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  1. N

    Officer occupations – Which one should I choose?

    I know. It's disheartening to have messed up this bad. I just hope that the recruiter won't laugh in my face when I explain it all.
  2. N

    Officer occupations – Which one should I choose?

    Good point. Fixed it.
  3. N

    Officer occupations – Which one should I choose?

    The problem is, I haven't been in contact with any recruiters, really. I think I'll go down to Mewata Armoury tomorrow and talk to someone there. If I remember correctly, the recruiter's name is [NAME GOES HERE], or something along those lines. I'll see if he or someone else is around and just...
  4. N

    Officer occupations – Which one should I choose?

    I'd swing by if I could, but I'm expecting company and it's a decent distance from me. Calgary is getting to be a big city. Will they be around tomorrow?
  5. N

    Officer occupations – Which one should I choose?

    Should I just go in and see him? I feel like a total and complete goof for even getting in this situation.
  6. N

    Officer occupations – Which one should I choose?

    I called a file manager at the CFRC, but was unable to get a hold of him, so I left a message stating my predicament and asking what else I needed to do. I left my name and number. That was four days ago and I've received no call back. So, I contacted my primary reserve unit and, once again, I...
  7. N

    Officer occupations – Which one should I choose?

    Hello! I sent in an online application for the Primary Reserves about a week ago and yesterday I received a letter in the mail telling me that I needed to contact the reserve unit I was interested in joining and find out if the occupation I requested was available for enrollment (Combat...
  8. N

    Questions about joining the Reserves

    Sounds like the reserves are far more relaxed than full time. What do you mean by running around in a forest for a weekend? War games or something like that?
  9. N

    Questions about joining the Reserves

    I see. Well, it's worth seeing about. I'm seeing a recruiter this friday and hope to clear up some stuff. What special circumstances are we talking about? If that isn't too personal, that is.
  10. N

    Questions about joining the Reserves

    So, hypothetically, if I was accepted into the reserves I could live off base? Would I be paying to do so? I've heard that there is rent to be paid, but i'm not quite sure whether that's fact or fiction.
  11. N

    Questions about joining the Reserves

    Cl A reservists? Hate to be such a rookie, but what does Cl A mean? Class A?
  12. N

    Questions about joining the Reserves

    Would it be a smarter move to think about a different occupation? Say one that's in demand? I've also been looking at Combat Engineer, Ammunition Technician, or perhaps something in the intelligence department. On a totally unrelated note, I see that the chances of me getting accepted are slim...
  13. N

    Questions about joining the Reserves

    Not 100% sure if this is the right place to ask this, but bear with me, everybody. For the past year or so i've been seriously considering joining the Canadian Forces. I'm sure you've all heard the "It looks like the life for me." explanation before, so i'll skip over my reasons and move...