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  1. M

    can reservists be NBP members

    I know certain courses through out the military are only available to active duty members, I cant seem to find this information. can a reservist boatswain take the NBP course (naval boarding party). If so, how long would it take to get to the point of being able to take the course? thank you in...
  2. M

    Am I too old, fat, or fit in? 2001 to 2016

    i would say if you can do what needs to be done then why not go for it. more the merrier
  3. M

    NavRes training question.

    1 more thing.. Im a bit confused do boatswains use firearms or just issue them and such. Who would be responsible for the actual use of small arms/boarding of ships..
  4. M

    NavRes training question.

    also what will the pay be like? and will I be able to do all my training from newfoundland? all other useful information related to the recruitment process would be appreciated. I cant find much in the way of the naval reserve recruitment process.
  5. M

    NavRes training question.

    hey I have a few questions about joining the naval reserve. il try not to bombard you guys with questions but I do have quite a bit to learn. I plan to enter as a boatswain in st.johns newfoundland. first off what about deployment opportunites in the naval reserve. what can I expect. I am a...
  6. M

    i had surgery on my shoulder to reconstruct my labrom

    I had my labrom re constructed about 2 monthes ago and ive been in physio therapy. once my arm has reached normal working order would this cause me to not be able to join reserve infantry. I know your supposed to be off all medications for some time but I was prescribed just one script of...
  7. M

    Remembrance Day

    Remembrance day ceremonies are usually pretty huge here in St.Johns. Weather was absolute crap here today though so I think it was canceled.
  8. M

    Remembrance Day

    E.R, me "misspeaking" isn't the same as you misunderstanding.
  9. M

    Remembrance Day

    I meant happy veterans day in the way of its a time to remember and show appreciation to our veterans. Not like woohoo! army yea!! like some child.. Its not so much a celebratory occasion as it is a solam one but that doesn't mean you can't be proud and have some positive aspect too it.
  10. M

    Remembrance Day

    I didn't mean it like that..
  11. M

    Remembrance Day

    happy veterans day to all our Canadian veterans! I have so much respect and appreciation for all members of the Canadian forces and I will be one soon :cdn: :salute: :yellow:
  12. M

    can you join the infanty reserve and also take medication for mild anxiety

    I understand if some people maybe don't fully take my word for it. or have skeptical opinions about how I feel about it. But I do know myself and I know I can do it. Maybe the CF will feel differently about that but I will cross that bridge or get turned around from it when I get there haha...
  13. M

    Wanted: Cadet Items

    I was in sea cadets and have a lot of sea cadet stuff. navy league cadet uniform also.
  14. M

    can you join the infanty reserve and also take medication for mild anxiety

    its really ok. its such a insignificant problem that im willing to choose the reserves over medication. Id just be more comfortable socially if I had anxiety medication. I have no panic attacks,fast heart rate etc. nothing I cant suck up and deal with.
  15. M

    can you join the infanty reserve and also take medication for mild anxiety

    Yea its really not that bad though. Noone can even tell. My doctor probably wouldn't even recommend I take meds.
  16. M

    can you join the infanty reserve and also take medication for mild anxiety

    I've never been on meds but I know I should be. Its not that bad though. I will try to use better punctuation and what not. thanks for the reply
  17. M

    can you join the infanty reserve and also take medication for mild anxiety

    yea I wouldn't wanna risk getting booted out over it.
  18. M

    can you join the infanty reserve and also take medication for mild anxiety

    well would they find out if I had it prescribed?
  19. M

    can you join the infanty reserve and also take medication for mild anxiety

    if not would they find out if you were prescribed to it? im not some nervous wreck I just have mild anxiety that wouldn't even affect how I could do the job. if I have to choose I choose the reserves but id rather have both.
  20. M

    Opportunity for Reserve deployment [Merged]

    hey there, just a few questions. 1. can a reserve infantry volunteer for any deployment that Canada is involved in. or does the government only request reserves when necessary, and then they can volunteer for the deployment. 2. how does a reserve infantry go about volunteering for one of the...