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  1. jordandixon3

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Well, I just got a call from my RC, turns out I got my Recruit School By Pass. Enrollment was pushed back from tomorrow to next Tuesday. Straight to Borden for me!!! Good Luck everyone!! :warstory:
  2. jordandixon3

    BMQ Regular Force 2005 - 2017 [Merged]

    See you all there!
  3. jordandixon3

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    I got my offer today!!! Vehicle Tech. Cannot wait to start, good luck everyone! :cdn:
  4. jordandixon3

    Selection Dates 2013-2018

    Well, looks like I made the Merit List for the last selection, I got a job offer today for Vehicle Tech and accepted!!!! Cannot wait to start.
  5. jordandixon3

    Selection Dates 2013-2018

    Just wondering if there are any confirmed dates for the next selection? Or is it still too early? Thanks.
  6. jordandixon3

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Merit Listed the same day as your interview and medical? Didn't know that could happen. Good for you.
  7. jordandixon3

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    I just called my RC for an update and I was informed that my background checks are completed and I have been put on the Merit List!!!!  ;D I can go into the weekend knowing this and fingers crossed for a job offer soon........ Good luck everyone!! :cdn:
  8. jordandixon3

    Selection Dates 2013-2018

    Thanks for the reply.
  9. jordandixon3

    Selection Dates 2013-2018

    I see that Jan 19th is the next selection date for Vehicle Tech, does anyone have a date for Aircraft Structures Tech? Thank-you
  10. jordandixon3

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Completed both my Medical and my Interview today and both went very well. I was told at the beginning of the interview that I do not qualify for my second choice (AWS Tech), but after the interview he said that he is recommending me for my other 2 choices. So, I am pretty happy with that, now I...
  11. jordandixon3

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Well, big day tomorrow, Medical and Interview. Looking forward to getting both of these done tomorrow.
  12. jordandixon3

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Well, I got a call today to book my Interview and Medical.  They were not able to do both on the same day but they were able to book them 2 days apart, so I am pretty happy with that.  Hopefully all goes well.
  13. jordandixon3

    Marks / Grades: School / GED or PLAR [MERGED]

    That's what I thought, but I haven't done anything yet. So is this "Waiver" something that is done at my local RC or is it something that has to be cleared from higher up? I sat down with a recruiter today and asked about the waiver and he just said it could be a long wait, no questions as to...
  14. jordandixon3

    Marks / Grades: School / GED or PLAR [MERGED]

    Ok so I went into the RC today and added Ammunition Tech as my 3rd choice.  I am pretty happy with that choice. However, I was told that they were waiting on a waiver to process my application. Basicly, because I left the reserves after completing BMQ common and BMQ Land and didn't become fully...
  15. jordandixon3

    Marks / Grades: School / GED or PLAR [MERGED]

    I completely agree that by having college or some formal training would be a big plus, but, maybe if they would allow people who DO have the minimum requirements for an occupation to apply, the occupation wouldn't be in demand as the website states (however, the site may not be updated). Rather...
  16. jordandixon3

    Marks / Grades: School / GED or PLAR [MERGED]

    No I don't have college or anything, the Clerk asked me that too at the RC, but I think what gets me is that if you get offered a position as a Cook in the CF, you go through an apprenticeship the same as you would outside of the military. It's taking someone who has little or no experience and...
  17. jordandixon3

    Marks / Grades: School / GED or PLAR [MERGED]

    Thanks for the reply, I find that a lot of occupations in the CF require more than if I were to do the same thing outside of the military. I have a lot of experience as a cook but because I don't have grade 12 math, I can't do it in the CF, kinda crazy to me but it is what it is...... ???
  18. jordandixon3

    Marks / Grades: School / GED or PLAR [MERGED]

    I was wondering if anyone on here either has a link or could point me in the right direction if I was looking for the specific education requirements for all the occupations? I will explain, I went in to the recruiting office today to add a 3rd occupation choice to my application, I wanted to...
  19. jordandixon3

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Well here I go again, give it another try. I applied today, hopefully this time things work out for me........ Good luck to all applicants.
  20. jordandixon3

    Reserve to Reg force

    Also, my VR took some time, I put it in just before summer last year and was not officially released until Nov 18th.