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  1. C

    Fire Department / stationed

    hey thats wierd. Station 12 Dowling. Talk about a small world. Well atleast the sudbury area.
  2. C

    Raiding the Icebox:behind Its Warm Front the United States Made Cold Calculation

    Well if there plans are to attack Sudbury then bring it. My 308 is ready to go. lol As long as Mayor Dave was the first to fall in battle, then a war doen't look that bad after all. ;D
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    Attention Members of Foriegn Military's

    Hi I recently failed to pass the medical for Canadian Military due to an allergy to hornets. After being rejected I went to see a specialist who told me that the only thing I was only allergic too hornets.(not bees, wasp or any other type of insect). Due to this allergy I must carry an epee...
  4. C

    Medical standards of foriegn military

    Hi I have been recently turned down by the Canadian Military due to being allergic to two types of hornets. It was sad way to see my dream  career end before it even started. I figured that most nations would hold the same medical standards protaining to recruits having an allergy. By the way I...
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    Making Canada Relevant Again- The Economic Super-Thread

    Did anyone see the issue Maclean's in I believe March, which talked about the USA economic situation. All I will say is scary, the USA debt and budget deficits are massive . If their economy fails, it won't just damage Canada but probably destroy our nation  It is time to diverse our trading...
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    American wishlist for us.

    I totally agree the USA will never invede us when they could easily just invade us economicly which they already have or atleasst partially. Nothing new with the ambassadors comments, but I have to say I never really liked the guy, although I don't know why. P.S If they every invade us, I would...
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    All Things "Mad Dog" Mattis (merged)

    The basic fact is that the general has seen a lot and to his credit is an officer who shares the danger with his troops. I am not in the military but a educated miltary historian. If you look at many of the Great Marine General's you will see many of them are out spokena and lead from the...
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    Conflict in Darfur, Sudan - The Mega Thread

    This is an example of the situations that I would like the Canadian forces of the future to train for. I want to formulate an armed force that can quickly deploy into a place like Sudan or Haiti. Go in with a strong force kick ass and then pull out and let the rest of the UN countries...
  9. C

    Should the CF be retain in its present form? (Split from MBT thread)

    Rick, that was a great post and should bring us all back to reality. My next question is will we have to formulate a new army doctrine because we will no longer have tanks?
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    Should the CF be retain in its present form? (Split from MBT thread)

    Just a question why wouldn't a M8 be a good compromise between having an only striker force or our out of date MBT? This would give us the fire power we need to be effective in a deployable force. This is not my area of knowledge let everything I read about the M8 is that it is a solid machine.
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    What Should the Army's Role, Capabilities & Structure Be?

    Two questions we must ask ourselves before we formulate a plan for the restructuring of the armed forces are:             1) What do we want our military to do (what will be the role of our armed forces) including this role being supported by      the government.             2) I believe...
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    U.S. Military Deserters in Canada Megathread

    Here's my Take If he was so against the war and decided morally that he couldn't go to Iraq, then he should of stayed in the USA and taken the consequences for his action(probably only a year in jail not bad considering what he is facing now). But instead of taking the moral high ground, this...
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    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    I applied to RMC last year with 76% average in grade 12 and 11. I made it on to the merit list. My recruiter told me that my sports background(played everything in high school), volunteering experience(I did everything possible in high school and my community), air cadets, and my work...