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  1. S

    USCGC Dallas crew forced to leave Sevastopol by pro-Russian Ukrainian protestors

    I find this rather confusing that there would be this amount of pro-Russian sentiment within Ukraine- or is it more of anti-NATO feeling? Isn't there alot of Russians in the Ukraine?  I think there is a long standing dispute over the Crimea, it was part of Russia but  Khrushchev gave it to the...
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    Yoga turns Indian soldiers into deadlier foes

    Didn't a unit of SF at Ft Devens do this years ago.  I seem to remember reading a book by some New Age guy who ran a program at Ft Devens that included yoga and I think Aikido. 
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    USN officer took call girl job!!!

    "Lt Flynn was punished for lying[making a false statement],adultry and disobeying orders all are UCMJ offenses. LtCmdr Dickinson also violated the UCMJ by conduct unbecoming of an officer and was given a punative letter of reprimand.Its best to remember all members of the military are held to...
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    4th Brigade is Reflagged and Joins 1AD

    I don't remember where I read it but didn't the U.S. Army Institute of Heraldry have a point system.  They looked at the histories of all the units and gave them points for certain things.  The top scoring units are kept active the low scoring unit are dropped.  This may have more to do with...
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    4th Brigade is Reflagged and Joins 1AD

    Being part of the 1st Cavalry Division the brigade's line battalions had "Cavalry" designations.  I assume the battalions will also be reflagged with the heritage of an armored and an Infantry regiments.  Do other armies reflag units like the US does?  I'm not talking about something like a...
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    The USAF Tanker Replacement Programs- Merged

    Is there any reason you couldn't have a mixed buy.  It is all well and good that you have two competitors but when you choose a single source you have granted that company a monoply for whatever system you're talking about.  If in the future Northrop Grumman-Airbus has problems with quality or...
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    The 3 Trillion $ War

    Didn't the same article say that World War Two cost about $5trillion dollars.  Is it just me or does that sound just nuts?  I have no doubt that the Iraq war is costing more than the Bush Administration PR said it would, by a wide margin.  But I find it hard to believe that it would be in the...
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    British Army Training Unit Suffield (BATUS) and NTC Ft Irwin

    The OPFOR at the NTC has VISMOD (visually modified)vehicles to simulate enemy.  Do they do the same thing at BATUS?
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    British Army Training Unit Suffield (BATUS) and NTC Ft Irwin

    I don't know much about the British Army Training Unit Suffield (BATUS) but it sound like the US's National Training Center at Ft Irwin.  Can anyone compare the two?
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    USAF Woes

    Couple questions for wiser heads: -What happened with the old Hi/Lo Mix .  Buy a limited amount of top line systems and then a large number of cheap systems.  Does every fighter plane the USAF buys really need to have stealth?  Couldn't you get by with a limited amount of F-22/F-35 and then...
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    Problems with US Coast Guard's "Deepwater" program

    Blackadder Sorry,    I was talking about replacing the CG’s 418 foot 4300 ton National Security Cutter(planned 8) or the 360ft 3715 ton Offshore Patrol Cutter(planned 25) with the LCS. As for problems with the LCS, most of the problems I've heard have been with the Lockheed Martin LCS1 and...
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    Problems with US Coast Guard's "Deepwater" program

    Why Not -- Could you be more specific.  I admit that I’m no expert,  so I don’t see that much different between a small frigate size vessel with a big landing deck and a CG “cutter”.  Are you saying that the LCS is lacking something or that it is overkill for a cutter?
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    Problems with US Coast Guard's "Deepwater" program

    Can't the Coast Guard join Navy and buy some of the LCS's?  Why do they need their own design?  Are the needs that different? One of the things they say about the LCS is it will be config'ed with mission packages.  Can't they have a mission package geared for the CG?
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    Rand to USAF and US Army: Why Can't we all Just Get Along?

    I seen it proposed before and it seems logical - if the USAF treats the A-10 like its got smallpox and the Army needs better close air support-  turn the A-10 and maybe the  AC-130's over to the Army.  The USAF can then concentrate all it's efforts on high tech air operations in the wild blue...
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    The USAF Tanker Replacement Programs- Merged

    This is most likely a stupid question but can't they make a tanker out of the C-17?  Is price the many reason? It may cost twice as much, but would you have to buy less aircraft? 
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    4/25 Abn Brigade

    >>1st Brigade(Stryker BCT) is in Ft Lewis and 4th BCT(ABN) is in Fort Richardson. The other brigades and smaller units in the 25th LID are in Schofield Barracks in Hawaii. I dunno where you got Kansas, etc from.<< http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/agency/army/25id-6bde.htm
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    4/25 Abn Brigade

    >>Because this Airborne Brigade is in the 25th Infantry Division(Light) and is not part of the 82nd Airborne Division in Ft Bragg, NC or the 173rd Airborne Brigade in Italy. << I realize the brigade is part of the 25th but Why?.  The http://www.army.mil site state, “While Brigade Combat Teams...
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    4/25 Abn Brigade

    Why is a Airborne Brigade drawing it's name from the 25th Infantry Division and not from the 82nd or one of the other former Airborne Divsions? 
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    US Navy commissions anti-terror force unit

    >>Still, the entire thing reeks of inter-service competition, especially this "Expeditionary Combat Group". "Marines" no longer do Naval force protection, and apparently aren't even the Navy's ground troops anymore. The USN feels a need to enter into the special operations sphere more than it...
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    Update to US Army ACU

    scm77, MikeL  Thanks those are the first pictures in the field I have seen.  The pattern is better than I thought, alot of the negative reaction to the ACU could have eliminated if the Army had released pictures like that when they introduced the ACU.  But  I agree with alot of the other...