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  1. B

    Joining UK Armed Forces

    Damn that thread didnt supply the info i was looking for, or i just missed it.
  2. B

    Joining UK Armed Forces

    Alright thanks! The Recruiters dont go on their chat till 1 in the morning for me as i live in Vancouver British Columbia lol. And they off by now, so i will check with them tonight but this helps so thanks again.
  3. B

    Joining UK Armed Forces

    Alright so I have done my searching and i have come up with two sconclusions. My main question is do i need some sort of travel Visa for the British army? I have read both yes and no, no being it falls outside of the immigration act. To be honest ive never really travelled outside of Canada so...
  4. B

    Marijuana and the military.

    Alright well thanks for your answers.
  5. B

    Marijuana and the military.

    Uh okay, then I guess there was no real reason to post a reply then was there? I'm just looking for a simple answer for my question, not sarcasm nor smart assery(if that's even a word) I'm sorry ahead of time if I offended you with that last sentence it's not my intention.
  6. B

    Marijuana and the military.

    Hey guys, first thing thanks for looking over my thread. I used to be a chronic canabis user, I've smoked marijuana for the past 3 years however I have no conviction of it nor was I every caught by anyone with it. Fact is I don't smoke anymore nor do I plan on it. I never found I was addicted...
  7. B

    Joining UK Armed Forces

    Alright, is their testing similar to our testing here?
  8. B

    Joining UK Armed Forces

    Hey, so the title is basically explaining my question. Does anyone have any experience going into the British Armed Forces as a Canadian citizen? And how does it work? For example do i have to live in the UK for a few years before joining up? I wouldnt be going for another 2 years or so but i am...
  9. B

    Vancouver reserve units

    Alright well as of june22nd I will be switching to part time work on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Would this interfere with my reserve work? Basically what I'm asking are which nights are "parade nights". I'm willing to show up to every parade night, training weekends, and training ops as I will...
  10. B

    Vancouver reserve units

    Alright, well there's a recruiting centre in new west on royal ave or whatever it's called lol. Ill head in there and ask around. Also since we're on the topic of reserves, do you have any experience being in the reserve? If you do what was the training like. From what I have read over the...
  11. B

    Vancouver reserve units

    Alright guys first thing thanks for taking your time and reading my post. I'm currently 19 years 20 soon, I'm getting myself into shape(I want to exceed the requirements) and I will be dropping off an application for the reserves within the net few months. My main question on this post is do...
  12. B

    Personalised training

    Hey, im going to put together a personalized training program for myself just for preparation. Im just curious howmuch does an average infantry soldier carry weight wise? And what is the preferred diet? I've looked but cant find anything on the preferred diet so if somone could throw me a link...
  13. B

    Process of joining

    Lol well I'm pretty sure I won't get an ulcer over me worrying about a test. I'm not that worried just a little nervous thats all. And it seems like any other test you just got to be ready and prepare before hand. But thanks anyways :)
  14. B

    Process of joining

    Ok so I just did the practice test, I got 14/19 correct. I know it's just a practice test but is this considered good or bad? I'm just really curious and honestly a tad bit worried I won't make the cut.
  15. B

    Process of joining

    Thanks I appreciate you grabbing the links for me.
  16. B

    Process of joining

    Also I am reading about the CFAT test. I know it's just an aptitude test but I am noticing that people are failing this test, so essentially I'm asking what causes you to fail? It's an aptitude test no? And one last thing I'm looking to get into the infantry for the regular force, is there a...
  17. B

    Process of joining

    Hey guys, I'm 18 turning 19 in July and I'm looking to get into the Canadian forces. I'm just curious on the process and amount of time it will take me to actually start my bmq after I drop off my application. Also what are the minimum requirements fitness wise? I'm very physically active myself...