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  1. S

    Advice and an open mind needed

    Ok, stays here.
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    Advice and an open mind needed

    Sorry I'm a little off-topic but just curious. What gym are we talking about. (I used to train at Tristar and thought it was the biggest)
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    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    Hi, I would like to share my experience. I applied for Inf.O in November, RMC was my first choice. I passed the CAF test and I luckily had the chance to see my marks. I scored 11-15 vocabulary 11-15 spacial and 27-30 maths. They told me this grade is good enough for the trade I am applying...
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    How to get family on board

    My family name is weird as hell for this country but I don't care. It didn't make me hesitate one second when applying. It's not about your family name, it's about you  8) 8)
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    dilemma - career

    Thanks. Can't be clearer than that, although I believe my obligatory service would be 5 years most probably to repay my debts. Since 4 years of study is around 28-30 months so it makes somewhere in the 5 years if we double it. Meaning 4 years of general service?
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    dilemma - career

    What I was thinking is that the contract is 9 years. That the RMC counts for 4 and that I have to serve 5 (5+4=9), at least that's what I understood at the recruiting office from what he explained me. Why did the person say 9, 13 or something else then at the recruiting office? You're saying...
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    dilemma - career

    I read this one a while ago already  :) Thanks still.
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    dilemma - career

    Ok thanks a lot for the info. So the shortest way remains by going to the RMC/civil university? Well, sounds good for me. If I have no choice then my choice is made at this point. Makes me one step closer to my goal. (NCM doesn't interest me). What about you? Why did you decide to study 3...
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    dilemma - career

    So from what I understand, you signed a 9 year contract as a DEO? Was there any other possibilities? Shorter contracts?
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    dilemma - career

    Those are just details anyway, you understood my point/maybe not actually . But yeah, I was thinking about the CSIC when saying that..
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    dilemma - career

    Never said that. You misunderstood. I said it's probably easy to get into military intelligence with the diploma I expected to do in a civil (it's directly related to intelligence) university. Maybe it's as hard as you say but that's not the point anyway. But thanks for sharing the other info.
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    dilemma - career

    I'm aware, but if we are talking about 9 years, I would rather start at RMC because I prefer starting as soon as I can. Yet, I still have time and will think about it. I have heard also that it's pretty difficult to get a subsidized education in a civilian university. Is it true? What is the...
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    dilemma - career

    Hi, I am currently looking for some advice because I am confused about what I should do and it is really not obvious for me. I would like to start off by saying that I have no doubt that I want to serve as a IO at some point in my life (now or later). First option: I could study 4 years in...