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  1. Epp12

    3.5km in 22 mins

    Basic fitness standards are a joke now a days. You'll be fine, basic was a joke we only had 2 challenging weeks. I showed up to basic in great shape left in worse shape, if you show up in good shape you leave in worse shape if you show up in bad shape you leave in better shape that's what me and...
  2. Epp12

    June 14th BMQ Training

    You guys have my old staff, they just graduated us on may 15th. Basic is a Great experience
  3. Epp12

    April 28th BMQ

    I'm half way through week 9. People make it up to be way harder than it is. Just remember the military will yell at you they will push you but in the end everything here at cflrs is designed to be passed. It is not hard to pass either it's all in yor head. Don't have a mind set thinking...
  4. Epp12

    March leave? DND down time?

    Nothing has been said from instructors, this is jus speculation as a few guys from our platoon have heard others speaking of it. Seeing if anyone here knew before asking instructors, it's not a big deal so I'm not going to ask my instructors about it just seeing if anyone on here knew. Besides...
  5. Epp12

    March leave? DND down time?

    I'm currently at my bmq and there's alot of talk of leave for march like a block leave something about the DND I'm not sure just going off of what I heard. Does anybody know anything about a march leave. Also I'd imagine we'd get some time for Easter like a day? Hopefully no leave as I just want...
  6. Epp12

    BMQ Febuary 10th 2014 - QMB le 10 Février 2014

    English and French Platoon start on the 10th, R0024E is the English platoon!!
  7. Epp12

    BMQ Febuary 10th 2014 - QMB le 10 Février 2014

    Think positive, Atleast you don't have to buy her a present now hahaha
  8. Epp12

    BMQ Febuary 10th 2014 - QMB le 10 Février 2014

    I was born In 1993
  9. Epp12

    BMQ Febuary 10th 2014 - QMB le 10 Février 2014

    see you guys there! I fly on the 8th as well from Vancouver infantryman
  10. Epp12

    Feb 10th/2014 BMQ anyone!?!?

    Just got my call today with a job offer for Infantryman, accepted the offer of course. I swear in on February 5th at the New West Recruiting center on Royal Avenue at 0900h and fly out to Seant-Jean on the 8th with a BMQ start date of the 10th Anyone else get the call for this course yet and if...