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  1. BlackBlade

    march 11th bmq

    Who that posted on this thread also graduated yesterday?
  2. BlackBlade

    march 11th bmq

    Anyone else flying out from Halifax on Saturday March 9th?
  3. BlackBlade

    march 11th bmq

    I am starting my basic on March 11th as well. My trade is Aviation Tech. I am flying in from Halifax on March 9th congrats and good look everyone.
  4. BlackBlade

    How Long Did You Wait?

    I applied in Jan 2012 didn't hear anything for 6 months. Got an email saying that my application wasn't competitive enough and to try upgrading my education, apply for different trades, or try reserves. Next week went to my local reserves unit ( 12 Wing Shearwater) and they had wouldn't know if...
  5. BlackBlade

    Feb 11th BMQ

    Well i have been hitting the gym on base a lot more. Also try going to bed at 11 and waking up at 5 now to get into the routine. As for mentally theres not much just go in knowing its not personal and just do it 1 day at a time. Never Give Up!
  6. BlackBlade

    Feb 11th BMQ

    Is there anyone else going Air Force? I feel so alone lol But congratulations to everyone!
  7. BlackBlade

    Living in Borden.

    Thank you  that's exactly the answer i was looking for! I can be prepared for that. I don't think my GF will visit too often she will be here in Halifax, but thanks for the advice though i really appreciate it.
  8. BlackBlade

    Living in Borden.

    Thanks, ill check it out. But where do you stay? I currently have a lease here, and my GF is staying here as well so is there accommodations at base or do we find our own place?
  9. BlackBlade

    Living in Borden.

    Yes I am going the reserves, I am going my full BMQ in St-Jean on Feb 11th. I am then going to Bordon to do my Q3? or something i forget what the recruitment centre called it. Everything is the same for me as the reg force guys do until i come back to Shearwater then i will only work part-time...
  10. BlackBlade

    Feb 11th BMQ

    I have had my BMQ postponed a few times but I am due to be out there for FEB11th. I'm going in from Halifax and as an AVN TECH. What trade are you signed up for?
  11. BlackBlade

    Living in Borden.

    Thank you, I'll check that out when I get off work.
  12. BlackBlade

    Living in Borden.

    I'm currently awaiting my BMQ date, I have already been sworn in and actually I'm supposed to be already starting BMQ today. Due to a ankle fracture in Novemer it got postponed. Me and my RC are aiming for Feb 11th 2013 (on a side note anyone else going then?) Anyway back to the question at...
  13. BlackBlade

    Enrollment / Swearing In Ceremony [MERGED]

    I actually did not see this thread for Jan 28Th. But I will be there as well I'm leaving from Halifax on the 25Th I am going in for Aviation tech See you guys there, looks like were all about the same age, I'm 23. Congrats everyone, this should be a fun time. :camo: :cdn:
  14. BlackBlade

    BMQ 4-FEB-2013

    I will be there aswell but mine starts on Jan 28th 2013 AVN From Halifax, NS Any one else going Air Force?
  15. BlackBlade

    Pay For Basic?

    Hello, I'm going away for basic at the end of January, and I was wondering what will I be getting paid while attending basic. Also will my pay change while I'm doing my course in Borden? Thank you.