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  1. 4drian

    BMQ Regular Force 2005 - 2017 [Merged]

    Depends on your perspective. The first 4 weeks for me a struggle cause of the sleeping pattern and the amount of PT you do. But as you go on... the minute that you get your orders for the following day it goes by quick. Have fun and enjoy!
  2. 4drian

    BMQ Regular Force 2005 - 2017 [Merged]

    Swearing in today at 8am.
  3. 4drian

    BMQ Regular Force 2005 - 2017 [Merged]

    Toronto on the 11th anyone?
  4. 4drian

    BMQ Regular Force 2005 - 2017 [Merged]

    Wow this thread blew up. Can anyone message me the FB group and anyone swearing in on the 11th and leaving in toronto?
  5. 4drian

    BMQ Regular Force 2005 - 2017 [Merged]

    Sweet!  :salute: Congrats to both of you! Do you guys know what platoon number youre going to be?
  6. 4drian

    BMQ Regular Force 2005 - 2017 [Merged]

    Hey guys! theres like 4 platoons on that start date... anyone going on the 16th? P.S. i still dont have my platoon number, any idea on how will i know it?
  7. 4drian

    BMQ Regular Force 2005 - 2017 [Merged]

    Hey guys, quick question. Im heading to BMQ on the 16th. Any ideas when should i know when will i get my platoon number? Thanks
  8. 4drian

    Selection Dates 2013-2018

    Just got a call from CFRC Toronto for Aviation technician. Accepted it and start date Feb 15. Best of luck to anyone and see you
  9. 4drian

    Selection Dates 2013-2018

    Hey guys! anyone know when are the selection dates for Traffic tech or Vehicle tech? Thanks!
  10. 4drian

    Quick question

    Thanks dude! Much appreciated!  :salute:
  11. 4drian

    Quick question

    Sweet, but i still want to be able to learn and master the technician trades, lets just say down the road i finished my contract and i want to go to MP after like 5 years of AVN, Vehicle, or Traffic tech... what should i do to apply for MP or any trades? Do i have to re-write the aptitude...
  12. 4drian

    Quick question

    Thanks for the reply guys. Now don't get me wrong its not like i don't like the trades that they offer me, but i just want to be able to learn as much as possible in my military career. I originally applied for MP but they disregarded it and said that they're not hiring and that's why they...
  13. 4drian

    Quick question

    Hey guys, Just a quick question about my future military career, tired searching for this topic but i couldn't find any. So, i graduated from Centennial college with a Police foundation diploma... but the trades that i applied for are Traffic tech, AVN tech and Vehicle techs because they were...
  14. 4drian

    A little bit confused :/

    Really appreciate the replies guys! Just got back from the CFRC and chose Traffic, Aviation, and Vehicle techs! :nod: :salute:
  15. 4drian

    A little bit confused :/

    Didn't receive an email actually. I just gave them a call and next thing you know. BOOM. I'm actually going to do some research and actually talk to my recruiter. I don't believe on what they said. This is the third time I got in a pickle. So hopefully it goes well. If anyone knows any...
  16. 4drian

    A little bit confused :/

    So does that mean I can't take those trades anymore? They even mentioned doing a retake which I feel like its unnecessary. What should I do in this situation?
  17. 4drian

    A little bit confused :/

    So about a month ago I passed my aptitude test, the dude that took care of my application said that i passed all trades that i applied for (Infantry, Artillery, and MP). So just yesterday i called the CFRC and asked what was the status of my application, they told me to come down the centre and...