they were made by Pyromechanica.     
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    Why isn't it? Just asking, cause if you can buy them in the states and Snipers can use it in warfare why couldn't regular infantry use it?. Sorry for the stupid questions, I'm young and ignorant about the subject. Thanx Again  :cdn:
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    I see suppressors for sale in the United States (Rifle Magazines) for an AR15/M16 would it be legal to use it (overseas) and if so would the CF let you use it. Thanks  :cdn:
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    Canadian Army music video

    OMG....what a great job I hope it's done soon.
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    Interest In A National Service Banner?

    I thought it would be a great idea , so I made two prototypes please tell me what you think. http://spaces.msn.com/members/lanescanadianpride/t/
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    CADPAT Weapon Camo. (Or How to Disappear in Plain Sight!!! )

    GREAT GREAT Job man thats sexy :cdn:
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    AK47 vs. C7 or M16

    I saw that people wanted 2 know when the show that puts M16 up against AK47 it    is on, just wanted 2 tell u guys when its on. At 8 Greatest Military Clashs with the British sopwith camel vs the German triplane the 2nd is at 9   between the US sherman tank and the German tiger tank and finally...
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    Dog Tags

    Thanks :salute: :cdn:
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    Dog Tags

    In the CF do u have 2 have dog tags? and can u have your own made or do u have to have the CF make them? sorry if this is a stupid question i m not in the army yet http://www.jrotcdogtags.com/
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    UnderArmour Tactical Gear

    Under Armour heat gear is great, i use it for box lacrosse in the summer playing in a non air-conditioned arena with 100 watt bulbs over head and equipment on it is a life saver
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    Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

    I would like to see Canada as a larger military power. I think of the numder of troops we have, to me its sad. I think it would be better to have a bigger military and to have the choice of going overseas and not base it on the number of troops we have. If Canada did join the coaltion in iraq we...
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    Canadian Security Intelligence Service

    Sorry i m new and couldn't find a place 2 put it but i thought i could be answered here
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    Canadian Security Intelligence Service

    What is Canadian Security Intelligence Service
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    Sniper Rifles?

    I was wondering if the CF personalized snipers rilfe and if so how far?,    r there left handed rifles. i think i have seen a US sniper with a lefty i also have seen a program on cutom rifles for their snipers like the legth of their bolt poll and stuff like that just wondering if Canada does...
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    left handed shooters

    I am a left handed shooter i was woundering if other left handers could tell me if there is a problem shooting a c7 or c8 from the left side
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    All About RESO (merged)

    I have two questions the first is for the Reserve Entry Scheme for Officer r there certain course's i would have to take. second if i go through this program a become an officer can i switch to the regular force and still by an officer? Thanks
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    XM8 and Canada

    what r they doing to the c7?
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    XM8 and Canada

    I was just wondering if the Army is thinking about adopting the XM8 in the years to come or stick with the c7 http://www.hksystems.com.au/pages/XM8.htm